<h3>Technology in the everyday life of the library</h3>
<h4>An interactive narrative about distant future scenarios</h4>
<h5>By Samuel Keller</h5>
<h6>This narrative was developed as part of a master's thesis at the ZHAW</h6>
In this narrative you are employed in a library. To personalize the story and make the dialogues more realistic, please fill in the following field.
<input type=text placeholder="Your first name" data-varname="name">
Your first name will not be saved anywhere and will only be used within your browser to personalize the story.
At the end of each page you will see the link to the next page or several links if you can make a decision:
[[What is the story about?->Ueber das Spiel]]
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_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Anrede', Harlowe.State.variables.anrede]);
Very good, so other characters address you as //$name//.
This interactive story is about immersing yourself in the everyday life of a librarian. These situations take place in a distant future in which very advanced technologies are available. These can greatly relieve us humans and are omnipresent in everyday life. With your decisions, you influence the extent to which a technology is used. In doing so, you change the course of story.
At this point, it should be pointed out that some situations have been artificially shortened or simplified. The author is aware that everyday life in a library is more diverse, and reactions to certain events are very simplified. This simplification is for reading flow and comprehension purposes only.
Before starting, please answer the following questions about your attitude towards the technologies presented. Your data will be stored anonymously in Switzerland and will only be evaluated in the context of this master thesis.
[[Ante survey -> Ante Befragung]]|modalhooks>[]
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</script>Oculus Vista is a (link-repeat:"Smart Glass")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Smart Glasses")]].
Smart glasses are data glasses that display information in the user's field of vision. This is done with the help of augmented reality (AR).
With the help of such smart glasses, it is possible, for example, to display shelf information, routes (e.g. with Google Maps) or measurement data directly in the field of view. The fact that such information brings added value is shown, for example, in warehouse logistics, where such glasses are already frequently used.
The Oculus Vista displays information from the user's own smartphone (chat messages, calendar, etc.) directly in the field of vision. Furthermore, it is possible to read various eBooks with the Oculus Vista without using an additional eReader for it.
The Oculus Vista is also very helpful at work: for example, it can display various additional information such as virtual wayfinding through buildings or transfer "readings" to other programs on the computer. E.g. title information of a book into a library catalog.OmegaBooks is part of (link-repeat:"AtoZ")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"AtoZ")]] and is a platform that specializes in eBooks. Thus, eBooks can be purchased but also streamed via this platform. With a valid subscription, you can get the entire range for a small amount per month. Videris is a program (software) that enables the organization of virtual meetings with various people. Thus, online meetings with business colleagues are just as easy as an exchange with external customers or users.
Soni is a multinational tech company that specializes in artificial intelligence (AI) software. Thus, various products such as (link-repeat:"TimeMaps")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"TimeMaps")]] or (link-repeat:"KeyWords")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"KeyWords")]] distributed by this company.
The main product of Soni is (link-repeat:"Delphi")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Delphi")]], an AI app, which is capable to an answer customer queries.
The wide range of interfaces that the Group offers with its AI solutions makes them compatible with many other programs, which greatly simplifies data exchange.
TimeMaps is an application (software) by (link-repeat:"Soni")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Soni")]], which uses artificial intelligence to create shift schedules that are as resource-optimized as possible.KeyWords is an application (software) by (link-repeat:"Soni")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Soni")]], which allows an automated processing of media and e-media with artificial intelligence.AtoZ is an Internet platform that offers various media services. For example, movies can be streamed or books can be purchased via this platform.
(link-repeat:"OmegaBooks")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"OmegaBooks")]] is a platform for books, which is a part of AtoZ.
1. Do you work in an academic or general public library?
(dropdown: bind $anteWork, "Choose...", "Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek", "Allgemein öffentliche Bibliothek")
(link-repeat:"Smart Glasses")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Smart Glasses")]]
2. Smart glasses are already in use in logistics and industry and support work with augmented reality. Can you imagine support in the library through this technology?
(dropdown: bind $anteSG1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
3. Do you find it desirable to have this technology assist you in your library work?
(dropdown: bind $anteSG2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
(link-repeat:"Open Access")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Open Access")]]
4. Open Access means cost-free and barrier-free access to scientific information of any kind. Do you feel this is a desirable development?
(dropdown: bind $anteOA1, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
5. Can you imagine all scientific publications being public and freely accessible in the future?
(dropdown: bind $anteOA2, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
''Virtual Meetings''
6. Climate change and the demand to limit mobility is always a political topic. The possibility of virtual meetings (e.g. team meetings or customer meetings) can greatly reduce mobility. Do you think it's conceivable that employees and customers in libraries will meet predominantly virtually in the future?
(dropdown: bind $anteVR1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
7. Do you think it's desirable for library staff and customers to meet mostly virtually in the future?
(dropdown: bind $anteVR2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
8. The digitization of library workflows means that more and more jobs can be eliminated in the future due to automation. Can you imagine that?
(dropdown: bind $anteDIGI1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
9. Do you feel this trend of job losses due to automation is desirable?
(dropdown: bind $anteDIGI2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
10. At the moment, artificial intelligence (AI) is still in its infancy. But there is increasing talk of individual processes being taken over by an AI.
Can you imagine that both administrative and advisory processes in the library will not only be supported by an AI, but will be completely taken over?
(dropdown: bind $anteKI1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
11. Do you find it desirable for administrative and advisory processes in the library to be handled by an AI?
(dropdown: bind $anteKI2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
12. Do you find it desirable for administrative and advisory processes in the library to be supported by an AI?
(dropdown: bind $anteKI3, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
''Streaming Services''
13. In recent years, the commercial use of music, films and series has been transformed from physical carrier media to streaming offerings. Can you imagine that such a development will also be possible for books?
(dropdown: bind $anteSTR1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
14. Do you find such a streaming service for books desirable?
(dropdown: bind $anteSTR2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
[[Continue to the introduction ->Einleitung]]
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Imagine $name, you're in your mid-30s.
You've been working in a library since you became a professional. This is already something special: most of your colleagues are now in secondary education or in another professional field. But you like your job, because it is very versatile and reasonably paid. That's why you regularly take advanced courses online to develop yourself further in your professional field and to stay up to date. Otherwise, you lead a rather quiet and regular life.
[[Start the day ->A Start in den Tag]]
My workday starts at 08:30 with a meeting with my supervisor (calendar entry of 30 minutes). Afterwards, a research consultation is scheduled. After that, I have an appointment for lunch with Benjamin. In the afternoon I am assigned to cataloging. So I have a varied day ahead of me. Just then I see another e-mail from my boss. He asks whether we should hold the meeting in his office or virtually:
[[Conducting the conversation virtually ->CA Das Gespräch virtuell führen]]
[[Conducting the conversation in the office ->CB Das Gespräch im Büro führen]]
I put on the (link-repeat:"Oculus Vista")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Oculus Vista")]] and activate it with my voice. Immediately, the menu with various icons appears in my field of vision. I open the calendar by voice command.
My workday starts at 8:30 a.m. with a meeting with my supervisor (calendar entry of 30 minutes). Afterwards, a research consultation is scheduled. After that, I have a lunch appointment with Benjamin. In the afternoon I am assigned to cataloging. So I have a varied day ahead of me. Just then I see another e-mail from my boss. He asks whether we should hold the meeting in the office or virtually:
[[Conducting the conversation virtually ->CA Das Gespräch virtuell führen]]
[[ Conducting the conversation in the office ->CB Das Gespräch im Büro führen]]
Since I'm conducting the conversation virtually, I don't have to take public transport to the library yet. So I still have some time for a coffee before the meeting starts. I wonder what my boss wants to discuss with me. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about artificial intelligence (AI) in libraries. Just yesterday I read an article about it, how AI by (link-repeat:"Soni")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Soni")]] accelerates subject indexing in libraries. AI can recognize the content of the texts and thus carry out the keywording automatically. The procedure is not new, but it hasn't really worked reliably yet. Are we really that far along now? I'm thinking about whether I want to integrate AI more into my everyday work in the future:
[[Yes ->DD Virtuell (mit KW)]]
[[No ->DA Virtuell (ohne KW)]]
On the train, I'm standing close together with other commuters. I wonder what my boss wants to discuss with me. Lately, there's been a lot of talk about artificial intelligence (AI) in libraries. Just yesterday, I read an article about how AI can (link-repeat:"KeyWords")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"KeyWords")]] by (link-repeat:"Soni")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Soni")]] accelerate subject indexing in libraries. AI can recognize the content of the texts and thus perform the indexing automatically. The procedure is not new, but it hasn't really worked reliably yet. I'm thinking about integrating AI more into my daily work in the future:
[[Yes ->DC Im Büro (mit KW)]]
[[No ->DB Im Büro (ohne KW)]]
Punctually at 08:30, the call from my boss appears on my screen. "Good morning $name. Did you have a good weekend?"
"Good morning Hanspeter. Yes, I can't complain, the weather was lovely. And yourself?"
"Likewise, the weather was really great and since I had little planned for once, I was able to enjoy it to the fullest. We had another management meeting last Friday and decided there that we would like to use the software (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] for content indexing of media. The product comes from Soni. The software (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]], which we use for desk layer planning and which has proven itself well, also comes from (link-repeat: "Soni")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Soni")]]. And so now we would like to introduce KeyWords as well."
"Right. I just read an article this weekend about Soni's new AI application. I'm very excited to see what the software has to offer."
"Great! We'd really appreciate it if you could test KeyWords for us sometime."
"Hmm yes, I'd be happy to take a look at it. But then I'd be sure to discuss with colleagues what they think of the results and I'll let you know."
"Thank you very much. I'll be happy to receive your feedback by email then."
"Is good. If that's all, I'd get to work. Have a great day!"
"Thank you, I wish you the same $name." I close the conversation and switch with (link-repeat: "Videris")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Videris")]]
to the [[virtual customer care->ED virtuelle Kundenbetreuung (KW)]]
I sit down in front of my notebook and dial into the tool (link-repeat:"Videris ")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Videris")]]. It's not long before I'm online and the virtual rooms are displayed. Hanspeter, my supervisor, is also already online. Obviously, he is already waiting for me. I click on the room and the video call opens.
"Good morning $name! Did you have a good weekend?"
"Good morning Hanspeter. Yes, I can't complain, the weather was lovely. And yourself?"
"Likewise, the weather was really great and since I didn't have much planned for once, I was able to enjoy it to the fullest. We had another business management meeting last Friday and decided there that we would like to use the software (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]] for desk shift planning. TimeMaps works with artificial intelligence from (link-repeat: "Soni")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Soni")]], you may have read about it?"
"Not much, but I just read an article about it the other day."
"Ah good. We'd really appreciate it if you could review the plans that are created by TimeMaps?"
"Hmm yes, well so far I have been doing the desk shift plans together with Susanne. I'd be happy to take a look at the outputs from TimeMaps and let you know what I think of the results."
"Thank you very much. I'll be happy to receive your feedback by mail then. "
"Is good. If that's all, I'd get to work. Have a great day."
"Thanks, I wish you the same $name." Logging off, I consider whether to do the research consultation virtually from home or at the desk in the library. My decision comes down to:
[[Desk ->EA Deskzug ohne KW]]
[[Virtual->FB Recherche virtuell (ohne KW)]]
At 8:30 a.m. on the dot, I knock on my boss's office door. "Good morning $name! Did you have a good weekend?"
"Good morning Hanspeter. Yes, I can't complain, the weather was wonderful. And yourself? "
"Likewise, the weather was really great and since I had little planned for once, I could enjoy it to the fullest. Please take a seat. "
I sit down opposite my boss and he begins:
"We had another executive meeting last Friday and decided there that we would like to use the (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] software for content indexing of media. The product comes from (link-repeat: "Soni")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Soni")]]. The software (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]], which we use for desk shift planning and which has proven itself, also comes from Soni. And so now we would like to introduce KeyWords as well."
"Right. I just read an article this weekend about Soni's new AI application. I'm very excited to see what the software really has to offer."
"Great! We'd really appreciate it if you could test KeyWords for us sometime."
"Hmm yes, I'd be happy to take a look at it. But then I'd be sure to discuss with colleagues what they think of the results and I'll let you know."
"Thank you very much. I'll be happy to await your feedback via email then. "
"Is good. If that's all, I'd get to work. Have a great day!"
I rise, barely noticing Hanspeter's nod. On my way out, I think about the research consultation. Will it be virtual or at the desk? I check the calendar:"
[[Desk->FC Desk mit KW]]
[[Virtual->ED virtuelle Kundenbetreuung (KW)]]
After a somewhat uncomfortable ride on the train, I arrived at the library 5 minutes late. I should just about make it for the meeting. So I hurry through the library to my supervisor's office. "Good morning $name! Did you have a good weekend? "
"Yes, I can't complain, the weather was lovely. And yourself? "
"Likewise, the weather was really great and since I had little planned for once, I was able to enjoy it to the fullest. Please take a seat. "
I sit down opposite my boss and he begins:
"We had another business management meeting last Friday and decided there that we would like to use the software (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]] for desk shift planning. TimeMaps works with the artificial intelligence of (link-repeat: "Soni")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Soni")]], you may have read about it. "
"Not much, but I just read an article about it the other day."
"Ah good. We'd really appreciate it if you could review the plans that are created by TimeMaps?"
"Hmm yes, so far I've been doing the desk shift plans together with Susanne. But I'd be happy to take a look at the outputs from TimeMaps and let you know what I think of the results. "
"Thank you very much. I'll be happy to receive your feedback by mail then. "
"Is good. If that's all, I'd get to work. Have a nice day."
I rise, barely noticing Hanspeter's nod. On my way out, I think about the research consultation. Will it be virtual or at the desk? I check the calendar:
[[Virtual->FB Recherche virtuell (ohne KW)]]
[[Desk->FA Desk (ohne KW)]]
No sooner have I logged on to the desk at the PC than a user for research advice comes running up to me.
"Good morning! How can I help you?"
"Good morning. I started looking into lobbying a few days ago. I have read some interesting articles about it on the Internet. The bottom line is that the big companies are steering our country. This is not so familiar to me. I have therefore talked in various forums and chat groups with various people. These confirm all my newly gained knowledge: We no longer live in a free state."
"I wouldn't see it quite so narrowly. But some political decisions certainly have certain connections with purely economic interests."
"Yes, if it were only that! The whole thing goes much deeper than that. There are entire family clans that have been involved for decades."
"What did your search look like?"
"I was on all the popular search engines looking for //economic steering by family clans// and similar terms. Especially on video platforms, there are quite a lot of videos there, also with sources. It is almost impossible that so many people are mistaken. I would like to find more information on this now."
"Yes, then let's take a look at what we have. The Internet can confirm just about any theory if you look for it. That's why neutral and reliable sources are especially important."
"Yes but the statements have been backed up with sources!"
"Unfortunately, there are also a lot of unreliable sources. Let's see what we can find. First, it is important that we look at who wrote the article or statement and whether the sources were proofread by scientific publishers. It is always best to read some edited works. Scientific databases are a better place to go for neutral and sound statements than any video platforms. So I can't guarantee that your assumption will be confirmed, but we're sure to find material on the subject."
I go through some search queries with him and pretty quickly we find what we are looking for.
[[I mainly show the media, which we have on site.->GC Medien vor Ort (mit KW)]]
[[I show the media on site and go in depth into the electronic offering.->GC Medien vor Ort und elektronisch (mit KW)]]
I walk out of the house. On the way to the station, I think to myself, "Thank goodness I did the meeting virtually, so I could avoid rush hour." When I arrive at the library, I go straight to the desk.
[[Desk->FA Desk (ohne KW)]]
When it comes to virtual customer support, I have the choice of advising customers myself via our platform, where they can sign up for a (link-repeat: "Videris session")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:? modal)[(display: "Videris")]] can sign up for themselves, or whether I let (link-repeat: "Delphi")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Delphi")]], the AI of (link-repeat: "Soni")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Soni")]], take care of the customer. Basically Delphi from Soni is a slightly better FAQ software. It is able to recognize natural language questions and composes the answer from prefabricated text blocks and information. Through various deep learning applications, this function is already quite passable. If the customer is not satisfied with the answers, he also has the option of requesting help from an employee.
[[I decide for a support by Delphi.->FD Recherche virtuell (durch KI)]]
[[I decide for personal support.->FD Recherche virtuell (ohne KI)]]
I see that (link-repeat: "Delphi")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Delphi")]] is used briskly and some customer requests are answered.
A customer must have selected the //Help by employee// button, because I now get the message on my screen: //A customer wants your help.//
I click on the message and skim the customer's request log:
"Good morning I'm Delphi! How can I help you?"
"Good morning. I'm looking for media on lobbying / corporate influence on politics."
Delphi started the search and returned a few hits.
The customer didn't really seem satisfied, because he repeated his question. Delphi again returned the same hits.
I open (link-repeat: "Videris")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Videris")]] and am connected directly to the customer.
"Good morning! I see that our system could not provide you with any suitable answers. Let's try another approach: tell me what exactly you are looking for."
"I started looking into lobbying a few days ago. I read some interesting articles about it on the Internet. The bottom line is that big companies are steering our country. I'm not too comfortable with that. I have therefore talked in various forums and chat groups with various people. These confirm all my newly gained knowledge: We no longer live in a free state."
"I wouldn't see it quite so narrowly. But some political decisions certainly have certain connections with purely economic interests."
"Yes, if it were only that! The whole thing goes much deeper than that. There are entire family clans that have been involved for decades."
"What did your search look like?"
"I was on all the popular search engines looking for //economic steering by family clans// and similar terms. Especially on video platforms, there are quite a lot of videos there, also with sources. It is almost impossible that so many people are mistaken. I would like to find more information on this now."
"Yes, then let's take a look at what we have. The Internet can confirm just about any theory if you look for it. That's why neutral and reliable sources are especially important."
"Yes but the statements have been backed up with sources!"
"Unfortunately, there are also a lot of unreliable sources. Let's see what we can find. First, it is important that we look at who wrote the article or statement and whether the sources were proofread by scientific publishers. It is always best to read some edited works. Scientific databases are a better place to go for neutral and sound statements than any video platforms. So I can't guarantee that your assumption will be confirmed, but we're sure to find material on the subject."
I go through some search queries with him and pretty quickly we find what we are looking for.
[[I explain the electronic hits.->GD Wir erläutern die elektronischen Treffer]]
I explain the hits found to the customer.
"You see, all these hits are (link-repeat: "Open Access")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Open Access")]]. That is, these are freely available to all of you. These are scientific articles, which you can now use freely. There will be no further fees. Do you have a library account yet?"
"Unfortunately, no. I would still have to have this set up."
"Do you have a Swiss (link-repeat: "e-ID ")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "e-ID")]]?", I ask.
"Of course, can I use this one as well?"
"Sure, let me show you. You can log in directly here with your e-ID login details. The account will then be provided automatically in the background."
"I have another question and that is I like to read novels. Do you happen to have the latest volume of the Game of Thrones series electronically?"
"I'll look in a minute. - I'm sorry, we don't have the book ourselves. But (link-repeat: "OmegaBooks")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "OmegaBooks")]], a commercial provider we work with, has the title. For a small monthly fee, you can use all the titles at OmegaBooks. This platform of (link-repeat: "AtoZ")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "AtoZ")]] is usable with your e-ID data or your AtoZ data. Depending on what you prefer. The good thing about OmegaBooks is that most titles are also readable with the (link-repeat: "Oculus Vista")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Oculus Vista")]]."
"Ah thank you very much, yes an AtoZ account I would have. Then I will have a look there and see what it has. I still like to use the Oculus Vista. Thanks for the tip. In that case, I'm all set. Have a great day!" After saying goodbye, I serve a few more customers along the same lines. 20 minutes past 12, the message lights up on my screen that the appointment with Benjamin is coming up. I log out and make my way to the restaurant.
[[For lunch->HC Mittagessen (KeyWords)]]
I open (link-repeat: "Videris")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Videris")]] and log into the consulting room. A customer created a request a few minutes ago and I check in with him:
"Good morning! How can I help you?"
"Good morning. I started looking into lobbying a few days ago. I have read some interesting articles about it on the Internet. The bottom line is that the big companies are steering our country. This is not so familiar to me. I have therefore talked in various forums and chat groups with various people. These confirm all my newly gained knowledge: We no longer live in a free state."
"I wouldn't see it quite so narrowly. But some political decisions certainly have certain connections with purely economic interests."
"Yes, if it were only that! The whole thing goes much deeper than that. There are entire family clans that have been involved for decades."
"What did your search look like?"
"I was on all the popular search engines looking for //economic steering by family clans// and similar terms. Especially on video platforms, there are quite a lot of videos there, also with sources. It is almost impossible that so many people are mistaken. I would like to find more information on this now."
"Yes, then let's take a look at what we have. The Internet can confirm just about any theory if you look for it. That's why neutral and reliable sources are especially important."
"Yes but the statements have been backed up with sources!"
"Unfortunately, there are also a lot of unreliable sources. Let's see what we can find. First, it is important that we look at who wrote the article or statement and whether the sources were proofread by scientific publishers. It is always best to read some edited works. Scientific databases are a better place to go for neutral and sound statements than any video platforms. So I can't guarantee that your assumption will be confirmed, but we're sure to find material on the subject."
I go through some search queries with him and pretty quickly we find what we are looking for.
[[I explain the electronic hits.->GD Wir erläutern die elektronischen Treffer]]
"Good morning! How can I help you?"
"Good morning. I started looking into lobbying a few days ago. I read some interesting articles about it on the Internet. The bottom line is that the big companies are steering our country. This is not so familiar to me. I have therefore talked in various forums and chat groups with various people. These confirm all my newly gained knowledge: We no longer live in a free state."
"I wouldn't see it quite so narrowly. But some political decisions certainly have certain connections with purely economic interests."
"Yes, if it were only that! The whole thing goes much deeper than that. There are entire family clans that have been involved for decades."
"What did your search look like?"
"I was on all the popular search engines looking for //economic steering by family clans// and similar terms. Especially on video platforms, there are quite a lot of videos there, also with sources. It is almost impossible that so many people are mistaken. I would like to find more information on this now."
"Yes, then let's take a look at what we have. The Internet can confirm just about any theory if you look for it. That's why neutral and reliable sources are especially important."
"Yes but the statements have been backed up with sources!"
"Unfortunately, there are also a lot of unreliable sources. Let's see what we can find. First, it is important that we look at who wrote the article or statement and whether the sources were proofread by scientific publishers. It is always best to read some edited works. Scientific databases are a better place to go for neutral and sound statements than any video platforms. So I can't guarantee that your assumption will be confirmed, but we're sure to find material on the subject."
I go through some search queries with him and pretty quickly we find what we are looking for.
[[I explain the electronic hits.->GB Ich erläutere die elektronischen Treffer (ohne KW)]]
I explain the hits found to the customer.
"You see, all these hits are (link-repeat: "Open Access")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Open Access")]], that is, these are all freely available to you. There are no additional fees. Do you have a library account yet?"
"Unfortunately, no. I would still have to have this set up."
"Do you have a Swiss (link-repeat: "e-ID")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "e-ID")]]?", I ask.
"Of course, can I use this one as well?"
"Sure, let me show you. You can log in directly here with your e-ID login details. The account will then be provided automatically in the background."
"I have another question and that is I like to read novels. Do you happen to have the latest volume of the Game of Thrones series electronically?"
"I'll look in a minute. - I'm sorry, we don't have the book ourselves. But (link-repeat: "OmegaBooks")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "OmegaBooks")]], a commercial provider we work with, has the title. For a small monthly fee, you can use all the titles at OmegaBooks. This platform of (link-repeat: "AtoZ")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "AtoZ")]] is usable with your e-ID data or your AtoZ data. Depending on what you prefer. The good thing about OmegaBooks is that most titles are also readable with the Oculus Vista."
"Ah thank you very much, yes an AtoZ account I would have. I'll have a look there then and see what it has. I still like to use the Oculus Vista. Thanks for the tip. In that case, I'm all set. Have a great day!"
After saying goodbye, I serve a few more customers along the same lines. 20 minutes past 12, the message lights up on my screen that the appointment with Benjamin is coming up. I log out and make my way to the restaurant.
[[For lunch->HA Mittagessen (TimeMaps)]]
No sooner have I logged on to the desk at the PC than a user for research advice comes running up to me.
"Good morning! How can I help you?"
"Good morning. I started looking into lobbying a few days ago. I have read some interesting articles about it on the Internet. The bottom line is that the big companies are steering our country. This is not so familiar to me. I have therefore talked in various forums and chat groups with various people. These confirm all my newly gained knowledge: We no longer live in a free state."
"I wouldn't see it quite so narrowly. But some political decisions certainly have certain connections with purely economic interests."
"Yes, if it were only that! The whole thing goes much deeper than that. There are entire family clans that have been involved for decades."
"What did your search look like?"
"I was on all the popular search engines looking for //economic steering by family clans// and similar terms. Especially on video platforms, there are quite a lot of videos there, also with sources. It is almost impossible that so many people are mistaken. I would like to find more information on this now."
"Yes, then let's take a look at what we have. The Internet can confirm just about any theory if you look for it. That's why neutral and reliable sources are especially important."
"Yes but the statements have been backed up with sources!"
"Unfortunately, there are also a lot of unreliable sources. Let's see what we can find. First, it is important that we look at who wrote the article or statement and whether the sources were proofread by scientific publishers. It is always best to read some edited works. Scientific databases are a better place to go for neutral and sound statements than any video platforms. So I can't guarantee that your assumption will be confirmed, but we're sure to find material on the subject."
I go through some search queries with him and pretty quickly we find what we are looking for.
[[I show especially the media, which we have on site.->GA Medien vor Ort]]
[[I show the media on site and go in depth into the electronic offer.->GA Medien vor Ort und elektronisch]]
I put on the (link-repeat: "Oculus Vista")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Oculus Vista")]]. I do this every time I move between the shelves. With these glasses, the hits previously marked in the catalog are displayed in my field of view. Yes, even the way to the book is shown to me. This makes the work a lot more pleasant. So I hurry through the library with the user and explain to him how he can do this himself in the future. He can either borrow an Oculus Vista from our research stations or, if he has one himself, pair it with the catalog. With the searched and found media under our arms, we go to the self-checkout stations.
"Sorry, I don't have a library account yet. I would still have to have this one set up."
"Do you have a Swiss (link-repeat:" e-ID")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "e-ID")]]?", I ask.
"Of course, can I use this one as well?"
"Sure, I'll show you." We scan the QR code of the Swiss e-ID at the self-checkout, select "create new account" and the library account is ready for use. The books are automatically posted to the account using RFID.
"Thank you. Does this cost anything?"
"No, this does not cost anything. But there may be a fee depending on the service you get from the libraries. You can then choose how you want to pay it yourself online with us."
"Thank you very much and have a nice day".
I say goodbye to him and serve a few more customers along the same lines. After my shift, I say goodbye to Susanne, who is just taking over as my replacement, and go to the restaurant on the corner, where I meet up with Benjamin.
[[For lunch->HA Mittagessen (TimeMaps)]]
I put on the (link-repeat: "Oculus Vista")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Oculus Vista")]]. I do this every time I move between the shelves. With these glasses, the hits previously marked in the catalog are displayed in my field of view. Yes, even the way to the book is shown to me. This makes the work a lot more pleasant.
So I hurry through the library with the user and explain to him how he can do this himself in the future. He can either borrow an Oculus Vista from our research stations or, if he has one himself, pair it with the catalog. With the searched and found media under our arms, we go to the self-checkout stations.
"Sorry, I don't have a library account yet. I would still have to have this one set up."
"Do you have a Swiss (link-repeat: "e-ID")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "e-ID")]]?" I ask.
"Of course, can I use this one as well?"
"Sure, I'll show you." We scan the Swiss e-ID QR code at the self-checkout, select "create new account," and the library account is ready for use. The books are automatically booked to the account using RFID.
"So now we have the printed books. Now if I may show you some electronic resources in the catalog?"
"With pleasure!"
"You see, here we have found some interesting hits. They are not quite up to date but they are all (link-repeat: "Open Access")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Open Access")]]."
"What does open access mean?"
"Open access means freely available sources. But we also have some hits in the results list, which you have to consult here on site or in a university."
"Why is that?"
"That's pretty simple: the universities have paid licenses for these accesses, which you can benefit from. There would otherwise be a charge for these."
"Ah OK. Yes then I will just read through these later."
"If you give me your e-ID for a moment, I can email you the hits I found right away. - Thank you very much, that would be done. Do you have any other questions?"
"No. For the time being, I am served."
"Then I wish you another pleasant day."
After saying goodbye, I serve a few more customers following the same pattern. After my shift, I say goodbye to Susanne, who is just relieving me, and go to the restaurant on the corner, where I meet up with Benjamin.
[[For lunch->HA Mittagessen (TimeMaps)]]
I put on the (link-repeat: "Oculus Vista")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Oculus Vista")]]. I do this every time I move between the shelves. With these glasses, the hits previously marked in the catalog are displayed in my field of view. Yes, even the way to the book is shown to me. This makes the work a lot more pleasant.
So I hurry through the library with the user and explain to him how he can do this himself in the future. He can either borrow an Oculus Vista from our research stations or, if he has one himself, pair it with the catalog. With the searched and found media under our arms, we go to the self-checkout stations.
"Sorry, I don't have a library account yet. I would still have to have this one set up."
"Do you have a Swiss (link-repeat: "e-ID")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "e-ID")]]?" I ask.
"Of course, can I use this one as well?"
"Sure, I'll show you."
We scan the Swiss e-ID QR code at the self-checkout, select "create new account," and the library account is ready for use. The books are also automatically posted to the account using RFID.
"Thank you. Does this cost anything?"
"No, this does not cost anything. But there may be a fee depending on the service you receive from the libraries. You can then choose yourself online how you want to pay it."
"Thank you very much and have a nice day".
I say goodbye to him and serve a few more customers along the same lines. After my shift, I say goodbye to Susanne, who is just relieving me, and go to the restaurant on the corner, where I meet up with Benjamin.
[[For lunch->HC Mittagessen (KeyWords)]]
I put on the (link-repeat: "Oculus Vista")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Oculus Vista")]]. I do this every time I move between the shelves. With these glasses, the hits previously marked in the catalog are displayed in my field of view. Yes, even the way to the book is shown to me. This makes the work a lot more pleasant.
So I hurry through the library with the user and explain to him how he can do this himself in the future. He can either borrow an Oculus Vista from our research stations or, if he has one himself, pair it with the catalog. With the searched and found media under our arms, we go to the self-checkout stations.
"Sorry, I don't have a library account yet. I would still have to have this one set up."
"Do you have a Swiss (link-repeat: "e-ID")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "e-ID")]]?" I ask.
"Of course, can I use this one as well?"
"Sure, I'll show you." We scan the Swiss e-ID QR code at the self-checkout, select "create new account," and the library account is ready for use. The books are automatically booked to the account using RFID.
"So now we have the printed books. Now if I could show you some electronic resources in the catalog?"
"With pleasure!"
"You see, here we have found some interesting hits. They are not quite up to date but they are all (link-repeat: "Open Access")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Open Access")]]."
"What does open access mean?"
"Open access means freely available sources. We also have some hits here in the results list, which you need to consult here on site or at a university."
"Why is that?" "That's pretty simple: the universities have paid licenses for these accesses, which you can benefit from. There would otherwise be a charge for these."
"Ah OK. Yes then I will just read through these later."
"If you give me your e-ID for a moment, I can email you the hits I found right away - Thank you, that would be done. Do you have any other questions?"
"No. For the time being, I am served."
"Then I wish you another pleasant day."
After saying goodbye, I serve a few more customers following the same pattern. After my shift, I say goodbye to Susanne, who is just taking over as my replacement, and go to the restaurant on the corner, where I meet up with Benjamin.
[[For lunch->HC Mittagessen (KeyWords)]]
"Hi Beni!"
"Hi $name, on time again as usual."
"Of course, planning is everything. Speaking of planning Hanspeter, my boss, had another great assignment for me this morning."
"I see, does he want to promote you again?"
"No, I'm supposed to test (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] for our library."
"Mhm, interesting... Do you know what you want to eat yet?"
Benjamin holds out the tablet with the menu suggestions to me.
"I'll have the usual, which is the Thai curry. Can you order it for me at the same time? I'll pay cash then."
Benjamin presses a few buttons on the tablet and then sets it aside.
"So you're introducing KeyWords?"
"Yes, or rather I'm supposed to test how the outputs come across. Do you already know it? And do you have any helpful tips for me?"
"Unfortunately no... I've read quite a bit about it, but haven't had any direct contact with it yet. In any case, it sounds very promising. Whether it can really do what it promises remains to be seen. I am curious about your feedback. So far, no bugs or errors have been mentioned in the reports I've read. I'm curious to see if you find anything. You always find something."
The food is brought.
"Well, not always either. But thank you for the flowers. Maybe this really is the breakthrough we've been waiting for. It makes me worry a little about my job, doesn't it?"
"No, why should I? I could use my time for other things then. And if my boss wants to put me out on the street, we're well covered socially with the basic income."
We turn our attention to our steaming plates and talk about the latest Nolan film. After dinner, I say goodbye to Benjamin and go back to my office in the library.
[[Back to the office ->IC Büro mit KW]]
"Hi Beni!"
"Hi $name, on time again as usual."
"Of course, planning is everything. Speaking of planning, Hanspeter, my boss, had another great assignment for me this morning."
"I see, does he want to promote you again?"
"No, I'm supposed to (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]] on my toes."
"Mhm, interesting... Do you know what you want to eat yet?" Benjamin holds out the tablet with the menu suggestions to me.
"I'll have the usual, which is the Thai curry. Can you order it for me at the same time? I'll pay cash then."
Benjamin presses a few buttons on the tablet and then sets it aside.
"So you're introducing TimeMaps?"
"Yes, or rather I'm supposed to test how the outputs come across. Do you know it yet?"
"Sure, we actually plan all our desk plans with TimeMaps. It's very practical and efficient. You can request changes very spontaneously and the system even takes your wishes into account. Also, the distribution within the team is always very fair. I'm curious to hear your opinion."
"With this support, your scope of work has probably shortened significantly... Aren't you worried that other work will be taken away from us as well?"
"Nah, this gives me the opportunity to invest my time in work that needs more attention. Besides, TimeMaps does need someone here and there to check the schedules. And if my boss wants to put me on the street, we're socially well protected with the basic income."
The food is brought. We devote ourselves to our steaming plates and talk about the latest Nolan film. After the meal, I say goodbye to Benjamin and go back to my office in the library.
[[Back to the office ->IA Büro ohne KW]]
I log in to my PC and put on my (link-repeat: "Oculus Vista")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "Oculus Vista")]]. A whole stack of books is waiting to be captured by me. Most of the formal data is already in the catalog. I search for the record of the book that is currently in front of me: "Mathematical Equations for Everyone" by Terry Jones. The data set is found quickly. The book data is actually all there. I go through the most important fields like title, author, year, edition and publisher.
The missing entries are automatically transferred from the Oculus Vista to the library system. //"Oculus Vista - looks can now catalog."//
An advertising slogan that somehow comes true. In keywording the title, I'm helped by (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] from Soni. From a list of keywords suggested to me, I can still remove the ones that don't apply or, which happens rather rarely, add keywords.
After a few catalogs my concentration wanes and as a change I devote myself to shift planning.
[[Shift planning ->JA Schichtplanung]]
I log into the system and dedicate myself to the books I wanted to index. The formal cataloging is already fully automatic. I can simply search for the titles and the formal indexing is loaded within seconds. The screen is ready for subject indexing. I take a title, note some keywords and turn back to the screen. Now there is a new button on the screen for KeyWords, "machine indexing". I press it and various terms appear in the screen. I compare them with my notes. Seems to be good so far. Even some very apt terms that I hadn't come up with. I repeat the process with different books. The results are very convincing and I can often adopt them directly. (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] actually works very reliably. I look up from my screen.
"Hey Daniela, do you know KeyWords yet?"
"Yes, Hanspeter asked me today if I would test it. So far everything looks good. What makes you think that?"
"I am also testing it right now and the first impression is very convincing. Shall we write the feedback together and describe our first attempts with the program?"
"Sure, I've already prepared something and was just about to read it through again before I send it. You can take over and add your input. Then I can even finish work a little earlier today. Bye and thanks!"
"Alright, I'll read it through, add to it and then send it off. See you tomorrow!"
While I am reading through the mail, I am thinking about my work and the development of AI. What will I have to do in the future? Will the AI soon take everything off my hands? What should I do with the newly gained time?
With the progress of AI, I decide to,
... to reduce my workload and [[to take a step back professionally->KB Kürzer treten (KW)]]. I could further my education or finally start the long-awaited painting course!
… that I have nothing to fear. AI is already well developed, but it still needs a lot of support. For the newfound time in the library, I'm sure new tasks will be added soon. [[I have nothing to fear. ->KD Nichts dergleichen tun]]
I look at what plans TimeMaps has put together and compare them to my own plans and usage statistics. Interestingly, TimeMaps creates schedules similar to mine. On some off-peak hours, the program uses fewer staff than on others. The AI interprets the statistics for TimeMaps somewhat differently than I did intuitively. I have always been a bit cautious in my calculations. But I have to admit that we often had little to do at the desk during those hours. Now I turn to Susanne's notes on TimeMaps. She assesses the situation in the same way as I do. Normally she is even a bit more cautious than I with such tools, but this time she seems to be convinced as well. I write Hanspeter an email that I share the assessment of GL as well as Susanne. The software does a good job and the plans are ready for the first test phase. We can start directly with it from next Monday. I am thinking about what this change means for me now.
I decide,
… [[to reduce my workload->KB Kürzer treten (TM)]], as TimeMaps will soon also take over another part of my work. I could start a further education or finally the long-awaited painting course!
… [[to continue as normal ->KA Weitermachen]] with another helpful tool that supports me. TimeMaps will probably not have a big impact on my workload.
The shift planning of (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]] predicts that some hours can be saved by each team member. I use this prediction and will submit a request to Hanspeter, asking to reduce to 40%. I will invest the time gained in further training. Since we have an unconditional basic income and government support for further education, I can dare to take this step without having to worry, despite the financial loss from my professional activities.
[[Post survey ->L Post Befragung]]
It's Friday and KeyWords has convinced the whole library staff in no time. Now Hanspeter has invited me again for a talk. Virtually, of course.
"Hi Hanspeter, what a week!"
"Hello $name. Yes there has been a lot going on. That's why I wanted to talk to you. (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] is according to our calculations more efficient than our employees and will take a lot of work off our hands. Therefore, we will cut several jobs in the course of this year. Unfortunately, you will also be affected by this reduction. But you're still young, you have good chances and a new orientation could certainly appeal to you."
The whole thing hits me quite unexpectedly. I didn't expect that at all today.
"Hmm, yes, I really like my job in the library, and I particularly enjoy working with the users. Sure, I could certainly add on some further training, but still... How did you imagine it?"
"Well, we can keep you busy until the end of the year. We still need support, especially in training the tools, but after that it would probably be over. Until then, you have time to reorient yourself and think about what you want to do."
"Yes, then I guess I have no choice... I'll think of something." Saddened, I end the meeting. I don't have to worry about finances; the unconditional basic income provides for the bare necessities. Still, I'm saddened by the outcome of this work week... I guess I'll now spend my weekend re-planning my future. A second education in the social sector might be something for me....
[[Post survey ->L Post Befragung]]
TimeMaps has taken over the desk shift planning, but really not much time can be saved so far, according to predictions. If my estimations and those of (link-repeat: "TimeMaps")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "TimeMaps")]] are correct, I will still have a lot to do in the next years. So my job is versatile and secure even in the distant future.
[[Post survey ->L Post Befragung]]
With this possible future scenario, how do you now assess the use of the following technologies?
''Smart Glasses''
1. Smart glasses are already in use in logistics and industry and support work with augmented reality. Can you imagine support in the library through this technology?
(dropdown: bind $postSG1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
2. Do you find it desirable to have this technology assist you in your library work?
(dropdown: bind $postSG2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
''Open Access''
3. Open Access means cost-free and barrier-free access to scientific information of any kind. Do you feel this is a desirable development?
(dropdown: bind $postOA1, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
4. Can you imagine all scientific publications being public and freely accessible in the future?
(dropdown: bind $postOA2, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
''Virtual Meetings''
5. Climate change and the demand to limit mobility is always a political topic. The possibility of virtual meetings (e.g. team meetings or customer meetings) can greatly reduce mobility. Do you think it's conceivable that employees and customers in libraries will meet predominantly virtually in the future?
(dropdown: bind $postVR1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
6. Do you think it is desirable for library staff and customers to meet mainly virtually in the future?
(dropdown: bind $postVR2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
7. The digitization of library workflows means that more and more jobs can be eliminated in the future due to automation. Can you imagine that?
(dropdown: bind $postDIGI1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
8. Do you feel this trend of job losses due to automation is desirable?
(dropdown: bind $postDIGI2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
9. At the moment, artificial intelligence (AI) is still in its infancy. But there is increasing talk of individual processes being taken over by an AI.
Can you imagine that both administrative and advisory processes in the library will not only be supported by an AI, but will be completely taken over?
(dropdown: bind $postKI1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
10. Do you find it desirable for administrative and advisory processes in the library to be handled by an AI?
(dropdown: bind $postKI2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
11. Do you find it desirable for administrative and advisory processes in the library to be supported by an AI?
(dropdown: bind $postKI3, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
''Streaming Services''
12. In recent years, the commercial use of music, films and series has been transformed from physical carrier media to streaming offerings. Can you imagine that such a development will also be possible for books?
(dropdown: bind $postSTR1, "Choose...", "very likely", "rather likely", "possible", "rather unlikely", "not at all")
13. Do you find such a streaming service for books desirable?
(dropdown: bind $postSTR2, "Choose...", "very desirable
","rather desirable", "possibly desirable", "rather not desirable", "not desirable at all")
''Closing question''
14. What thoughts and open questions does the story still trigger in you? (Please only keywords, too long answers can not be submitted)
<input type=text placeholder="Dein Antwort" data-varname="AntwortBedurfnis">
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'AntwortBedurfnis', Harlowe.State.variables.AntwortBedurfnis]);
I ask you to indicate age and gender. At this point it should be said again that your name will not be stored and the data will be passed on in anonymized form.
Ich bin (dropdown: bind $geschlecht, "Choose...", "female", "male", "divers", "no answer")
My year of birth is (dropdown: bind $alter, "Choose...", "no answer","2010","2009","2008","2007","2006","2005","2004","2003","2002","2001","2000","1999","1998","1997","1996","1995","1994","1993","1992","1991","1990","1989","1988","1987","1986","1985","1984","1983","1982","1981","1980","1979","1978","1977","1976","1975","1974","1973","1972","1971","1970","1969","1968","1967","1966","1965","1964","1963","1962","1961","1960","1959","1958","1957","1956","1955","1954","1953","1952","1951","1950","1949","1948","1947","1946","1945","1944","1943","1942","1941","1940","1939","1938","1937","1936","1935","1934","1933","1932","1931","1930","1929","1928","1927","1926","1925","1924","1923","1922","1921","1920","1919","1918","1917","1916","1915","1914","1913","1912","1911","1910","1909","1908",
(set: $history to (history:))
[[Proceed to the last step ->Ende]]
Almost there:
For evaluation purposes, this data must now be passed on to the survey tool Limesurvey.". Once again, your name will not be saved and the data will be passed on anonymously.
The following link will take you to Limesurvey. Please do not change any data there and go directly to the "Submit" step!
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung Work', Harlowe.State.variables.postWork]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung SG1', Harlowe.State.variables.postSG1]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung SG2', Harlowe.State.variables.postSG2]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung OA1', Harlowe.State.variables.postOA1]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung OA2', Harlowe.State.variables.postOA2]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung VR1', Harlowe.State.variables.postVR1]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung VR2', Harlowe.State.variables.postVR2]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung DIGI1', Harlowe.State.variables.postDIGI1]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung DIGI2', Harlowe.State.variables.postDIGI2]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung KI1', Harlowe.State.variables.postKI1]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung KI2', Harlowe.State.variables.postKI2]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung KI3', Harlowe.State.variables.postKI3]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung STR1', Harlowe.State.variables.postSTR1]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung STR2', Harlowe.State.variables.postSTR2]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Geschlecht', Harlowe.State.variables.geschlecht]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Alter', Harlowe.State.variables.alter]);
var a = "https://survey.webcenter.ch/limesurvey2018/index.php/592183?newtest=Y&lang=de&"
var b0 = "Ante0='+"
var b1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteWork;
var c0 = "+'&Ante1='+"
var c1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteSG1;
var d0 = "+'&Ante2='+"
var d1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteSG2;
var e0 = "+'&Ante3='+"
var e1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteOA1;
var f0 = "+'&Ante4='+"
var f1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteOA2;
var g0 = "+'&Ante5='+"
var g1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteVR1;
var h0 = "+'&Ante6='+"
var h1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteVR2;
var i0 = "+'&Ante7='+"
var i1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteDIGI1;
var j0 = "+'&Ante8='+"
var j1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteDIGI2;
var k0 = "+'&Ante9='+"
var k1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteKI1;
var l0 = "+'&Ante10='+"
var l1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteKI2;
var m0 = "+'&Ante11='+"
var m1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteKI3;
var n0 = "+'&Ante12='+"
var n1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteSTR1;
var o0 = "+'&Ante13='+"
var o1 = Harlowe.State.variables.anteSTR2;
var ac0 = "+'&Post1='+"
var ac1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postSG1;
var ad0 = "+'&Post2='+"
var ad1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postSG2;
var ae0 = "+'&Post3='+"
var ae1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postOA1;
var af0 = "+'&Post4='+"
var af1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postOA2;
var ag0 = "+'&Post5='+"
var ag1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postVR1;
var ah0 = "+'&Post6='+"
var ah1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postVR2;
var ai0 = "+'&Post7='+"
var ai1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postDIGI1;
var aj0 = "+'&Post8='+"
var aj1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postDIGI2;
var ak0 = "+'&Post9='+"
var ak1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postKI1;
var al0 = "+'&Post10='+"
var al1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postKI2;
var am0 = "+'&Post11='+"
var am1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postKI3;
var an0 = "+'&Post12='+"
var an1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postSTR1;
var ao0 = "+'&Post13='+"
var ao1 = Harlowe.State.variables.postSTR2;
var AntwortBedurfnis0 = "+'&Post14='+"
var AntwortBedurfnis1 = Harlowe.State.variables.AntwortBedurfnis;
var p0 = "+'&Post0='+"
var p1 = Harlowe.State.variables.history
var q0 = "+'&Geschlecht='+"
var q1 = Harlowe.State.variables.geschlecht
var r0 = "+'&Alter='+"
var r1 = Harlowe.State.variables.alter
var result = a + b0 + b1 + c0 + c1 + d0 + d1 + e0 + e1 + f0 + f1 + g0 + g1 + h0 + h1 + i0 + i1 + j0 + j1 + k0 + k1 + l0 + l1 + m0 + m1 + n0 + n1 + o0 + o1 + ac0 + ac1 + ad0 + ad1 + ae0 + ae1 + af0 + af1 + ag0 + ag1 + ah0 + ah1 + ai0 + ai1 + aj0 + aj1 + ak0 + ak1 + al0 + al1 + am0 + am1 + an0 + an1 + ao0 + ao1 + AntwortBedurfnis0 + AntwortBedurfnis1 + p0 + p1 + q0 + q1 + r0 + r1;
$('a').attr('href', result);
<a href="" target="_blank">Submit data to LimeSurvey</a>
Thanks so much for your valued time and input!
The e-ID or E-ID is a personal ID that can be used to identify oneself to various digital service providers. The advantage of this e-ID is that the identification is uniquely secured by the federal government. With such an e-ID, various logins become obsolete and everything runs only via this ID.
It is Monday morning. The news wakes me up with an increasingly loud tone. One topic of the day, as is so often the case, is the discussion about basic income. //How high should this be?//
As I get out of bed, I am informed again how in Japan the number of mental disorders is rapidly increasing due to the ongoing work stress that many employees are exposed to.
After my usual morning routine, I still go through my daily routine at home. I had Friday off, and work schedules can change very quickly. Therefore, I like to check when I need to be at my workstation. My commute to the library is just under 30 minutes by public transit, but it's an expensive 30 minutes. Unless it is necessary, many avoid squeezing into public transportation. The reason is the high cost of mobility. People want as little mobility as possible in and between cities to avoid making the climate crisis even worse.
I have two options to check my daily routine: with my [[Smartphone ->BA Smartphone]] or with my [[Smart Glass->BB Smart Glass]].
Smart glasses are data glasses that display information in the user's field of vision. This is done with the help of augmented reality (AR).
With the help of such smart glasses, it is possible, for example, to display shelf information, routes (e.g. with Google Maps) or measurement data directly in the field of view. The fact that such information brings added value is shown, for example, in warehouse logistics, where such glasses are already frequently used.
Delphi is an artificial intelligence (AI) by (link-repeat:"Soni")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"Soni")]], which is able to answer simple customer queries. For this purpose, the AI uses various predefined answers. With these as a basis and new questions and answers from daily use, the AI learns independently to give better and better answers to all kinds of questions.Open Access is free access to scientific literature and other materials on the Internet. Publishing a scientific document under open access conditions gives anyone permission to read, download, save, link to, print and thus use this document free of charge.
This provides the opportunity to make knowledge freely accessible and usable to all.
The indexing by (link-repeat: "KeyWords")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "KeyWords")]] works very well. I will use the now freed up time in the indexing department to attend a further education. Therefore I will submit a request to Hanspeter to reduce my workload to 40% next spring. I will invest the time gained in further training. Since we have an unconditional basic income and state support for further education, I can take this step without having to worry, despite the financial loss from my professional activity.
[[Post survey ->L Post Befragung]]