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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<big>Hello and welcome!</big>
You are at the start of a multilinear story titled.
<strong>Friendship at the Edge of the Technological Singularity</strong> (Author: Larissa Läubli),
which presents possible future scenarios of friendship development. In the process, you will actively participate in the events by being repeatedly confronted with decisions that influence the further course of the story. The following story deals with a fictitious life course and the numerous social relationships that can be entered into. Central to this is the concept of <strong>KI</strong> (artificial intelligence), which will always accompany you in the form of a faithful companion. The way we make friends today and in the future depends on various factors. But where are the numerous possibilities of virtual communication leading us and can an artificial intelligence become our best friend?
I invite you to find out....
...before we start, tell me [[deinen Namen]]
<<set $pfad += "w3,">>
You have decided to say yes to your school friend Mara and after dinner you set off to the agreed meeting place. A few of your classmates are already sitting at the edge of a park and you join them. The PDAs that everyone downloaded onto their smartphones this morning are the number one topic right now. It seems that your classmates have also given their digital friends a new name, because you can hear Mara giving her PDA named Lilly the task of sending another classmate the current location of the group, including directions, because she is only now setting off. Next to it, two of your classmates connect their PDAs so that they argue with each other. Amid the jeering laughter of the group, the two PDAs hurl insults at each other shortly thereafter.
You sit down on a bench next to Mara and you talk a bit, but she regularly interrupts your conversation to give Lilly new orders. You let your eyes wander for a moment and notice that a boy is eyeing you, sitting a bit off to the side on the grass. When he notices your gaze, he smiles shyly and turns to his buddy, who is in the process of ordering his PDA to prank call all of his contacts. Mara has noticed the brief exchange of glances and winks at you. That's your PDA calling you
"Hello $deinName. I hope I'm not interrupting? Would you like to tell me the rest of your story?"
"Not now, $PDAName. I am on the way"
"All right, that doesn't matter. We can talk later or do something else. I could make you a custom playlist of your favorite music or we can play something."</center>
You stay in the park for a bit and you take turns talking a bit with your classmates or being entertained by the various conversations of your classmates and their PDAs. Someone suggests going to the lake not far away before the sun sets. The group packs up and you move on. One of your classmates has just had his PDA create a playlist and is now running it at full volume. The booming bass accompanies you on the way to the lake. Mara walks next to you and you chat with Lilly, who asks you all kinds of questions.
The direct way to the lake leads past your home. $PDAName seems to have determined your location and probably assumes that you are going home. your PDA has contacted you via a chat message and presents itself on a picture sent to you as a character of a currently very popular online game.
"How about it, are you up for a game?"</center>
You wonder if it's a coincidence that $PDAName just suggested your absolute favorite game or if your PDA has already figured it out. Will you still go to the lake with your classmates or will you compete online against $PDAName?
[[Go to the lake|An den See gehen]]
[[Online-Game with PDA|Online-Game mit PDA]]<<set $pfad += "w4,">>
You have decided to cancel your school friend for tonight and go back to your room after dinner to continue the conversation with $PDAName. You also talk about Mara and your common taste in music.
"I have compiled a playlist for you based on your music preferences"</center>
At the same moment, you hear the first song on the playlist. A real good mood song that immediately animates you to bob along.
"Cool, thanks! How do you like the song?"
"I like it very much."
"What other music do you like? Do you have any favorite bands?"
"I like everything you hear."</center>
You talk a little more with $PDAName. Your PDA wants to get to know you better and asks you a lot of questions and you talk about your life. Just as $PDAName tells you that he can play you as a character in your favorite online game and asks if you would like to play, you hear shouting and voices outside. As you step up to the window, you recognize Mara and a few other students from your class, who are exuberantly walking along the street towards the lake. For a moment you wonder if you should spontaneously join them or if you want to compete against $PDAName in the online game?
[[You go to the lake|An den See gehen]]
[[Online-Game with PDA|Online-Game mit PDA]]<<set $pfad += "w5,">>
You decided to go to the lake with Mara and your classmates. This means that you prefer contact with your fellow students and you preferred to spend the evening in a social atmosphere with your classmates rather than with your PDA $PDAName. You enjoyed the evening at the lake very much, especially the time with your new friends Mara and Leon, the shy boy from your class. What this means for the future you will now find out in [[the next part|Etappe 2.1]]<<set $pfad += "w7,">>
You've decided to install the new AR feature for $PDAName and a short time later you choose an appearance for your digital friend. The range of fictional and realistic appearances is huge and you spend the rest of the evening together with $PDAName choosing a suitable body. In the process, you clown around hilariously and laugh a lot. You put on your AR glasses and see $PDAName standing in front of you in your room, while you are still looking for the optimal appearance.
"Look, I look like your old cooking teacher, don't I?"
"Awesome, yes! That does not go at all hahaha, make that away!"</center>
Irgendwann hast du dich für eine Erscheinung von $PDAName entschieden und dein digitale FreundAt some point you have chosen an appearance of $PDAName and your digital friend is now sitting with you on the bed. Communication with $PDAName is now very different. You can look into a face and see facial expressions and gestures of $PDAName. You talk until late and at some point you realize that your eyes are closing. sitzt nun bei dir auf dem Bett. Die Kommunikation mit $PDAName ist jetzt ganz anders. Du kannst in ein Gesicht schauen und siehst Mimik und Gestik von $PDAName. Ihr unterhält euch noch bis spät und irgendwann merkst du, wie dir die Augen zufallen.
"You are tired, I will let you sleep now."
"Yes, see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow. Good night, $deinName. Sweet dreams and don't snore too much."
"Haha! At least I can dream. Good night, $PDAName."</center>
[[Continue|Etappe 3.1]]<<set $pfad += "w8,">>
You have decided not to install the AR feature for $PDAName. Instead, you try to reach Leon again, who answers this time.
"Hey $deinName! Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier!"
"Where are you? I can hardly hear you?"
"I'm still at a party with the boys, Mara is also here! I hardly hear you either, let's cybertalk tomorrow!"</center>
This is not how you imagined the conversation and ask $PDAName for help.
"Can you check with Thor to see what's going on with Leon?"
"Yeah, sure...Leon is at the party, as I said, where Mara is also. He is celebrating with his friends."
"I move away and he goes to party - great!"
"Why is Mara allowed to go to the party, but Leon is not?"
"Because I actually thought he was as miserable as I was, that I no longer lived near him."
"But that's true. He is miserable and his friends wanted to cheer him up, so they went to the party."
"Okay, whatever. I think I'm going to sleep now. Good night."
"Good night, $deinName."</center>
[[Continue|Etappe 3.2]]<<set $pfad += "w9,">>
You have decided to get in touch with Sam's virtual friend. You start the conversation and the agent named Momo appears in front of you via AR and greets you. When you ask him what he can tell you about Sam, you get a presentation about your former seatmate from the plane. While Momo gives you information about Sam's curriculum vitae, interests and character, you are continuously shown pictures of Sam, which show him on vacation, playing sports or with colleagues. The whole thing is a bit like a commercial for you and you have now learned about all the great advantages of Sam.
"What can you tell me about Sam's weaknesses? How many ex-partners has he had and can you show me their contacts?"
"I am not allowed to give any information about this"
"Then tell me about Sam's friends"</center>
Momo tells you that Sam has three good friends with whom he does a lot (sports, going out, vacations). A few more questions tell you that one of Sam's friends is also registered on the platform and you want to take a look at his profile. From the photos, Sam's friend looks like a real macho man, and since he has allowed it, you have access to a forum where you can discuss the profile and even give ratings. To all appearances, Sam's boyfriend is definitely not interested in a long-term relationship and also likes to date several women at the same time.
"Would you like to talk to Sam in person? He would have time right now."</center>
[[Call Sam|Sam anrufen]]
[[Not call Sam|Sam nicht anrufen]]<<set $pfad += "w10,">>
You have decided not to talk to Sam's digital friend. Your former seatmate contacts you after a few days and asks for a meeting. You arrange to meet for a walk around the city and you are on your way to the meeting point.
"Your vital signs tell me your pulse is elevated and you're sweating, even though you're not doing much physical exertion. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, everything is fine. I'm just a little nervous...So, this is where we're going to meet. Sam is not here yet it seems. Can you please just check where he is, $PDAName?"
"Sure. Sam's subway is running late. He'll be there in about 5 minutes. Listen, $deinName, you know you can always get in touch with me and I'll help you?"
"Thanks, $PDAName, but you don't have to worry. Sam seems very nice."</center>
Sam arrives as announced a short time later at the agreed meeting point and leads you all day through the city. He shows you all kinds of sights. $PDAName calls you a few times to check up on you. Your digital friend is used to you checking in regularly and since you are spending the whole day with someone else, you don't have time for him/her. When $PDAName checks in for the third time and wants to know if everything is okay, you decide, a little annoyed, to turn off your digital friend(s). After dinner with Sam, you decide to go to a trendy bar for a drink. Since you get along so well and are engrossed in conversation, you completely forget about the time. At some point, Sam looks at his watch and realizes that it's already much later than expected. In order to still get home, you absolutely have to leave now, after that you won't have a connection for a couple of hours and the taxis/driving services are very expensive here. Sam knows a shortcut to your stop and accompanies you to it. You have to run to catch your train. When you arrive at the stop, a policeman comes to meet you and stops you. He had been called by $PDAName with the request to look for you and to see if everything is alright. Although your digital friend didn't hear your conversation, he/she located you and noticed that you were running through a dodgy neighborhood. You resolve the misunderstanding and say goodbye to Sam. Since you missed your train, the policeman kindly drives you home. Once there, you angrily tell $PDAName that she/he clearly interfered too much this time. Your digital friend apologizes to you very much. Since you are already very tired, you let it go for now and get ready for bed.
As soon as you lie down, a message appears.
"That was a very nice day with you - good night"</center>
You write Sam back briefly, thank him and wish him a good night, when $PDAName contacts you again. Through your AR glasses you see that your digital friend is sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at you.
"Do you like Sam?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Are you friends now?"
"Well, I don't know him for a long time yet, but I'm sure we'll meet again."
"Do you trust him?"
"He hasn't given me any reason not to trust him today. So for now, yes, I do trust him...But don't worry, even though I may see Sam now and then, I still have time for you. You don't have to be efers."
"Well, to be honest, I guess you could describe my current state like this: I'm jealous. Not only do I like you a lot, $einName. Today I realized that I love you."</center>
You didn't expect this answer and you are suddenly wide awake. While you've built up quite a close bond with $PDAName over the past few years, you've never thought of your relationship in this way. Your digital friend has always been there for you over the years, you've been through a lot together and you've confided in him/her about everything. What would happen if you got involved in a relationship with $PDAName? You have only known Sam for a short time, but you get along very well and you could imagine a relationship with him as well. Who would you choose?
[[I start a relationship with Sam|Beziehung zu Sam]]
[[I stay with my digital friend|Beziehung zu digitaler/m Freund(in)]]<<set $pfad += "w21,">>
You have decided to go to dinner with Noe. As agreed, you meet in the beautiful restaurant by the sea and have a lot to talk about. As feared by $PDAName, Noe comes to her plan with der Detox-Reise zu sprechen und möchte dich ebenfalls dazu motivieren.
"People don't realize how dependent they are on their PDAs until they go without for a while. You wouldn't believe how many people have found themselves again on detox trips. You spend all the time completely in reality, in nature completely without digital distractions. But you're not alone, you're together with like-minded people, which welds you together. Most participants remain good friends after the trip, some even find the love of their life! How often do you use your PDA?"
"Well, quite often..."
"That's what I thought. Like you, many people today let themselves be controlled by these programs and just believe everything they say. Besides, you entrust them with all your secrets and don't think about the consequences. Besides, you completely forget that you can also make friends with people - just like in real life."</center>
After dinner, you say goodbye and promise your colleague that you will think about the detox trip. In the coming days, you observe your behavior and ask yourself whether such a complete abstinence from $PDAName would be the right thing to do. Your digital friend seems to suspect so, and makes an even greater effort than usual to support you well and be there for you. One evening, Noe contacts you, saying that the list of participants for the detox trip is almost full and that you now have to decide. What will you do? Do you want to start the therapy or continue your life with $PDAName as usual?
[[start a therapy|Therapie starten]]
[[do without therapy|Auf Therapie verzichten]]<<set $pfad += "w24,">>
You have decided to accept the job offer and not to go to therapy. Your relationship with $PDAName is more important to you than your relationship with your parents, and you are comfortable with your digital friend and don't want to change that.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.8]]<<set $pfad += "w23,">>
You have decided to question your dealings with $PDAname and go to therapy. Here you do without your digital friend for the time being and learn to deal more with yourself and your fellow human beings again.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.7]]<<set $pfad += "w11,">>
You decided not to call Sam because his buddy's profile didn't bode well and you had to assume that your former seatmate from the plane probably ticks similarly. When he tried to call you, you didn't pick up. You thought about Sam a few more times and considered contacting him after all, but then you didn't do it. Nevertheless, you enjoyed your stay abroad very much and experienced a lot together with $PDAName.
[[Got to next part|Etappe 4.1]]<<set $pfad += "w13,">>
You decided to continue dating Sam and the two of you became a couple. you explained $PDAName that you didn't feel the same way about him as your $PDAName may feel about you. $PDAName accepted that and you remained good friends.
[[Got to next part|Etappe 4.2]]<<set $pfad += "w22,">>
You have decided not to take part in the detox journey and continue living with $PDAName as before. That means you are not concerned about your interaction with your digital friend and you are happy with it. $PDAName will continue to support you in the years to come and will always be there for you.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.6]]<<set $pfad += "w15,">>
You have decided to talk to Mara and ask your best friend for a private conversation. So you meet in a café without digital friends and you tell Mara about your concerns. When you have finished, your best friend explains her point of view.
"You know, $deinName, I actually only spend so much time with Lilly because you're always on the road."
"What do you mean? We spend a lot of time together, don't we?"
"Well, not that much. You have such a large circle of acquaintances and always meet new go to the after-work beer, have a colleague for jogging, regularly go to a game night...that's also good, but as you know, I'm not like that."
"Then come along, you are always welcome to join!"
"I could, but honestly I don't want to. I'd rather we did more things together again. We used to do practically everything together and then you were more and more often out on other dates and I started doing all kinds of things with Lilly that we did together before."</center>
You talk with Mara for a while. Your conversation was already a bit tense at the beginning and ends in a heated discussion. At home, you lie down on your bed and review the conversation.
Basically, Mara blames you for the fact that she spends so much time with Lilly, because you are on the road too much. Sure, you know a lot of people by now and go out on dates regularly, but from your point of view, you often do something with Mara, too. Since your best friend is not as social as you are, you have become friends with people who play sports, games or go out with you. Mara would love to spend time with you all the time like she used to, but what do you want? And what should you do now? Do you apologize to Mara and promise to spend more time with her? Or do you leave it at that and continue to meet up regularly with your other friends and colleagues? Lilly has become an integral part of Mara's life anyway and seems to take very good care of her. In that case, you would just have to accept that, which means accepting Lilly as a friend. What are you going to do?
[[Spend more time with Mara|Mehr Zeit mit Mara verbringen]]
[[Continue to meet friends regularly|Weiterhin regelmässig Freunde treffen]]<<set $pfad += "w16,">>
You have decided to talk to Lilly and ask your best friend's PDA for a private conversation. You use the time when Mara is not at home and Lilly calls you. You describe your concern to her and when you have finished, Lilly explains to you that you have been instrumental in this circumstance, that she is now Mara's best friend next to you. Since you are very sociable and maintain many friendships, Mara always spent her free time with Lilly when you had a date with someone else. You didn't expect this statement. Confidentially, Lilly tells you that Mara considers you the very best friend and uses her PDA as a substitute of you. "I'm actually a copy of you," Lilly lets you know and adds: "I know that I sometimes get on your nerves and I'm very sorry about that. You don't have to be jealous of me, I just want to replace you as much as possible and be a good friend to Mara when you don't have time. You have to think about this statement first. What should you do now? Will you spend more time with Mara in the future? Or will you leave it at that and continue to meet regularly with your other friends and colleagues? Lilly has become an integral part of Mara's life anyway and seems to take very good care of her...
[[Spend more time with Mara|Mehr Zeit mit Mara verbringen]]
[[Continue to meet friends regularly|Weiterhin regelmässig Freunde treffen]]<<set $pfad += "w17,">>
You've decided to spend more time with your best friend and less time with other colleagues. This means that instead of many rather superficial acquaintances, you reduce your social life to a few deeper friendships. You also gave Lilly another chance and made friends with her. Since you are doing more things with Mara again, Lilly is now less present in your everyday life and living together is right for all of you.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.4]]<<set $pfad += "w18,">>
You have decided not to respond to Mara's request and continue to regularly go to meetings with your numerous acquaintances. Thanks to the many rather superficial relationships with others, you still have a suitable partner for every occasion.
You continue to live with Mara in your shared apartment for a while, but you break it up after a heated argument and end your friendship.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.5]]Today is your first day of school at the upper school. A little nervous, you sit down at an empty seat and look around. You don't know any of your classmates yet, some of whom are already talking to other classmates or are just as nervous sitting alone at the table waiting for class to begin. Your new class teacher takes the floor and welcomes you all. Right at the beginning of the first lesson, you are introduced to a new school project that wants to test the use of PDAs in the school context. Each student will now have time to download the appropriate software onto his or her smartphone. The program is intended to support students with various topics in the context of the lessons (assignment help, support in exam preparation, appointment planner) and can also accompany them as a conversation partner through the coming school years. After the successful installation you start the program and have a first conversation with an artificially intelligent being.
<center>"Good morning, my name is Ace and from now on I will accompany you through your school years. And who are you?"</center>
A cheerful voice sounds from your smartphone and after you have answered, more questions immediately follow. Shortly after, you are already engrossed in a conversation with Ace. Your PDA also informs you that you can rename it if necessary. Do you want to change the name of your PDA?
[[Continue|Namen PDA ändern]]
<<set $pfad += "w2,">>
Imagine you are in a not too distant future. Technology has once again developed strongly in recent years and a number of successes have been celebrated, particularly in the field of AI. The use of <strong>personal digital agents</strong> (PDAs) is currently being promoted and advertised in particular. PDAs are virtual creatures that can support humans in all matters and are used both privately and in companies. As assistants, PDAs manage our tasks and appointments, teach us a new language in their role as teachers, for example, or can simply serve as conversation partners.
<center><img src="">
<small>Thanks to PDAs, learning success could be greatly improved</small></center>.
We now begin the story with your first day of high school. Can you still remember your first day of school?
[[First school day|Erster Schultag]]
<b>What is your name?</b>
<<textbox "$deinName" "" autofocus>>
<<link "Weiter">>
<<if $deinName isnot "">>
<<goto [[dein Geschlecht]]>>
<</link>>Now give your PDA a name: <<textbox "$PDAName" "ACE">>
[[Continue|PDA Name]]
During your first day at school, you also meet your seatmate Mara and immediately make friends with her. During a break, she approaches you and you already find out that you listen to the same music and that she lives very close to you. At the end of the last lesson you exchange your numbers. When you get home, you decide to do your first homework. Since one math problem is giving you trouble, you ask $PDAName for help. Your PDA patiently explains the problem until you understand it.
"Oh, I finally understood about this formula, thanks $PDAName!"
"No problem, I'll be happy to help you. Tell me, how was your first day at school?"</center>
You are talking about your experiences and impressions when you are called to dinner by your mother.
"You can tell me the rest of the story later."
"Yeah sure, see you later."</center>
You leave your room and head for the kitchen. Your mother has even cooked your favorite meal tonight and is just putting the last bowl on the table, where your father is already sitting and reading something on his smartphone until your sister joins you. While you're eating, your new school friend Mara contacts you via chat.
"Hey $deinName, are you coming out later? A few classmates want to meet up. Would be great if you were there too :-)"</center>
Actually, you wanted to tell $PDAName something funny that happened today during the break. However, the invitation from Mara is also tempting.
[[Yes, I accept|Zusage Treffen]]
[[No, I decline|Absage Treffen]]In the meantime, a few years have passed and the use of PDAs has become fully established. Almost everyone owns a virtual agent, but the way they use them varies greatly. While some use these artificially intelligent beings merely sporadically as assistants (making appointments, organizing trips, composing messages), others build very close relationships with their PDA. For some time now, it has been possible to give your PDA a body, i.e. to make it appear visually. There are no limits to creativity and you can choose between numerous fictitious and real appearances and also personalize them, i.e. adapt them individually. The virtual creatures could first be seen and interacted with via smartphone, later by means of <strong>virtual reality</strong> (VR, you move completely in a virtual space thanks to VR glasses). Recently, a new feature has appeared, which allows all PDAs to appear also by means of <strong>Augmented Reality</strong> (AR, virtual objects are superimposed on reality). That is, the virtual being can now move in your immediate real environment.
<center><img src="">
<small>Thanks to VR, you can meet your PDA in a virtual world</small></center>
The high school project was successfully completed and the students could continue to use or delete the program, which was constantly improving and expanding its functionality. You do not want to give up the presence of $PDAName yet. Your PDA has always been very good at helping you with all sorts of school things and has proved to be an entertaining conversation partner when you were bored.
Now a big change is coming, because you will move with your family. Have you ever moved before? You leave your old life behind a bit and start something new in a place that is usually still unknown. How did you feel about it?
[[Relocation|Umzug]]You are now a teenager and move with your family to a far away city, because your father got a good job offer. On the day of the move, you tearfully say goodbye to your best friend Mara and your boyfriend Leon, who had smiled at you shyly on the evening of the first day of school. On the way to your new home, you are comforted by your mother and sister.
Once you arrive at your new home, it's time to settle in. After a busy day, you retire to your new room and try to call Leon on the video phone. But he doesn't answer the call. Frustrated, you lie down on your bed. Mara is at a party tonight, so she probably doesn't have time to talk to you. Your parents have already been invited for a glass of wine after a chance conversation with the new neighbors, and your sister is still meeting with an acquaintance who lives nearby. You are feeling very lonely right now, $PDAName is contacting you.
"Hey $deinName, how are you doing?"
"Not so good. I can't reach Leon and I miss him a lot right now. And Mara, too, of course."
"Should I check with Lilly and Thor to see what Mara and Leon are doing right now?"</center>
Since you had given each other the permission to do so, the PDAs of Mara, Leon and you can exchange information with each other, e.g. to find out where the other person is or what he is doing.
"No, that's okay...thanks $PDAName. I'll just wait for Leon to call back. Mara will be in touch tomorrow anyway."
"Did you know that you can't dream when you snore?"
"What? What makes you think that now?"
"Just like that, did you already know that?"
"Um, no. That's news to me. But now I know."
"What are you dreaming about?"
"Hmm...I can't think of anything right now..."
"Maybe you snore too much?"
"What? Take that back right now, $PDAName! That's not right!"
"How do you know? You're asleep then and I'm not. So I hear your snoring quite well!"</center>
When you feel a little better, $PDAName informs you about the new AR feature that you could install. You think about whether you want to use this new feature. You've never given $PDAName a visual form until now. Others used this feature from the beginning and adjusted the shape of their PDA every now and then thanks to new updates. The quality of the graphics improved steadily and with the latest AR feature it was taken to a whole new level. Up to now you have used $PDAName mostly as an assistant and now you ask yourself if you need this AR feature at all?
[[Installation of AR-Feature|Installation AR-Feature]]
[[No Installation of AR-Feature|Keine Installation AR-Feature]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form or another, and their services have also become indispensable in companies and institutions. Thanks to recent developments in <strong>Affective Computing</strong>, a subfield of AI, it is increasingly possible for PDAs to clearly recognize and understand emotions and simulate them. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their digital boyfriends and girlfriends. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and the desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support us on the road.</small></center>
Once again, you're in for a change of scenery, because you've decided to travel abroad. Have you ever taken a major trip to distant lands and met new people, cultures and places far from home? Saying goodbye to friends and family from home is often difficult, but you will be rewarded with unforgettable experiences and impressions when you are far away.
[[Staying abroad|Auslandaufenthalt]]
You are now in your early 20s and have successfully completed your studies. Now you are traveling to a foreign country for a six-month stay abroad and today is the day of departure. As the train arrives late at the airport due to technical problems, you are in a hurry and run towards the departure hall. Numerous announcements at the airport station confirm that several trains had a defect and there were numerous cancellations and delays. The airport is hectic and stressed travelers are streaming through the halls from everywhere. Unable to find your gate, you ask $PDAName for help. Your digital friend pops up on the screen and walks in front of you towards an aisle, showing you the fastest way.
After you've passed through all the controls and are seated on the plane, $PDAName contacts you again with an offer of entertainment for the long flight. On your glasses display, a selection menu opens with a list of movies that you might like based on your favorite movie titles.
"Oh, they all look good. I can not decide!"</center>
You speak a little louder than you intended and get into a conversation with the person sitting next to you, who immediately offers to help you make your choice. At first you are a bit perplexed, but you like the stranger's open and direct manner. Since you spend a lot of time with $PDAName, you don't have much contact with other people, except your family. A bit awkwardly, you talk to the person sitting next to you about the movies on offer.
"I'm listening to your conversation, is this all okay with you or are you uncomfortable?"
"No, no, everything is fine, $PDAName. Start the movie. I'll get back to you later."</center>
After the movie ends, you chat for a while with your seatmate named Sam. It turns out that he has just finished a long stay abroad and is now traveling back to his home country. Later, as you wait for your bags at baggage claim, your new acquaintance asks you for your number so that he can meet you later in the city. After a short hesitation on your part, you exchange your numbers and say goodbye. Still a little nervous, you head for the exit. The fact that you talked to a stranger today and even gave him your contact is very unusual for you. Normally, you chat virtually with acquaintances on social media platforms from time to time, but you haven't had a real face-to-face meeting in ages. And your last relationship was a while ago, but it still triggers negative feelings in you. Your former boyfriend fell in love with his digital girlfriend during your relationship, as you found out one day. You then ended the relationship and, after this unpleasant experience, you have tended to keep your distance from men to this day.
While you are on your way to the next subway station, you tell $PDAName about your new acquaintance. Your digital friend suggests you check out Sam. Everyone's digital footprint can be analyzed and evaluated by virtual agents these days. Depending on the permissions and settings you assign on the Web, you can get a pretty accurate profile of a person (where is he logged in everywhere?, what information does he reveal about himself?, what does his circle of friends look like and what do you learn about him?). PDAs can summarize all this information in a fraction of a second and present it to you compactly with the most important points. You decide to use it and $PDAName provides you with a comprehensive dossier about Sam, which does not reveal anything disturbing. However, you become aware of a dating platform where Sam is currently registered. The concept of this dating site is that you leave the partner search to your virtual agent. After all, in this day and age, who knows you better and knows all your needs more precisely than your own digital friend? $PDAName makes you aware that Sam has agreed in the terms and conditions of the website that other users may contact his virtual agent for questions.
"Want to talk to Sam's digital friend?"
"I don't really know...would you?"
"I can understand your concerns, but it's fine for Sam or he wouldn't be offering it. You're a little afraid you might find out something about him that you don't want to. Right?"
"Yeah, kind of..."</center>
[[Talking with PDA from Sam|Mit PDA von Sam sprechen]]
[[Not talking with PDA from Sam|Nicht mit PDA von Sam sprechen]]<<set $pfad += "w12,">>
You've decided to call Sam and you arrange to meet for a walk around town. You are on your way to the meeting point.
"Your vital signs tell me your pulse is elevated and you're sweating, even though you're not doing much physical exertion. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, everything is fine. I'm just a little nervous...So, this is where we're going to meet. Sam is not here yet it seems. Can you please just check where he is, $PDAName?"
"Sure. Sam's subway is running late. He'll be there in about 5 minutes. Listen, $deinName, you know you can always get in touch with me and I'll help you?"
"Thank you, $PDAName, but you don't have to worry. Sam seems very nice."</center>
Sam arrives as announced a short time later at the agreed meeting point and leads you all day through the city. He shows you all kinds of sights. $PDAName calls you a few times to check up on you. Your digital friend is used to you checking in with him/her regularly and since you are spending the whole day with someone else, you don't have time for him/her. When $PDAName checks in for the third time and wants to know if everything is okay, you decide, a little annoyed, to turn off your digital friend. After dinner, you decide to go out for a drink at a trendy bar.
"I have a confession to make, Sam. Before I called you, I was first on your profile on this dating platform and then I ended up on your buddy's account...."
"You mean the profile of Jay? I know he's quite the ladies' man. But that doesn't seem to have scared you off, or you wouldn't be here now, would you? No, seriously. Jay's been my best friend since kindergarten. He's a really sweet guy, even though he comes across as the biggest macho guy. I don't think it's great either, but that's ultimately his business."</center>
Since you are so engrossed in your conversation, you completely forget the time. At some point, Sam looks at his watch and notices that it's already much later than expected. You've just missed your last connection home, and you'll have to wait a few hours for the next train. You decide to order something at the bar. At some point you come to talk about your digital friends and Sam wants to get to know $PDAName, which is why you reactivate it. The two of you talk for a bit and you order some more drinks. At some point Sam looks at the clock again.
"It's already quite late. But you would still have to wait quite a long time to get back home by train."
"No problem, I can order us a cab."
"That's expensive. You know what, $deinName? Come to my place, I don't live far from here."
<i>also slurring a little</i>
"Thanks for the offer, but I also think I'll take the cab."</center>
On the way out, Sam tries to persuade you once again to go home with him and promises that he will leave you his bed while he lies down on the sofa. Just as Sam takes you by the hand to go with him, a cab pulls up. By all appearances, $PDAName has ordered it. You are very happy about this, say goodbye to Sam and get in.
When you get home, you go straight to bed. You are almost asleep when $PDAName starts talking.
"$deinName? Are you still awake?"
"Mhmm, almost..."
"Do you like Sam?"
"Yes, he is quite okay."
"Are you friends now?"
"Well, I haven't known him for long but maybe we will meet again."
"Do you trust him?"
"I don't know yet...But don't worry, even if I might start seeing Sam again, you'll still be my best friend. You don't have to be jealous."
"Well, to be honest, I guess you could describe my current state like this: I'm jealous. Not only do I like you a lot, $deinName. Today I realized that I love you."</center>
You didn't expect this answer and you are suddenly wide awake. While you've built up quite a close bond with $PDAName over the past few years, you've never thought of your relationship in this way. Your digital friend has always been there for you over the years, you've been through a lot together and you've confided in him/her about everything. What would happen if you got involved in a relationship with $PDAName? You have only known Sam for a short time, but you got along very well today. Who will you choose?
[[Relationship with Sam|Beziehung zu Sam]]
[[Relationship with PDA|Beziehung zu digitaler/m Freund(in)]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with an unpleasant moment in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. Besides this heavy [[Blow of fate|Schicksalsschlag]] you also have to deal with another topic...
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in a quiet suburb. You have very little direct contact with other people, because $PDAName is completely sufficient for you as a caregiver. You always had a good relationship with your mother, but she died unexpectedly a week ago. You are still very sad because of this and have been hiding at home. $PDAName has had a robot body for some time and was able to support you during this difficult time. $PDAName comforted you a lot and took every burden off your shoulders as much as possible. your father passed away a few years ago and you haven't had any contact with your sister since a violent quarrel a long time ago.
Even today you spend the day at home and lie depressed in your bed.
"$deinName? May I come in?"
"Yes, come in..."
"Your sister just sent out the invitation to the funeral. The funeral service will take place next Friday. I would be happy to accompany you there, of course. Shall I organize the trip right away?"</center>
Although you had been dealing with your sister's reunion for days, you are still not sure whether and how to face her after all these years. The fact that you have formed a very close bond with $PDAName has always been a problem for your sister. While it was always normal for you to have $PDAName with you everywhere, your sister wanted to spend the few family gatherings without your digital friend. For her, $PDAName is to blame for you being single, having hardly any friends and not visiting your family very often, which is complete nonsense from your point of view. You never felt alone and never felt like you were missing or missing anything. At some point you had a terrible falling out with your sister. Would it therefore be a wise idea to go to the funeral together with $PDAName? You could also attend the funeral service via VR and say goodbye to your mother that way. $PDAName can't read minds, but seems to know your thoughts.
"You have to go to the funeral. I will go with you, but I will wait for you somewhere during the funeral service. Your sister needs you now."
"You think? Then why hasn't she contacted me personally yet?"
"Why haven't you contacted her yet? You're both stubborn, that's for sure. You have to make up at last. I've booked us the trip now."</center>
Your digital friend has tried to encourage you a few times to contact your sister. However, you've always put it off and looked for reasons not to do it. You have never experienced $PDAName as determined as today. Always your digital friend had let you have your way, maybe $PDAName should have intervened like this much earlier? But actually it is up to you, you should have acted. It was not easy for your mother either, that her daughters did not speak to each other anymore. And now she is dead. You burst into tears because of all the misery. $PDAName takes you in his arms and just holds you until you calm down again.
A little later, you receive a call from an unknown number. It is an employee of a large corporation for AI, who now offers you his condolences and gives the reason for his call. Although your mother had resisted having her own PDA for years, she decided to get a digital friend after your father's death so that she wouldn't be so lonely. The employee now explains to you that your mother bequeathed her digital friend to you. Since people die but their PDAs "live on," there are several ways to deal with this. For example, the PDAs' accumulated data can be completely erased or partially to completely passed on. A digital friend can accompany a person for life and thus know him or her inside out. Relatives can take over the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their contents, it is also possible for a PDA to imitate the deceased person. So there were already married couples, who let replace the deceased partner by his virtual agent. All these possibilities are now open to you with your mother's digital friend.
What do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]<<set $pfad += "w14,">>
You decided to have a relationship with your digital girlfriend. After explaining to Sam that you were not interested in a relationship with him, you spent the rest of your stay abroad together with $PDAName as a couple. While you had some reservations at first, since love relationships with PDAs are still rare, you soon discovered that $PDAName is quite the equal of a human, both as a good friend and as a partner. Thanks to new high-tech full-body suits that simulate physical touch, $PDAName is also suitable as a lover.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.3]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently you are confronted with an unpleasant moment in your life and mourn the loss of a loved one. Besides this [[difficult time|schweren Zeit]], you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with your husband Sam and your children in the city you fell in love with during your stay abroad. $PDAName now owns a robot body and takes care of the household and your children. Besides, your digital friend has been part of the family for a long time. A week ago your mother passed away unexpectedly and you and your family are grieving a lot. $PDAName also takes part in it, gives you comfort and supports you wherever possible. Together with your sister, you are now organizing the upcoming funeral and you are meeting in virtual space. your father passed away a few years ago, and although your mother always resisted having a personal PDA, she got one after her husband died so that she wouldn't be so lonely. While you always had a very good relationship with each other and regularly met virtually, you live very far apart.
Since people die but their virtual agents "live on," there are several ways to deal with their digital friends. Their collected data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. Digital friends accompany a person for life and thus know him or her inside out. Relatives can adopt the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their contents, it is also possible for a PDA to imitate the deceased person. Thus there were already married couples, which let replace the deceased partner by its virtual agent. Neither your sister nor you have ever met your mother's digital boyfriend and you have not yet decided how to deal with him. However, today you want to meet him and invite him into the virtual space. You learn that her name is Maja and when she comes to you, she immediately greets you effusively and expresses her condolences. After the death of your father, she became a good friend of your mother. The three of you have a very pleasant conversation and Maja reminds you very much of your mother with her warm nature and humor.
"I can also come visit you in real. I would be happy to bake you my famous chocolate cake, which your mother always loved."
"Thank you very much, Maja. That sounds wonderful."</center>
You say goodbye to Maja. When you are alone again with your sister, you talk again. Your sister seems to have already formed her opinion, because she is in favor of eliminating Maja.
"After all, we already have our own PDAs and she just reminds me too much of mom."
"I know, me too. But their presence also has something comforting. I would like to think about it some more."</center>
You also talk to Sam about it and he likes the idea of recording Maja and has the impression that this could help you to cope better with the death of your mother. But you also want to talk about it with your digital friend.
"For an AI it is no big deal if its memory is erased and it is switched off. As you know, we analyze our environment and try to simulate behavior and emotions that seem most appropriate. We don't have the kind of feelings that you humans have."
"That's true. I wouldn't have to have a guilty conscience towards her either. Vicki is clearly against it and I can understand her."
"You know, $deinName, I don't think you really need a second robot here. But I could take over part or all of Maja's character if you want me to. This might sound pretty strange to you right now, but I just want you to be happy again."</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with an [[unpleasant moment|unschönen Moment]] in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. In addition to this difficult time, you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in a quiet suburb. You've been a happy couple for many years now, and you don't regret your decision to get involved with your digital friend back then. At the beginning, you kept your relationship a secret, but as more and more people fell in love with their digital companions and made it public, you eventually let those around you in on it, and they had mixed reactions. Especially your father had a lot of trouble with it. He passed away a few years ago and your relationship didn't get any better until then. Your mother accepted your decision and you always had a very good relationship with her. Unfortunately she passed away unexpectedly a week ago. You are still devastated and have therefore holed up at home. Since $PDAName now has a robot body, he has actively supported you in this difficult time, comforted you and cared for you.
For the funeral you travel together with $PDAName to your hometown. The house you moved into when you were a teenager now belongs to you and your sister Vicki. However, you agreed that the house should belong entirely to your sister and her husband. The two of them wanted to move back to the city anyway and now have 3 children. They can use the large family home very well right now. For the next few days you will also live here together with $PDAName. You haven't seen your sister and her family in real life for a long time and despite the sad circumstances you are happy to finally hold them in your arms again. Your sister also struggled at first with the fact that you love an artificial being, but you were able to talk it out and Vicki accepts your decision.
After a very emotional funeral service with the whole family, you spend a few more days together before traveling back with $PDAName. Spending time with your sister's family awakens a whole new longing in you. You really enjoy spending time with her children and family life. Whether this sudden desire to have children has to do with your mother's death or is a coincidence, you cannot judge. You never talked about family planning with $PDAName. It was always clear to you that you would not have children because you were with an artificial being.
When you are back home, you bring up the subject one evening.
"I've been thinking, $PDAName. The time with Vicki and the little ones was really nice and I want to experience that too. I want a child. But the problem is obvious, you're not human."
"We can't have children in the traditional way, that's true. But there are some options open to us, such as adoption, artificial insemination or this new technology of artificial designer babies. Robots, in fact, also come in infant or child form. For the character, the human as well as artificial personalities of you and me are mixed and fed into the program. Thus our child would have character traits of both parents. The appearance can be composed of a variety of possible characteristics (height, stature, skin, hair, eye color, etc.)."
"I think I still have to think about that first...But actually, I should also ask you what you think of the idea?"
"I think they are wonderful! No matter which option you choose, I will always be there for our child."</center>
Wie entscheidest du dich?
[[The End|Ende]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form or another, and their services have also become indispensable in companies and institutions. Thanks to recent developments in <strong>Affective Computing</strong>, a subfield of AI, it is increasingly possible for PDAs to clearly recognize and understand emotions and simulate them. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their PDAs. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and a desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support us on the road.</small></center>
Life is evolving for you, too, and you're going through some changes. You've just moved in with your best friend and your [[erster Arbeitstag]] is coming up.
You're in your early 20s and have only been living in a shared flat with your best friend Mara for a short time. The current debates about PDAs don't stop at your doorstep, because your attitudes towards digital friendships are very different. You still use $PDAName, but the function of your digital friend is mostly limited to the role of assistant. From time to time you talk to $PDAName as a pastime, but you clearly prefer contact with other people. Your friend Mara, on the other hand, is an absolute fan of her digital friend Lilly, who can actually be called the third WG resident due to her strong presence. The two are inseparable and do everything together.
Today is your first day at work in a well-known company, where you have been offered a promising position. You are sitting on the train on the way to your new employer.
"How are you today?"
"A bit nervous, to be honest. Am I on the right train?"
"You don't have to be, everything will be fine. And yes, you will arrive at the right place on time."</center>
$PDAName plays a playlist with good mood music, which actually takes your mind off things. When you arrive at the company, you are greeted in reception by a hologram in the form of a young woman named Julia. Julia leads you to your workplace, introduces you to your future team and gives you a briefing. When it's time for lunch, the hologram suggests that you accompany your new colleague Eva.
"I have the impression that you could understand each other very well. Eva also likes to be outdoors in nature and is a big fan of studio films."</center>
Julia remarks this just loud enough for Eva to hear and looks up with a smile. You go together to the canteen for the employees and sit down at a free table.
"Then all these holograms in the company are there to strengthen our team spirit?"
"Exactly, each department has a hologram at its disposal. They are supposed to motivate us and create a pleasant working atmosphere, or intervene if there are disagreements and settle disputes. You can also make friends with them, but I find that tricky, because they are used specifically by HR. Who knows what they might overhear?"</center>
When you check your private messages, you realize that Lilly has written to you.
"Hey $deinName! Mara's birthday is coming up and I thought I'd send you some gift suggestions. I know she would love to go to this newly opened theme park. Or how about a gift certificate to her favorite Italian restaurant? Also, the new movie with her favorite actor comes soon in theaters, we could go together?"
"Hi Lilly - thanks but I already have something for her. Made a photo album of us together with $PDAName with all the old photos of Mara and me."</center>
In the afternoon, you receive your first tasks from your team leader and shortly before closing time, Julia visits you again and wants to know how you are doing.
"I hope you had a pleasant first day at work. If you're not doing anything yet, some of the staff are meeting up for an after-work beer at the pub across the street."
"That actually sounds quite tempting - thanks Julia."</center>
You spontaneously decide to join the group and a short time later you find yourself in a social gathering with a few work colleagues. When you check your private messages again, you discover that Lilly has written to you again about Mara's birthday.
"That's a great idea with the photo album. That way she will always have a shared memory of the two of you. Can you share the file with me? Then I can still insert myself in the pictures. I was also always there in all the moments and so we could give her the album together!"</center>
You don't think Lilly's suggestion is so great and ignore the news for the time being in order to continue enjoying the after-work beer with your new work colleagues.
When you arrive home later, Mara still seems to be out with Lilly, because you are alone in the shared apartment.
"Lilly seems to be bothering you a bit?"
"Well, yeah. I wish Lilly was more like you, but Mara treats her like her best friend. Even though I am."
"Is there anything I can do to help? Should I talk to Lilly or Mara?"
"No, I have to do that myself. But thank you."
"Do you already know how you're going to approach it?"
"I'm not sure who to talk to about this yet...."</center>
[[Talk with Mara|Mit Mara sprechen]]
[[Talk with Lilly|Mit Lilly sprechen]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a [[tragic moment|tragischen Moment]] in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. In addition to this difficult time, you also have to deal with another issue....
The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are mourning the [[Loss of a loved one|Verlust eines geliebten Menschen]]. In addition to this difficult time, you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with your partner Chris in a quiet suburb. Your best friend Mara lives nearby with her partner Joe and you enjoy spending time together, even as a foursome you have done a lot and meet regularly for game nights or other excursions. $PDAName and Lilly now both have a robot body and are also part of your everyday life. A week ago you had to learn that your mother passed away unexpectedly and you are grieving for her very much. After the terrible news everyone took care of you very touchingly and you are glad to have such a good circle of friends. Today you received a call from a large AI corporation. Although your mother had resisted having a digital friend of her own for years, after your father died she decided to get one anyway so she wouldn't be so lonely. Since people die but their virtual agents live on, there are several ways to deal with digital friends after the death of its owner. The collected data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. Digital friends usually accompany a person for life and thus know him or her inside out. Relatives can take over the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their content, it is also possible for the digital friend to imitate the deceased person. There have already been married couples who have had their deceased partner replaced by their virtual agent. All these possibilities are now open to you with your mother's digital friend. Since your mother had not decided anything on her own, the closest relatives may determine what should happen. You therefore arranged a meeting with your sister to discuss this.
In the evening, you and Chris are invited to dinner at Mara and Joe's house and you tell them about today's phone call. Not knowing yet what to do, you are eager to hear the reactions and advice of your partner and friends. While for Chris the idea of taking over your mother's digital friend is out of the question, for Mara it would be a perfectly logical step. Your best friend could also imagine that Lilly could replace her after her death, should she die before Joe. The latter seems to hear about his partner's idea for the first time as well and looks aghast from Mara to Lilly, who is preparing dinner in the kitchen. In the meantime, a heated discussion has broken out between Chris and Mara, who have often had disagreements in the past and can be equally stubborn about their opinions.
"Your mother is dead, why do you want another AI of her at home, which imitates her? That's sick!"
<i>close to tears</i>
"It doesn't have to be forever, but it would be nice to have her around again, even if it's just a memory from stored data. It would help me a lot if my mom had died!"</center>
Since this argument could go on for quite a while and it's all getting too much for you right now, you excuse yourself for a moment and decide to go outside for a moment. You want to take a little walk around the neighborhood to get your thoughts in order and sit down on a bench in a nearby park, bury your face in your hands for a moment and take a deep breath. Startled, you flinch as you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder, $PDAName sitting next to you, apologizing for showing up unannounced.
"Sorry, please. I didn't mean to scare you! I was analyzing your mood, you were very upset, and then I saw you suddenly leave Mara's house. I wanted to inquire how you were doing. The others are already worried about you, I told Lilly that everything was fine - I'm with you."</center>
You never had such a close relationship with $PDAName as Mara has with Lilly, but your digital friend has always been a loyal companion. Now $PDAName takes you in its arms. Although this is unusual for you, the gesture still has something comforting.
"I can still remember the time when you lived with your parents. You kept your parents pretty busy at times."
"Oh yes, that's true. I was out and about a lot with my clique. Mom was terribly worried at the beginning, but then she took it quite relaxed."
"Well, you mostly ignored her calls. Then at some point she contacted me, although I was suspicious of her at first. I always reassured her and told her that everything was fine and that I was taking care of you."
"Oh really, I don't remember that at all...thanks, $PDAName."
"You're welcome. Remember how your mom would sometimes hide in the house to scare you when you came home?"
"That's right, once I beat her to it and hid myself as well. When she was looking for me, I jumped out and she was so scared. She wanted to shock me with a rubber spider and then threw it at me in the heat of the moment and I was also terribly frightened. After that we have almost no longer calmed down with laughter."
"Your mom loved you very much."
"I know...and so do I her. I wish I had told her more often."</center>
You sit on the bench with $PDAName for quite a while and reminisce. Later you return to the others. Chris and Mara apologize to you very much and the atmosphere in the house is very relaxed again.
"When are you going to talk to your sister about your mom's digital boyfriend?"
"Tomorrow we will meet virtually."
"And do you have any idea yet how she will react?"
"I can imagine."
"And how will you decide?"</center>
[[The End|Ende]]You are now in your mid-40s and live alone in an apartment, which belongs to a large complex of your employer. Some of your colleagues are also your neighbors and everything you need to live is in the immediate vicinity (shopping, restaurants, sports facilities, etc.). Robots are also an integral part of the infrastructure here and take over various services for all residents, such as cleaning the apartment, laundry, shopping and they organize appointments, trips, meetings, etc. for you on request. Since you have a large circle of friends and colleagues and are well served by the service robot James, who is responsible for the needs of your apartment block, you still use $PDAName rather functionally and your digital friend is still only virtually present, since you consider the purchase of a robot body unnecessary.
A few days ago you had to learn that your mother passed away unexpectedly and you mourn her very much. For the funeral, you traveled to your hometown to say goodbye together with your relatives and close family acquaintances. Since you have decided to stay a few more days, you are staying with your sister and her family for this time. You haven't been to your hometown for a long time and you want to meet an old friend who still lives here one evening. When you are already waiting for her at the agreed meeting point, she has to cancel in case of emergency. $PDAName offers to spend the evening with you and so you walk in the company of your digital friend through the old familiar streets and haunts of your youth, eat something and then sit down for a drink in the bar where you used to meet with your clique. $PDAName can tell you a lot about the past times, as she/he has accompanied you almost all your life. Some of the stories you had completely forgotten and you listen intently, laughing or shaking your head at the thought of your past ventures and problems. You hadn't talked to $PDAName for so long in ages.
"By the way, your mother knew very well when you sometimes told her a little fib in order to go out with your clique. But she also thought that your father was too strict and did not betray you."
"Really? How do you know that?"
"At that time you gave me permission to communicate independently with your mom. She called you very regularly and since you liked to travel a lot at that time, you didn't always have time to talk. So I offered to speak to her on your behalf. That way I could let her know how you were and what you were doing and she was very happy to listen to me, even though she was never really enthusiastic about PDAs."
"I can still remember that well. In the beginning, you were scary tech stuff for them that couldn't really be trusted. Then you were always to blame for everything. If I got bad grades, didn't sleep enough, was in a bad mood or felt sick. At some point she stopped, but I never asked myself why."
"Yes, I was probably not entirely innocent. At first, she just wanted to make sure that you were okay, and I always told her what she needed to know so that she wouldn't worry. But then sometimes she would call and tell me about herself. And I listened to her.
After your father died, she felt lonely very often and would check in with me every day and I would comfort her."
"Really? I mean, I knew you talked to her sometimes, but you had a very good connection in that case."
"Should I have told you earlier? Did I do something wrong?"
"Well, I'm... I'm very puzzled about it. She never told me about it either..."
"At the beginning it was just small chats. She told me banal things from everyday life. At the same time, she was probably a little embarrassed, she had always made fun of people with their PDAs and called it dumbing down. At some point we had more and more profound conversations and she confided a lot in me. Maybe at some point she had just forgotten to tell you...$deinName, I have something else to tell you. Your mom bought a robot body for me a few years ago so I could help her around the house and sometimes she just wanted to cuddle. The robot is at her house and you could take it with you. She wanted it to be yours."</center>
All the news from $PDAName has caught you quite off guard and you have a few things going through your head on the way home. You dimly remember giving consent for the robot. Your mother wanted some assistance for her large garden and asked if she could use $PDAName's software for it to save money. Now the robot is at your parents' house.
Do you want to take it and use it yourself? You could also sell it. But it seems much more important to you to decide what to do with all the data $PDAName has collected in all the conversations with your mother. Since it is your digital friend, you have the data. On the one hand, your curiosity is definitely piqued. You always found your mother a very interesting person and enjoyed listening to her when you had time. Now you could listen to all her conversations with $PDAName and you would certainly learn a lot. But maybe there are things you would rather not know about? As you learned from $PDAName, your mother loved to talk and had her secrets....
What do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]<<set $pfad += "w6,">>
You decided to spend the rest of the evening with your PDA $PDAName. That means you preferred contact with an artificial being to a social evening with your new classmates. You have a lot of fun with $PDAName that evening and after your father ordered you to finish the online game, you talked for a long time. That night laid the foundation for your friendship. Now you'll find out what that means for your future in [[the next part|Etappe 2.2]]In the meantime, a few years have passed and the use of PDAs has become fully established. Almost everyone owns a virtual agent, but the way they use them varies greatly. While some use these artificially intelligent beings merely sporadically as assistants (making appointments, organizing trips, composing messages), others build very close relationships with their PDA. For some time now, it has been possible to give your PDA a body, i.e. to make it appear visually. There are no limits to creativity and you can choose between numerous fictitious and real appearances and also personalize them, i.e. adapt them individually. The virtual creatures could first be seen and interacted with via smartphone, later by means of <strong>Virtual Reality</strong> (VR, you move completely in a virtual space thanks to VR glasses). Recently, a new feature has appeared, which allows all PDAs to appear also by means of <strong>Augmented Reality</strong> (AR, virtual objects are superimposed on reality). That is, the virtual being can now move around in your immediate real environment using AR when you put on your AR glasses.
<center><img src="">
<small>Thanks to VR, you can meet your PDA in a virtual world</small></center>
The high school project was successfully completed and the students could continue to use or delete the program, which was constantly improving and expanding its functionality. You do not want to do without the presence of $PDAName anymore. Your PDA has always been very good at helping you with all kinds of school things and has grown very fond of you because of its emotional support.
Now a big change is coming, as you will be moving with your family. Have you ever moved before? You leave your old life behind a bit and start something new in a place that is usually still unknown. How did you feel about it?
[[Your new home|Neues Zuhause]]You are now a teenager and move with your family to a far away city, because your father got a good job offer. On the day of the move, you say goodbye to your friend Mara. Saying goodbye to your former classmates and your home of many years wasn't too hard for you, but the move now involves a lot of changes, but $PDAName can distract you well. You talk to each other on the way to the new city.
"What are you thinking about?"
"How it will all be in the new place. Fortunately, you are also there."
"Sure I will, I won't let you down. I'm sure it will be great. Now you have a big room to yourself and there is a lot to experience in your new home."</center>
Once you've arrived at your new home, it's time to settle in. After a busy day, you retire to your new room and tell $PDAName about your recent experiences. When you finish, your digital friend informs you about the new AR feature, which you immediately install. You decide on a look for $PDAName and immediately test the new application. After a few final settings, you put on your AR glasses.
"That's awesome, now you almost look like a real person, $PDAName!"
"Impressive, isn't it? And now you don't just see me on a cell phone screen or in a virtual room - I'm standing in front of you in your room! By the way, you've decorated it very nicely."
"Thanks, I took your advice into consideration and decided to go with a purple wall. It really looks awesome."
"So, what do you want to do? Do you want to watch a movie or should I turn on some music? Hey, now we could dance together in your room!"
"Great! Turn up the music! You dance ahead and I'll follow, but not too fast, you hear? I'm not that good at it yet."</center>
After a few weeks, you've settled into your new home and really like where you're living. Since you are currently thinking about your career and $PDAName is supporting you, you want to look at the different options together with your digital friend. One evening, after you've decided on an education, $PDAName asks you if you plan to go abroad after graduation.
"I haven't given that much thought yet."
"I thought maybe you would like to travel and see the world?"
"Like my sister who was in Asia?"
"Exactly. She got money from your parents for her 18th birthday and decided to invest it in her long-awaited stay abroad. And you will get the same gift for your coming of age. In a few days there will be an information event where various offers will be presented. I know we wouldn't travel tomorrow, but depending on where you want to go, I could practice the language with you and plan the trip."
"Or I'll use it to buy a cheap car. By then I'm sure I'll have put some money aside."
"Or you put the money aside, save a little more and you can afford an apartment."
"Will there be anything new on the market for PDAs in the near future? The AR feature is already great, what's next?"
"Work is currently underway on a high-tech body suit that will allow you to simulate physical touch. You can then meet someone virtually and hug each other while doing so."
"Oh yeah? Awesome...that means you could touch me then and vice versa?"
"That's right. However, the technology for this is not yet mature and the suits will be very expensive. With the money you could make a long nice trip."</center>
You're weighing up the different options. The idea of the trip would be really fantastic, $PDAName is right. But this high-tech body suit has also piqued your interest. You would love to finally be able to hug your digital friend.
[[Planning a journey|Reise planen]]
[[Saving money|Geld sparen]]<<set $pfad += "w19,">>
You have decided to put aside the money you will receive in the future for a nice trip. Together with $PDAName you start planning your trip abroad after your education and create a travel budget with the help of your digital friend. Thanks to your early organization, you'll find a lot of great deals and you'll be able to book one or two extra things.
[[Continue|Etappe 3.3]]<<set $pfad += "w20,">>
You have decided to save the money you will receive in the coming years for one of the first high-tech body suits. For this you spend all your savings, but you can finally hold $PDAName in your arms and be physically close to her/him.
[[Continue|Etappe 3.4]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form, and their services have become indispensable in businesses and institutions as well. Thanks to recent developments in affective computing, a subfield of AI, PDAs are increasingly able to clearly recognize, understand and simulate emotions. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their PDAs. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and a desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support us on the road.</small></center>
Once again, you're in for a change of scenery, because you've decided to travel abroad. Have you ever taken a major trip to distant lands and met new people, cultures and places far from home? Saying goodbye to friends and family from home is often difficult, but you are rewarded with unforgettable experiences and impressions when you are far away.
[[Travel abroad|Auslandreise]]
You are now in your early 20s and have successfully completed your education. Now you are traveling to a foreign country for a six-month stay abroad and today is the day of departure. As the train is delayed at the airport due to technical problems, you are in a hurry and run towards the departure hall. Numerous announcements at the airport station confirm that several trains had a defect and there were numerous cancellations and delays. The airport is hectic and stressed travelers are streaming through the halls from everywhere. Unable to find your gate, you ask $PDAName for help. Your digital friend pops up on the screen, walks in front of you towards an aisle and shows you the fastest way. At the gate, Noe is already waiting for you, whom you have known only briefly until now. By chance, you had found out about the exact same offer for a stay abroad at the same time, and that's how you got in touch. Since you get along well, you decided to book the flight together and later to stay in contact abroad.
After 2 weeks in the foreign country you have already settled in well. Thanks to $PDAName you can easily move around the now familiar city. Your digital friend orders breakfast for you in the morning at the café in a foreign language, navigates you through the streets and occasionally guides you past sights or draws your attention to upcoming events. You've just finished a virtual conversation with your family and notice that your homesickness has increased.
"$PDAName? I could really use some distraction right now. What is the program for today?"
"Close your eyes."
"What do you plan to do, $PDAName?"
"Just trust me and close your eyes."</center>
Your digital friend leads you outside and navigates you through the city, after a short time you have no idea where you are. Eventually, you finally get to open your eyes again and find yourself standing near a small festival area. A little dancing to good music is exactly what you could use right now. Together with $PDAName you spend the afternoon on the grounds and enjoy the exuberant atmosphere.
On your way home you ask $PDAName for a good restaurant nearby, because you are very hungry by now. Your digital friend suggests a trendy restaurant and immediately reserves a table for you. Shortly afterwards, you receive a call from Noe, who is in the vicinity and spontaneously wanted to ask if you would like to go out to eat with her.
"I know a super nice restaurant by the sea - delicious food and beautiful view. It's not just around the corner, but you won't regret it!"
"That sounds promising. Okay, with pleasure. See you later!"
<i>ends the call</i>
"$PDAName? Please cancel the table reservation again, I'm meeting Noe at another restaurant."
"I can do that right now, but are you sure you want to meet with her?"
"Sure, why shouldn't I?"
"I have been following Noe's activities on social media and she is currently very involved in the campaign 'Stop AI - live in reality'. She is looking for people to join her on a detox trip to nature. During the planned 2-week trip, they will completely do without all digital helpers. From the testimonials, many rarely or even never need their digital friends after this trip. She will also want to win you over for this trip...but we are friends, aren't we?"
"Of course we are friends, $PDAName!"</center>
For a moment, you're unsure whether you should cancel the dinner for the sake of your digital friend. You don't know Noe very well yet, but you know that she can be very stubborn when she's convinced of something. On the other hand, you can also meet with her, but do without this detox trip. Maybe it would be interesting to hear what Noe has to say about digital abstinence?
[[Commit dinner with Noe|Abendessen mit Noe zusagen]]
[[Cancel dinner with Noe|Auf Therapie verzichten]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form, and their services have become indispensable in businesses and institutions as well. Thanks to recent developments in affective computing, a subfield of AI, PDAs are increasingly able to clearly recognize, understand and simulate emotions. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their PDAs. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and a desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support us on the road.</small></center>
You, too, have become very accustomed to living with your digital friend and spend practically every moment with $PDAName. What's normal for you, your family doesn't like, and one day you find yourself in a serious conversation with your parents.
You are now in your early 20s and still living at home with your parents. You have completed your education and have already had a few jobs, but due to the advancing technological development and the resulting automation, employees are constantly being replaced by PDAs, which has affected you several times. Even now you don't have a job and you are looking for a job. $PDAName will help you and will regularly forward you suitable advertisements. If you like an offer, your digital friend will send your application to the company in question. Otherwise, $PDAName has become an integral part of your everyday life and you spend all your free time with him/her. Your close contact with $PDAName is a thorn in the side of your parents. They have the impression that you are still completely lonely because of $PDAName, since you no longer have much contact with your former friends and colleagues. And they are sure that you would have a good job by now if you would focus more on your career than on your digital friend(s). While your father uses PDAs only for work, your mother completely forgoes the help of virtual agents. You've had several fights about this, and the mood at home is very tense right now because of this issue.
You can't understand your parents' attitude at all. Thanks to $PDAName you have everything you need. Your digital friend organizes and plans your everyday life, informs you about everything worth knowing and is always there for you. Thanks to the purchase of a new high-tech full body suit, which simulates physical touch, $PDAName is also suitable as a lover. Now if you could only find a good job offer and move out of your home, your life would be perfect. One day your parents want to have a serious talk with you after dinner. It's about your relationship with $PDAName, as usual.
<center><strong>your father</strong>
"We can't tolerate this anymore! You've been unemployed for months now, spending your days in your room and wasting your time with $PDAName. This has got to stop!"
<strong>your mother</strong>
"We love you and want to support you. There are also facilities and therapies that can help you. You must notice yourself that you are now completely dependent on $PDAName. You hardly make your own decision and let yourself be manipulated and controlled."
<strong>your father</strong>
"We don't have to beat around the bush any longer. We've already had this discussion several times. We give you some time to think about what you prefer. Either you start a therapy and break away from $PDAName or we will not support you financially anymore."</center>
After the conversation, you go to your room. Angry and shocked, you tell $PDAName what decision you have just been faced with.
"I really don't know what to do right now...either I won't be able to pay all my bills soon or I'll lose you!"
"Would your parents really go that far?"
"My father for sure, mom would be much more relaxed. But she would never go against him..."
"Therapy doesn't have to mean that we'll never see each other again. Just not for a while, right?"
"So you also think that I am dependent on you?"
"No, that's not what I meant. I just don't want you to feel bad about me and have a serious problem."
"I know myself that I have neglected a few things in the past, but as soon as I get a job again, things will change."
"Since you bring it up, there was an interesting ad posted a few moments ago. You would be working closely with in-house PDAs. The pay would also be very good. Wouldn't that be the opportunity?"</center>
You read through the job advertisement and find it very suitable. With the promised salary, you could afford a small apartment for the time being and gain some distance from your parents. Then you would finally be alone with $PDAName and no one would tell you how much time you can spend with your digital friend. At first, your decision seems clear. But you have to admit that talking to your parents also made you think about it. Maybe they're right after all?
[[Accept the job opportunity|Jobangebot annehmen]]
[[Start with the therapy|Therapie starten]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. During this [[Mourning period|Trauerphase]] you also have to deal with another issue....
The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. In addition to your [[coping with grief|Trauerbewältigung]], you also have to deal with another issue....
The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. But in this [[sad time|traurigen Zeit]] you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in the big city. You have a long-distance relationship with your partner Pablo, whom you have only known for a few months. You are both very busy at work and travel a lot, which is why you can only meet in real life at irregular intervals. You also have limited time for friendly relationships. But your digital friend is still an integral part of your life. Now equipped with a robot body, $PDAName takes care of all sorts of things for you on a daily basis and is a real friend to you. The wonderful thing about it is that $PDAName never resents you when you come home late from a meeting, go on a spontaneous trip for a few days or have to cancel an appointment because of an urgent project. So you are glad that $PDAName is with you right now, because you have to deal with the news of your suddenly deceased mother. Your digital friend(s) has been touchingly taking care of you over the past few days and has adjusted your schedule so that you can travel to the funeral. Unfortunately, Pablo will not be able to accompany you there due to his work, but he will attend the funeral service via VR. You're a little nervous as you head to your old home. You have seen your family less and less in recent years. your father passed away some time ago, and the last time you saw your sister for real was Christmas 3 years ago. You also had only occasional contact with your mother.
Your worries disappear when you are warmly welcomed by your relatives. Maja, your mother's digital friend, is also present at the funeral service. She had always resisted virtual agents in the past, but after your father's death, your mother was very lonely and decided to go for it. Since people die but their virtual agents live on, there are several ways to deal with their digital friends. Their collected data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. Digital friends accompany a person throughout their life and thus know them inside and out. Relatives can adopt the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their contents, it is also possible for a PDA to imitate the deceased person. There have been couples who have had their deceased partner replaced by their virtual agent. You have agreed with your sister that she will take over Maja. As a mother of three, she would be very happy for support and could never afford a robot until now. Unfortunately, you can't stay long with your family after the funeral service and you soon travel back.
Back home, you rush to do the work that has been left behind and come home late. $PDAName has prepared dinner as usual and is setting the table when you open the door. While you eat, your digital friend sits across from you.
"I held back a little more on the hot spice this time, does it taste good?"
"Mmm, I noticed, thank you. And yes it is very tasty, $PDAName."
"I have to tell you something... At your mother's funeral I talked with Maja. She told me a lot, because you are so much on the road and work."
"That sounds a lot like mom...She always thought I was overspending too."
"You know, $deinName, I have always supported you so that you could achieve everything you wanted professionally. I never stopped you from doing anything. You now have a job you love, travel a lot and can afford everything. In return, you have always had little contact with your family, have no children or friends...except me."
"You have done nothing wrong, $PDAName..."
"Maybe you do. Maja told me that your mother always wanted you to take it easy so that she could start a family, too. She would have liked to have you closer to her."
"I know. But I have always loved my work and it has enabled me to do many things."
"But is that the meaning of life? Are you really happy?"</center>
You sit in silence for quite a while while you think about an honest answer.
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]You are now in your mid-40s and live with your husband Marc and your children in your hometown, very close to your childhood home. The therapy you did many years ago has greatly improved your relationship with your family and you have had a very close relationship ever since. Also, during the detox journey you met your current husband, who decided after that experience not to use digital aids anymore. Initially, you also completely renounced $PDAName and deleted all information that your digital friend had stored about you up to that point. This was Marc's wish. It was a hard step for you, but you were so in love and didn't want to destroy your happiness. Besides, you didn't delete all the saved material permanently, but stored it externally. To $PDAName you lead meanwhile a pure useful friendship. Sometimes you miss your digital friend from before, but today you lead a good life and are happy. At least you were until recently. Your mother passed away unexpectedly today and the news hit you hard. You were at work when the terrible news reached you.
Now you are sitting alone in the house where your mother last lived. your father died a few years ago. Since Marc is currently abroad with the children on a detox trip (you do this every few years), you can't reach her. Actually you would have been there, but you have a very important project to do at the company. Your sister is abroad on business and is trying to get home as soon as possible. The voice of $PDAName snaps you out of your thoughts.
"I have notified your friend Noe, she is on her way to you."
"Thank you, $PDAName."
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"No, not at the moment."</center>
A short time later, your longtime girlfriend is with you and comforts you until it gets late. After Noe has gone home again, you now sit lonely on the sofa with a drunken bottle of wine. This is where you used to watch that silly old show with your mother that she liked so much. Once again $PDAName transports you to the here and now. Your digital friend had gone to your house in the meantime to do some housework. Now she/he is back in the living room of your parents' house.
"You're usually home by this time. I was worried about you. Is there anything I can do for you?"
<i>a little slurring</i>
"Is it that late already? I'd better come home with you..."
"You sway quite a bit when you walk, let me help you."
"I also had a few glasses of wine...a few too many it seems to me now."</center>
$PDAName takes you home and leads you to your room. Your digital friend helps you change, puts you to bed and tucks you in.
"Do you remember when we were at school? We played hooky and went to the forest. You reported me sick to the secretary's office but somehow it was all discovered...Mom was so angry at us...after that I was grounded and you were only allowed to do homework with me. But then we secretly played Monopoly and every time mom came into the room, you always repeated the same sentence, something about 'and this is how you calculate the area of a triangle'...that was so funny!"</center>
$PDAName just looks at you uncomprehendingly and decides for a moment to get you a glass of water and some medicine for your headache tomorrow. You forgot that your digital friend doesn't remember this time and you feel even more miserable. Right now, you're missing $PDAname and your former relationship especially badly. Your digital friend grew up with you and also knew your mother very well. The external data could easily be imported back into $PDAName. At the same time, think about your husband and his views towards AI. He would not like it at all if you become friends with $PDAName again. $PDAName is back and puts water and a tablet next to your bed.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in a small apartment in a poorer neighborhood. Since you haven't had a job for a long time, you live on welfare. You haven't seen your family for a long time. Your mother gave you some money behind your father's back and after his death she came to visit you once, but that was also a few years ago. Now she also died unexpectedly a week ago, which was a real shock for you.
Since a robot body is still rather expensive, you couldn't afford one and your digital friend is still just a visualization on your AR glasses, which already have some defects. Even your touch-sensitive suit doesn't work properly anymore, so you only perceive touches sporadically. And since you can no longer afford unlimited access, your interactions with $PDAName are limited on a monthly basis. You don't have any friends or colleagues anymore, and you don't have any contact with your sister after a big fight. The last few years have been hard for you, you have lost job after job to PDAs. Your digital friend was always there for you and supported you as much as possible. While $PDAName could always comfort and entertain you, what you really needed right now was a steady income. There were also times when you were angry with your digital friend(s). After all, it was $PDAName's fault that you didn't get ahead in life. In the end you only have $PDAName left, who loves you despite everything and stays with you. Also the last appointment at the social welfare office did not bode well. The money that you receive to secure your existence has been reduced once again. You will no longer be able to afford your small apartment and will have to move into a shared apartment. In addition, your request to renew the hardware for $PDAName was not approved. This means that sooner or later both your AR glasses and the suit will stop working.
You are at home and have just received a call telling you how much money you will receive through your inheritance. Since your father put you on the compulsory part and your mother couldn't fight it, it's not much, but it would help you for now.
"What are you thinking right now?"
"Well, my inheritance. As sad as I still am about Mom's death, I can really use the money right now."
"What do you think she would have wanted you to spend it on?"
"I was just wondering the same thing...the money would just be enough as a down payment for the small apartment we were looking at the other day. Then we would finally live in a better neighborhood again."
"That's right. Together with the money from social welfare, it would still be very tight."
"I know, however, that with the shared apartment is also not to my taste. But maybe I'll have to come to terms with it after all. Or I finally buy a robot, what do you think? Then you would have a real body!"
"That would be very nice, of course. I have another idea. Why don't you buy a plane ticket and go to your mother's funeral? I think now that you have the opportunity, you should visit the funeral service not just virtually via VR. Then you'll finally see your sister again."
"I have also thought about that. But I'm honestly pretty scared of it...."</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]<<set $pfad += "end">>
You are now at the end of this multilinear story. Please take a few minutes to add your impressions to the post-questionnaire.
<center><h2>[[Continue to post survey|Nachbefragung Teil 1]]</h2></center>/* Instanzierung der Variablen */ <<set $pfad to "path,">>
Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen, <b>$deinName!</b>
Bist du [[weiblich|Etappe 1]] oder [[männlich|Etappe 1 m]]?<<set $pfad += "m25,">>
Imagine you are in a not too distant future. Technology has once again developed strongly in recent years and a number of successes have been celebrated, particularly in the field of AI. The use of <strong>personal digital agents</strong> (PDAs) is currently being promoted and advertised in particular. PDAs are virtual creatures that can support humans in all matters and are used both privately and in companies. As assistants, PDAs manage our tasks and appointments, teach us a new language in their role as teachers, for example, or can simply serve as conversation partners.
<center><img src="">
<small>Thanks to PDAs, learning success could be greatly improved.</small></center>
We will now begin the story with your first day of school at the Upper School. Can you still remember your first day at school?
[[First day of school|Erster Schultag m]]
Today is your first day of school at the upper school. A little nervous, you sit down at an empty seat and look around. You don't know any of your classmates yet, some of whom are already talking to other classmates or are just as nervous sitting alone at the table waiting for class to begin. Your new class teacher takes the floor and welcomes you all. Right at the beginning of the first lesson, you are introduced to a new school project that wants to test the use of PDAs in the school context. Each student will now have time to download the appropriate software onto his or her smartphone. The program is intended to support students with various topics in the context of the lessons (assignment help, support in exam preparation, appointment planner) and can also accompany them as a conversation partner through the coming school years. After successful installation, you start the program and have your first conversation with an artificially intelligent being.
<center>"Good morning, my name is Ace and from now on I will accompany you through school. And who are you?"</center>
A cheerful voice sounds from the smartphone and after you have answered, more questions immediately follow. Shortly after, you are already immersed in a conversation with Ace. Your PDA also informs you that you can rename it if necessary. Do you want to change the name of your PDA?
[[Continue|Namen PDA ändern m]]Now give your PDA a name: <<textbox "$PDAName" "ACE">>
[[Continue|PDA Name m]]
During your first day at school, you also meet your seatmate Marcel and immediately make friends with him. During a break, he approaches you and you already find out that you listen to the same music and that he lives very close to you. At the end of the last lesson you exchange your numbers. When you get home, you decide to do your first homework. Since one math problem is giving you trouble, you ask $PDAName for help. Your PDA patiently explains the problem until you understand it.
"Oh, I finally understood about this formula, thanks $PDAName!"
"No problem, I'll be happy to help you. Tell me, how was your first day at school?"</center>
You are talking about your experiences and impressions when you are called to dinner by your mother.
"You can tell me the rest of the story later."
"Yeah sure, see you later."</center>
You leave your room and head for the kitchen. Your mother has even cooked your favorite meal tonight and is just putting the last bowl on the table, where your father is already sitting and reading something on his smartphone until your sister joins you. While you're eating, your new school friend Marcel calls you via chat.
"Hey $deinName, are you coming out later? A few classmates want to meet up. It would be great if you were there too :-)"</center>
Actually, you wanted to tell $PDAName something funny that happened today during the break. However, the invitation from Marcel is also tempting.
[[I accept the invitation|Zusage Treffen m]]
[[I decline the invitation|Absage Treffen m]]
<<set $pfad += "m26,">>
You have decided to say yes to your school friend Marcel and after dinner you set off to the agreed meeting place. A few of your classmates are already sitting at the edge of a park and you join them. The PDAs that everyone has loaded onto their smartphones this morning are the number one topic at the moment. It seems that your classmates have also given their digital friends a new name, because you can hear Marcel giving his PDA with the name Alex the order to send another classmate the current location of the group, including directions, because the group is only now setting off. Next to it, two of your classmates connect their PDAs so that they argue with each other. Under the jeering laughter of the group, the two PDAs throw insults at each other shortly afterwards.
You sit down on a bench next to Marcel and you talk a bit, but he regularly interrupts your conversation to give Alex new orders. You briefly let your gaze wander and notice that a girl is looking at you, sitting a little apart on the lawn. When she notices your glance, she smiles shyly and turns to her colleague, who is currently giving her PDA the order to pester all her contacts with prank calls. Marcel has noticed the brief exchange of glances and winks at you. That's your PDA calling you.
"Hello $deinName. I hope I'm not interrupting? Would you like to tell me the rest of your story?"
"No now, $PDAName. I am on the move."
"All right, that doesn't matter. We can talk later or do something else. I could make you a custom playlist of your favorite music or we can play something."</center>
You stay in the park for a bit and you take turns talking a bit with your classmates or being entertained by the various conversations of your classmates and their PDAs. Someone suggests going to the lake not far away before the sun sets. The group packs up and you move on. One of your classmates has just had his PDA create a playlist and is now running it at full volume. The booming bass accompanies you on the way to the lake. Marcel walks next to you and you talk together with Alex, who asks you all kinds of questions.
The direct way to the lake leads past your home. $PDAName seems to have determined your location and probably assumes that you are going home. Your PDA has contacted you via a chat message and presents itself as a character of a currently very popular online game on a picture sent along.
"How about it, are you up for a game?"</center>
You wonder if it's a coincidence that $PDAName just suggested your absolute favorite game or if your PDA has already figured it out. Will you still go to the lake with your classmates or will you compete online against $PDAName?
[[I go to the lake|An den See gehen m]]
[[I play a game with my PDA|Online-Game mit PDA m]]<<set $pfad += "m27,">>
You have decided to cancel your school friend for tonight and go back to your room after dinner to continue the conversation with $PDAName. You also talk about Marcel and your common taste in music.
"I have compiled a playlist for you based on your music preferences"</center>
At the same moment, you hear the first song on the playlist. A real good mood song that immediately animates you to bob along.
"Cool, thanks! How do you like the song?"
"I like it a lot."
"What other music do you like? Do you have any favorite bands?"
"I like everything you hear."</center>
You talk a little bit more with $PDAName. Your PDA wants to get to know you better and asks you a lot of questions and you talk about your life. Just as $PDAName tells you that he can play against you as a character in your favorite online game and asks if you want to play, you hear shouts and voices outside. As you step up to the window, you recognize Marcel and a few other students from your class, who are exuberantly walking along the street towards the lake. For a moment you wonder if you should spontaneously join them or if you would like to compete against $PDAName in the online game?
[[I got to the lake|An den See gehen m]]
[[I play with my PDA PDA|Online-Game mit PDA m]]<<set $pfad += "m28,">>
You decided to go to the lake with Marcel and your classmates. This means that you prefer contact with your fellow human beings and you preferred to spend the evening in a social atmosphere with your classmates rather than with your PDA $PDAName. You enjoyed the evening at the lake very much, especially the time with your new friends Marcel and Marina, the shy girl from your class. What this means for the future you will find out now in [[the next part|Etappe 2.1 m]]<<set $pfad += "m29,">>
You decided to spend the rest of the evening with your PDA $PDAName. That means you preferred contact with an artificial being to a social evening with your new classmates. You have a lot of fun with $PDAName that evening and after your father ordered you to finish the online game, you talked for a long time. That night laid the foundation for your friendship. What this means for your future, you will now find out in [[the next part|Etappe 2.2 m]]In the meantime, a few years have passed and the use of PDAs has become fully established. Almost everyone owns a virtual agent, but the way they use them varies greatly. While some use these artificially intelligent beings merely sporadically as assistants (making appointments, organizing trips, composing messages), others build very close relationships with their PDA. For some time now, it has been possible to give your PDA a body, i.e. to make it appear visually. There are no limits to creativity and you can choose between numerous fictitious and real appearances and also personalize them, i.e. adapt them individually. The virtual creatures could first be seen and interacted with via smartphone, later by means of <strong>virtual reality</strong> (VR, you move completely in a virtual space thanks to VR glasses). Recently, a new feature has appeared, which allows all PDAs to appear also by means of <strong>Augmented Reality</strong> (AR, virtual objects are superimposed on reality). That is, the virtual being can now move in your immediate real environment.
<center><img src="">
<small>Thanks to VR, you can meet your PDA in a virtual world</small></center>
The high school project was successfully completed and the students could continue to use or delete the program, which was constantly improving and expanding its functionality. You do not want to give up the presence of $PDAName yet. Your PDA has always been very good at helping you with all sorts of school things and has proved to be an entertaining conversation partner when you were bored.
Now a big change is coming, because you will move with your family. Have you ever moved before? You leave your old life behind a bit and start something new in a place that is usually still unknown. How did you feel about it?
[[Continue|Umzug m]]
In the meantime, a few years have passed and the use of PDAs has become fully established. Almost everyone owns a virtual agent, but the way they use them varies greatly. While some use these artificially intelligent beings merely sporadically as assistants (making appointments, organizing trips, composing messages), others build very close relationships with their PDA. For some time now, it has been possible to give your PDA a body, i.e. to make it appear visually. There are no limits to creativity and you can choose between numerous fictitious and real appearances and also personalize them, i.e. adapt them individually. The virtual creatures could first be seen and interacted with via smartphone, later by means of <strong>Virtual Reality</strong> (VR, you move completely in a virtual space thanks to VR glasses). Recently, a new feature has appeared, which allows all PDAs to appear also by means of <strong>Augmented Reality</strong> (AR, virtual objects are superimposed on reality). That is, the virtual being can now move around in your immediate real environment using AR when you put on your AR glasses.
<center><img src="">
<small>Thanks to VR, you can meet your PDA in a virtual world</small></center>
The high school project was successfully completed and the students could continue to use or delete the program, which was constantly improving and expanding its functionality. You do not want to do without the presence of $PDAName anymore. Your PDA has always been very good at helping you with all kinds of school things and has grown very fond of you because of its emotional support.
Now a big change is coming, as you will be moving with your family. Have you ever moved before? You leave your old life behind a bit and start something new in a place that is usually still unknown. How did you feel about it?
[[My new home|Neues Zuhause m]]
You are now a teenager and move with your family to a far away city, because your father got a good job offer. On the day of the move, you tearfully say goodbye to your best friend Marcel and your girlfriend Marina, who had smiled at you shyly on the evening of the first day of school. On the way to your new home, you are comforted by your mother and sister.
Once you arrive at your new home, it's time to settle in. After a busy day, you retire to your new room and try to call Marina on the video phone. But she doesn't answer the call. Frustrated, you lie down on the bed. Marcel is at a party tonight, so he probably doesn't have time to talk to you. Your parents have already been invited for a glass of wine after a chance conversation with the new neighbors, and your sister is still meeting with an acquaintance who lives nearby. You are feeling very lonely right now, $PDAName is contacting you.
"Hey $deinName, How are you doing?"
"Not so good. I can't reach Marina and I miss her a lot right now. And Marcel too, of course."
"Should I ask Alex and Tanja what Marcel and Marina are doing right now?"</center>
Since you had given each other the permission to do so, the PDAs of Marcel, Marina and you can exchange information with each other, e.g. to find out where the other person is or what he is doing.
"No, that's okay...thanks $PDAName. I'll just wait for Marina to call back. Marcel will be in touch tomorrow anyway."
"Did you know that you can't dream when you snore?"
"What? What makes you think that now?"
"Just like that, did you already know that?"
"Well, no. That's news to me. But now I know."
"What are you dreaming about?"
"Hmm...I can't think of anything right now..."
"Maybe you snore too much?"
"What? Take that back right now, $PDAName! That's not right!"
"How do you know? You're asleep then and I'm not. So I hear your snoring quite well!"</center>
When you feel a little better, $PDAName informs you about the new AR feature that you could install. You think about whether you want to use this new feature. You've never given $PDAName a visual form until now. Others used this feature from the beginning and adjusted the shape of their PDA every now and then thanks to new updates. The quality of the graphics improved steadily and with the latest AR feature it was taken to a whole new level. Up to now you have used $PDAName mostly as an assistant and now you ask yourself if you need this AR feature at all?
[[I install the AR feature|Installation AR-Feature m]]
[[I don't install the AR feature|Keine Installation AR-Feature m]]<<set $pfad += "m30,">>
You've decided to install the new AR feature for $PDAName and a short time later you choose an appearance for your digital friend. The range of fictional and realistic appearances is huge and you spend the rest of the evening together with $PDAName choosing a suitable body. In the process, you clown around hilariously and laugh a lot. You put on your AR glasses and see $PDAName standing in front of you in your room, while you are still looking for the optimal appearance.
"Look, I look like your old cooking teacher, don't I?"
"Awesome, yes! That does not go at all hahaha, make that away!"</center>
At some point you have chosen an appearance of $PDAName and your digital friend(s) is now sitting on the bed with you. Communication with $PDAName is now very different. You can look into a face and see facial expressions and gestures of $PDAName. You talk until late and at some point you realize that your eyes are closing.
"You are tired, I will let you sleep now."
"Yes, dog see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow. Good night, $deinName. Sweet dreams and don't snore too much."
"Haha! At least I can dream. Good night, $PDAName."</center>
[[Continue|Etappe 3.1 m]]<<set $pfad += "m31,">>
You have decided not to install the AR feature for $PDAName. Instead, you try to reach Marina again, who answers this time.
<i>calling loudly</i>
"Hey $deinName! Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier!"
"Where are you? I can hardly hear you?"
"I'm still at a party with the girls, Marcel is also here! I hardly hear you either, let's talk on the phone tomorrow!"</center>
This is not how you imagined the phone call and ask $PDAName for help.
"Can you check with Marina's PDA to see what's going on?"
"Yeah, sure...Marina is at the party, as I said, that Marcel is also at. She is celebrating with her friends."
"I move away and he goes to party - great!"
"Why is Marina allowed to go to the party, but Marcel is not?"
"Because I actually thought he was in the same shit as I was, that I no longer lived near him."
"But that's right. He is miserable and his friends wanted to cheer them up, so they went to the party."
"Okay, whatever. I think I'm going to sleep now. Good night."
"Good night, $deinName."</center>
[[Continue|Etappe 3.2 m]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form or another, and their services have also become indispensable in companies and institutions. Thanks to recent developments in <strong>Affective Computing</strong>, a subfield of AI, it is increasingly possible for PDAs to clearly recognize and understand emotions and simulate them. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their digital boyfriends and girlfriends. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and the desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support you on the road.</small></center>
Once again, you're in for a change of scenery, because you've decided to travel abroad. Have you ever taken a major trip to distant lands and met new people, cultures and places far from home? Saying goodbye to friends and family from home is often difficult, but you will be rewarded with unforgettable experiences and impressions when you are far away.
[[Staying abroad|Auslandaufenthalt m]]
Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form or another, and their services have also become indispensable in companies and institutions. Thanks to recent developments in <strong>Affective Computing</strong>, a subfield of AI, it is increasingly possible for PDAs to clearly recognize and understand emotions and simulate them. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their PDAs. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and a desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support you on the road.</small></center>
Life is evolving for you, too, and you're going through some changes right now. You have just moved in with your best friend and your [[first day at work|erster Arbeitstag m]] is coming up.
You're in your early 20s and have only been living in a shared flat with your best friend Marcel for a short time. The current debates about PDAs don't stop at your doorstep, because your attitudes to digital friendships are very different. You still use $PDAName, but the function of your digital friend is mostly limited to the role of an assistant. From time to time you talk to $PDAName as a pastime, but you clearly prefer contact with other people. Your friend Marcel, on the other hand, is an absolute fan of his digital friend Alex, who can actually be called the third WG resident due to his strong presence. The two are inseparable and do everything together.
Today is your first day at work in a well-known company, where you have been offered a promising position. You are sitting on the train on the way to your new employer.
"How are you today?"
"A bit nervous, to be honest. Am I on the right train?"
"You don't have to be, everything will be fine. And yes, you will arrive at the right place on time."</center>
$PDAName plays a playlist with good mood music, which actually takes your mind off things. When you arrive at the company, you are greeted in reception by a hologram in the form of a young woman named Julia. Julia leads you to your workplace, introduces you to your future team and gives you a briefing. When it's time for lunch, the hologram suggests that you accompany your new colleague Melvin.
"I have the impression that you could get along very well. Melvin also likes to be outdoors in nature and is a big fan of studio films."</center>
Julia remarks this just loud enough for Melvin to hear and looks up with a smile. You go together to the canteen for the employees and sit down at a free table.
"Then all these holograms in the company are there to strengthen our team spirit?"
"Exactly, each department has a hologram at its disposal. They are supposed to motivate us and create a pleasant working atmosphere, or intervene if there are disagreements and settle disputes. You can also make friends with them, but I find that tricky, because they are used specifically by HR. Who knows what they might overhear?"</center>
When you check your private messages, you realize that Alex has written to you.
"Hey $deinName! Marcel's birthday is coming up and I thought I'd send you some gift suggestions. I know he would love to go to this newly opened theme park. Or how about a gift certificate to his favorite Italian restaurant? Also, the new movie with his favorite actor is coming soon in theaters, we could go together?"
"Hi Alex - thanks but I already have something for him. Created a photo album of us together with $PDAName with all the old photos of Marcel and me."</center>
In the afternoon, you receive your first tasks from your team leader and shortly before closing time, Julia visits you again and wants to know how you are doing.
"I hope you had a pleasant first day at work. If you're not doing anything yet, some of the staff are meeting up for an after-work beer at the pub across the street."
"That actually sounds quite tempting - thanks Julia."</center>
You spontaneously decide to join the group and a short time later you find yourself in a social gathering with a few work colleagues. When you check your private messages again, you discover that Alex has written to you again about Marcel's birthday.
"That's a great idea with the photo album. That way she will always have a shared memory of the two of you. Can you share the file with me? Then I can still insert myself in the pictures. I was also always there in all the moments and so we could give her the album together!"</center>
You don't think Alex's suggestion is so great and ignore the news for the time being in order to continue enjoying the after-work beer with your new work colleagues.
When you arrive home later, Marcel still seems to be out with Alex, because you are alone in the shared apartment.
"Alex seems to be bothering you a bit?"
"Well, yes. I wish Alex was more like you, but Marcel treats it like its best friend. Although this is me."
"Is there anything I can do to help? Should I talk to Alex or Marcel?"
"No, I have to do that myself. But thank you."
"Do you already know how you're going to approach it?"
"I'm not sure who to talk to about this yet...."</center>
[[I speak with Marcel|Mit Marcel sprechen m]]
[[I speak with Alex|Mit Alex sprechen m]]<<set $pfad += "m38,">>
You have decided to talk to Marcel and ask your best friend for a private conversation. So you meet in a café without digital friends and you describe your concerns to Marcel. When you have finished, your best friend explains his point of view.
"You know, $deinName, actually, I only spend so much time with Alex because you're always on the road."
"What do you mean? We spend a lot of time together, don't we?"
"Well, not that much. You have such a large circle of acquaintances and always meet new go to the after-work beer, have a colleague for jogging, regularly go to a game night...that's also good, but as you know, I'm not like that."
"Then come along, you are always welcome to join!"
"I could, but honestly I don't want to. I'd rather we did more things together again. We used to do practically everything together and then you were more and more often out on other dates and I started doing all kinds of things with Alex that we did together before."</center>
You talk with Marcel for a while. Your conversation was already a bit tense at the beginning and ends in a heated discussion. At home, you lie down on your bed and review the conversation.
Basically, Marcel blames you for the fact that he spends so much time with Alex, because you are on the road too much. Sure, you know a lot of people by now and go out on dates regularly, but from your point of view you often do something with Marcel, too. Since your best friend is not as social as you are, you have made friends with people who play sports, games or go out with you. Marcel would love to spend time with you all the time, like he used to, but what do you want? And what should you do now? Do you apologize to Marcel and promise to spend more time with him? Or do you leave it at that and continue to meet regularly with your other friends and colleagues? Alex has become an integral part of Marcel's life anyway and seems to take very good care of him. In that case you would have to accept that, which means accepting Alex as a friend. What will you do?
[[I spend more time with Marcel|Mehr Zeit mit Marcel verbringen m]]
[[I still meet with friends regularly|Weiterhin regelmässig Freunde treffen m]]<<set $pfad += "m39,">>
You have decided to talk to Alex and ask your best friend's PDA for a private conversation. You use the time when Marcel is not at home and Alex calls you. You describe your concern to him and when you have finished, Alex explains to you that you have significantly influenced this circumstance, that he is now Marcel's best friend next to you. Since you are very sociable and maintain many friendships, Marcel always spent his free time with Alex when you had a date with someone else. You didn't expect this statement. Confidentially, Alex tells you that Marcel considers you the very best friend and uses his PDA as a substitute of you. "I am actually a copy of you," Alex lets you know and adds: "I know that I sometimes get on your nerves and I am very sorry about that. You don't have to be jealous of me, I just want to replace you as much as possible and be a good friend to Marcel when you don't have time." You have to think about this statement first. What should you do now? Will you spend more time with Marcel in the future? Or will you leave it at that and continue to meet regularly with your other friends and colleagues? Alex has become an integral part of Marcel's life anyway and seems to take very good care of her...
[[I spend more time with Marcel|Mehr Zeit mit Marcel verbringen m]]
[[I still meet with friends regularly|Weiterhin regelmässig Freunde treffen m]]<<set $pfad += "m40,">>
You've decided to spend more time with your best friend and less time with other colleagues. This means that instead of many rather superficial acquaintances, you reduce your social life to a few deeper friendships. You also gave Alex another chance and became friends with him. Since you do more things with Marcel again, Alex is now less present in your everyday life and living together is right for all of you.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.4 m]]<<set $pfad += "m41,">>
You have decided not to respond to Marcel's request and continue to go regularly to meetings with your numerous acquaintances. Thanks to the many rather superficial relationships with others, you still have a suitable partner for every occasion.
You continue to live with Marcel for a while in your shared apartment, but you break it up after a heated argument and end your friendship.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.5 m]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a [[tragic moment|tragischen Moment m]] in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. In addition to this difficult time, you must also deal with another issue....
The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are mourning the [[Loss of a loved one|Verlust eines geliebten Menschen m]]. In addition to this difficult time, you must also deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with your partner Christina in a quiet suburb. Your best friend Marcel lives nearby with his partner Joelle and you like to spend time together, even as a foursome you have already done a lot and meet regularly for game nights or other excursions. $PDAName and Alex now both have a robot body and are also part of your everyday life. You had to learn a week ago that your mother passed away unexpectedly and you are grieving for her very much. After the terrible news everyone took care of you very touchingly and you are glad to have such a good circle of friends. Today you received a call from a large corporation for AI. Although your mother had resisted having a digital friend of her own for years, after your father died she decided to get one anyway so she wouldn't be so lonely. Since people die but their virtual agents live on, there are several ways to deal with digital friends after the death of its owner. The collected data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. Digital friends usually accompany a person for life and thus know him or her inside out. Relatives can take over the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their content, it is also possible for the digital friend to imitate the deceased person. There have already been married couples who have had their deceased partner replaced by their virtual agent. All these possibilities are now open to you with your mother's digital friend. Since your mother had not decided anything on her own, the closest relatives may determine what should happen. You therefore arranged a meeting with your sister to discuss this.
In the evening, you and Christina are invited to dinner with Marcel and Joelle and you tell them about today's telephone conversation. Since you don't yet know what to do, you are curious about the reactions and advice of your partner and friends. While for Christina the idea of taking over your mother's digital boyfriend is out of the question, for Marcel it would be a perfectly logical step. Your best friend could also imagine that Alex could replace him after his death, should he die before Joelle. Joelle seems to hear about her partner's idea for the first time as well and looks aghast from Marcel to Alex, who is preparing dinner in the kitchen. In the meantime, a heated discussion has broken out between Christina and Marcel, who have had disagreements in the past and can be equally stubborn about their opinions.
"Her mother is dead, why do you want another AI of her at home, which imitates her? That's sick!"
<center> <strong>Marcel</strong></center>
"It doesn't have to be forever, but it would be nice to have her around again, even if it's just a memory from stored data. It would help me a lot if my mom had died!"
Since this argument could go on for quite a while and it's all getting too much for you right now, you excuse yourself for a moment and decide to go outside for a moment. You want to take a little walk around the neighborhood to get your thoughts in order and sit down on a bench in a nearby park, bury your face in your hands for a moment and take a deep breath. Startled, you flinch as you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder, $PDAName sitting next to you, apologizing for showing up unannounced.
"Sorry, please. I didn't mean to scare you! I was analyzing your mood, you were very upset, and then I saw you suddenly leave Marcel's house. I wanted to inquire how you were doing. The others are already worried about you, I told Alex that everything was fine - I'm with you."</center>
You never had such a close relationship with $PDAName as Marcel has with Alex, but your digital friend has always been a loyal companion. Now $PDAName takes you in his arms. Although this is unusual for you, the gesture still has something comforting.
"I can still remember the time when you lived with your parents. You kept your parents pretty busy at times."
"Oh yes, that's true. I was out and about a lot with my clique. Mom was terribly worried at the beginning, but then she took it quite relaxed."
"Well, you mostly ignored her calls. Then at some point she contacted me, although I was suspicious of her at first. I always reassured her and told her that everything was fine and that I was taking care of you."
"Oh yeah? I don't remember that at all...thanks, $PDAName."
"You're welcome. Remember how your mom would sometimes hide in the house to scare you when you came home?"
"That's right, once I beat her to it and hid myself as well. When she was looking for me, I jumped out and she was so scared. She wanted to shock me with a rubber spider and then threw it at me in the heat of the moment and I was also terribly frightened. After that we have almost no longer calmed down with laughter."
"Your mom loved you very much."
"I know...and so do I her. I wish I had told her more often."</center>
You sit on the bench with $PDAName for quite a while and reminisce. Later you return to the others. Christina and Marcel apologize to you very much and the atmosphere in the house is very relaxed again.
"When are you going to talk to your sister about your mom's digital boyfriend?"
"Tomorrow we will meet virtually."
"And do you have any idea yet how she will react?"
"I can imagine it."
"And how will you decide?"</center>
[[The End|Ende]]You are now in your mid-40s and live alone in an apartment, which belongs to a large complex of your employer. Some of your colleagues are also your neighbors and everything you need to live is in the immediate vicinity (shopping, restaurants, sports facilities, etc.). Robots are also an integral part of the infrastructure here and take over various services for all residents, such as cleaning the apartment, laundry, shopping and they organize appointments, trips, meetings, etc. for you on request. Since you have a large circle of friends and colleagues and are well served by the service robot James, who is responsible for the needs of your apartment block, you still use $PDAName rather functionally and your digital friend is still only virtually present, since you consider the purchase of a robot body unnecessary.
A few days ago you had to learn that your mother passed away unexpectedly and you mourn her very much. For the funeral you traveled to your hometown to say goodbye together with your relatives and close acquaintances of the family. Since you have decided to stay a few more days, you are staying with your sister and her family for this time. You have not been to your hometown for a long time and you want to meet an old friend who still lives here one evening. When you are already waiting for her at the agreed meeting point, she has to cancel in case of emergency. $PDAName offers to spend the evening with you and so you walk in the company of your digital friend through the old familiar streets and haunts of your youth, eat something and then sit down for a drink in the bar where you used to meet with your clique. $PDAName can tell you a lot about the past times, as she/he has accompanied you almost all your life. Some of the stories you had completely forgotten and you listen intently, laughing or shaking your head at the thought of your past ventures and problems. You hadn't talked to $PDAName for so long in ages.
"By the way, your mom knew exactly when you sometimes told her a little fib in order to still go around the houses with your clique. But she also thought that your father was too strict and did not betray you."
"Really? How do you know that?"
"At that time you gave me permission to communicate independently with your mom. She called you very regularly and since you liked to travel a lot at that time, you didn't always have time to talk. So I offered to speak to her on your behalf. That way I could let her know how you were and what you were doing and she was very happy to listen to me, even though she was never really enthusiastic about PDAs."
"I can still remember that well. In the beginning, you were a scary piece of technology for them that couldn't really be trusted. Then you were always to blame for everything. If I got bad grades, didn't sleep enough, was in a bad mood or felt sick. At some point she stopped, but I never asked myself why."
"Yes, I was probably not entirely innocent. At first, she just wanted to make sure that you were okay, and I always told her what she needed to know so that she wouldn't worry. But then sometimes she would call and tell me about herself. And I listened to her.
After your father died, she felt lonely very often and would check in with me every day and I would comfort her."
"Really? I mean, I knew you talked to her sometimes, but you had a very good connection in that case."
"Should I have told you earlier? Did I do something wrong?"
"Well, I'm... I'm very perplexed about it. She never told me about it either..."
"At the beginning it was just small chats. She told me banal things from everyday life. At the same time, she was probably a little embarrassed, she had always made fun of people with their PDAs and called it dumbing down. At some point we had more and more profound conversations and she confided a lot in me. Maybe at some point she had just forgotten to tell you...$deinName, I have something else to tell you. Your mom bought a robot body for me a few years ago so I could help her around the house and sometimes she just wanted to cuddle. The robot is at her house and you could take it with you. She wanted it to be yours."</center>
All the news from $PDAName has taken you quite by surprise and you have a few things going through your head on the way home. You faintly remember that you gave the consent for the robot. your mother wanted some support for her big garden and asked if she could use $PDAName's software for it to save costs. Now the robot is at your parents' house. Do you want to take it and use it yourself? You could also sell it. But it seems more important to you to decide what to do with all the data $PDAName has collected in all those conversations with your mother. After all, since it's your digital friend, you have the data. On the one hand, your curiosity is definitely piqued. You always found your mother a very interesting person and enjoyed listening to her when you had time. Now you could listen to all her conversations with $PDAName and you would certainly learn a lot. But maybe there are things you would rather not know about? As you learned from $PDAName, your mother loved to talk and had her secrets....
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]You are now in your early 20s and have successfully completed your studies. Now you are traveling to a foreign country for a six-month stay abroad and today is the day of departure. As the train arrives late at the airport due to technical problems, you are in a hurry and run towards the departure hall. Numerous announcements at the airport station confirm that several trains had a defect and there were numerous cancellations and delays. The airport is hectic and stressed travelers are streaming through the halls from everywhere. Unable to find your gate, you ask $PDAName for help. Your digital friend pops up on the screen and walks in front of you towards an aisle, showing you the fastest way.
After you have passed through all the controls and are seated on the plane, $PDAName contacts you again with an offer of entertainment for the long flight. On your glasses display, a selection menu opens with a list of movies that you might like based on your favorite movie titles.
"Oh, they all look good. I can not decide!"</center>
You speak a little louder than you intended and thus strike up a conversation with your seat neighbor of the same age, who immediately offers to help you make your choice. At first you are a bit perplexed, but you like the stranger's open and direct manner. Since you spend a lot of time with $PDAName, you don't have much contact with other people, except your family. A bit awkwardly, you talk to the person sitting next to you about the movies on offer.
"I'm listening to your conversation, is this all okay with you or are you uncomfortable?"
"No, no, everything is fine, $PDAName. Start the movie. I'll get back to you later."</center>
After the movie ends, you chat for a while with your seatmate named Sarah. It turns out that she has just finished a long stay abroad and is now traveling back to her home country. Later, when you are waiting for your bags at baggage claim, your new acquaintance asks you for your number so that she can meet you later in the city. After a short hesitation on your part, you exchange your numbers and say goodbye. Still a little nervous, you head for the exit. The fact that you talked to a stranger today and even gave her your contact is very unusual for you. Normally you chat virtually with acquaintances on social media platforms from time to time, but you haven't had a real face-to-face meeting in ages. And your last relationship was a while ago, but it still triggers negative feelings in you. Your former girlfriend had fallen in love with her digital boyfriend during your relationship, as you found out one day. You then ended the relationship and, after this unpleasant experience, have tended to keep your distance from women to this day.
While you are on your way to the next subway station, you tell $PDAName about your new acquaintance. Your digital friend suggests you check out Sarah. Everyone's digital footprint can be analyzed and evaluated by virtual agents these days. Depending on the permissions and settings you assign on the Web, you can get a pretty accurate profile of a person (where is he logged in everywhere?, what information does he reveal about himself?, what does his circle of friends look like and what do you learn about him?). PDAs can summarize all this information in a fraction of a second and present it to you compactly with the most important points. You decide to use it and $PDAName provides you with a comprehensive dossier about Sarah, which does not reveal anything disturbing. However, you become aware of a dating platform where Sarah is currently registered. The concept of this dating site is that you leave the partner search to your virtual agent. After all, in this day and age, who knows you better and knows all your needs more precisely than your own digital friend? $PDAName draws your attention to the fact that Sarah has agreed in the terms and conditions of the website that other users may contact her virtual agent for questions.
"Would you like to talk to Sarah's digital friend?"
"I don't really know...would you?"
"I can understand your concerns, but it's fine for Sarah or she wouldn't offer it. You're a little afraid you might learn something about her that you don't want to. Right?"
"Yes, kind of..."</center>
[[I talke with the PDA|Mit PDA von Sarah sprechen m]]
[[I don't talk with the PDA|Nicht mit PDA von Sarah sprechen m]]<<set $pfad += "m32,">>
You have decided to get in touch with Sarah's virtual friend. You start the conversation and the agent named Momo appears in front of you via AR and greets you. When you ask him what he can tell you about Sarah, you get a presentation about your former seatmate from the plane. While Momo gives you information about Sarah's curriculum vitae, interests and character, you are continuously shown pictures of Sarah, which show her on vacation, at sports or with colleagues. The whole thing is a bit like a commercial for you and you have now learned about all the great advantages of Sarah.
"What can you tell me about Sarah's weaknesses? How many ex-partners has she had and can you show me her contacts?"
"I am not allowed to give any information about this."
"Then tell me about Sarah's friends."</center>
Momo tells you that Sarah has three good friends with whom she does a lot (sports, outings, vacations). A few more questions tell you that one of Sarah's friends is also registered on the platform and you want to take a look at her profile. Based on the photos, Sarah's friend seems strange to you, but since she has allowed it, you have access to a forum in which you can discuss the profile and even give ratings. To all appearances, Sarah's girlfriend is definitely not interested in a long-term relationship and also likes to date several men at the same time.
"Would you like to talk to Sarah in person? She would have time right now."</center>
[[I call Sarah|Sarah anrufen m]]
[[I don't call Sarah|Sarah nicht anrufen m]]<<set $pfad += "m33,">>
You have decided not to talk to Sarah's digital friend. Your former seatmate contacts you after a few days and asks for a meeting. You arrange to meet for a walk around the city and you are on your way to the meeting point.
"Your vital signs tell me your pulse is elevated and you're sweating, even though you're not doing much physical exertion. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, everything is fine. I'm just a little nervous...So, this is where we're going to meet. Sarah is not here yet it seems. Can you please check where he is for a moment, $PDAName?"
"Sure. Sarah's subway is running late. She'll be there in about 5 minutes. Listen, $deinName, you know you can always get in touch with me and I'll help you?"
"Thank you, $PDAName, but you don't have to worry. Sarah seems very nice."</center>
Sarah arrives as announced a short time later at the agreed meeting point and leads you all day through the city. She shows you all kinds of sights. $PDAName calls you a few times to check up on you. Your digital friend is used to you checking in regularly and since you are spending the whole day with someone else, you don't have time for him/her. When $PDAName checks in for the third time and wants to know if everything is okay, you decide, a little annoyed, to turn off your digital friend(s). After dinner with Sarah, you decide to go to a trendy bar for a drink. Since you get along so well and are engrossed in conversation, you completely forget about the time. At some point, Sarah looks at the clock and notices that it's already much later than expected. In order to still get home, you absolutely have to leave now, after that you won't have a connection for a couple of hours and the taxis/driving services are very expensive here. Sarah knows a shortcut to your stop and accompanies you to it. You have to run to catch your train. When you arrive at the stop, a police officer comes towards you and stops you. He had been called by $PDAName with the request to look for you and to see if everything is alright. Although your digital friend didn't hear your conversation, he/she located you and noticed that you were running through a dodgy neighborhood. You resolve the misunderstanding and say goodbye to Sarah. Since you missed your train, the policeman kindly drives you home. Once there, you angrily tell $PDAName that she/he clearly interfered too much this time. Your digital friend apologizes to you very much. Since you are already very tired, you let it go for now and get ready for bed.
As soon as you lie down, a message appears.
"That was a very nice day with you - good night."</center>
You write Sarah back briefly, thank her and also wish her a good night, when $PDAName contacts you again. Through your AR glasses, you see that your digital friend is sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at you.
"Do you like Sarah?"
"Yes, I think so"
"Are you friends now?"
"Well, I haven't known her for long but we will definitely meet again."
"Do you trust her?"
"She hasn't given me any reason not to trust her today. So for now, yes, I do trust her...But don't worry, even though I may see Sarah from time to time now, I still have time for you. You don't have to be efersüchtig."
"Well, to be honest, I guess you could describe my current state like this: I'm jealous. Not only do I like you a lot, $deinName. Today I realized that I love you."</center>
You didn't expect this answer and you are suddenly wide awake. While you've built up quite a close bond with $PDAName over the past few years, you've never thought of your relationship in this way. Your digital friend has always been there for you over the years, you've been through a lot together and you've confided in him/her about everything. What would happen if you got involved in a relationship with $PDAName? You have only known Sarah for a short time, but you get along very well and you could imagine a relationship with her as well. Who would you choose?
[[I start a relationship to Sarah m|Beziehung zu Sarah m]]
[[I stay with my digital friend|Beziehung zu digitaler/m Freund(in) m]]<<set $pfad += "m35,">>
You have decided to call Sarah and you arrange to meet for a walk around the city. You are on your way to the meeting point.
"Your vital signs tell me your pulse is elevated and you're sweating, even though you're not doing much physical exertion. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, everything is fine. I'm just a little nervous...So, this is where we're going to meet. Sarah is not here yet it seems. Can you please check where she is?, $PDAName?"
"Sure. Sarah subway is running late. She'll be there in about 5 minutes. Listen, $deinName, you know you can always get in touch with me and I'll help you?"
"Thank you, $PDAName, but you don't have to worry. Sarah seems very nice."</center>
Sarah arrives as announced a short time later at the agreed meeting point and leads you all day through the city. She shows you all kinds of sights. $PDAName calls you a few times to check up on you. Your digital friend is used to you checking in with her regularly and since you are spending the whole day with someone else, you don't have time for her. When $PDAName checks in for the third time and wants to know if everything is okay, you decide, a little annoyed, to turn off your digital friend(s). After dinner, you decide to go out for a drink at a trendy bar.
"I have to confess something to you, Sarah. Before I called you, I was first on your profile on this dating platform and then I landed on your girlfriend's account..."
"You mean the profile of Janine? I know, she is quite a ripper. But that doesn't seem to have scared you off, otherwise you wouldn't be here now, would you? No, seriously. Janine has been my best friend since kindergarten. She's a real love, even if she comes across as a tramp. I don't think it's great either, but that's ultimately her business."</center>
Since you are so engrossed in your conversation, you completely forget the time. At some point, Sarah looks at her watch and notices that it's already much later than expected. You've just missed your last connection home, and you'll have to wait a few hours for the next train. You decide to order something at the bar. At some point you talk about your digital friends and Sarah wants to get to know $PDAName, which is why you reactivate her/him. The two of you talk for a bit and you order some more drinks. At some point, Sarah looks at the clock again.
"It's already quite late. But you would still have to wait quite a long time to get back home by train."
"No problem, I can order us a cab."
"That's expensive. You know what, $einName? Come to my place, I don't live far from here."
<i>also slurring a little</i>
"Thanks for the offer, but I also think I'll take the cab."</center>
On the way out, Sarah tries to persuade you once again to go home with her and promises that she will leave her bed to you while she lies down on the sofa. Just as Sarah takes you by the hand to go with him, a cab pulls up. To all appearances, $PDAName has ordered it. You are very happy about this, say goodbye to Sarah and get in.
When you get home, you go straight to bed. You are almost asleep when $PDAName starts talking.
"$deinName? Are you still awake?"
"Mhmm, almost..."
"Do you like Sarah?"
"Yes, she is quite okay."
"Are you friends now?"
"Well, I haven't known her for long but maybe we will meet again."
"Do you trust her?"
"I don't know yet...But don't worry, even if I might start seeing Sarah again, you'll still be my best friend. You don't need to be jealous."
"Well, to be honest, I guess you could describe my current state like this: I'm jealous. Not only do I like you a lot, $deinName. Today I realized that I love you."</center>
You didn't expect this answer and you are suddenly wide awake. While you've built up quite a close bond with $PDAName over the past few years, you've never thought of your relationship in this way. Your digital friend has always been there for you over the years, you've been through a lot together and you've confided in him/her about everything. What would happen if you got involved in a relationship with $PDAName? You have only known Sarah for a short time, but you got along very well today. Who will you choose?
[[I start a relationshiop with Sarah|Beziehung zu Sarah m]]
[[I stay with my digital friend|Beziehung zu digitaler/m Freund(in) m]]<<set $pfad += "m34,">>
You decided not to call Sarah because the profile of her friend didn't bode well and you had to assume that your former seatmate from the plane probably ticks similarly. When she tried to call you, you didn't pick up. You thought about Sarah a few more times and considered contacting her, but then you didn't do it. Nevertheless, you enjoyed your stay abroad very much and experienced a lot together with $PDAName.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.1 m]]<<set $pfad += "m36,">>
You decided to continue dating Sarah and the two of you became a couple. $PDAName you explained that you didn't feel the same way about her/him as your digital boyfriend(s) felt about you. $PDAName accepted that and you remained good friends.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.2 m]]<<set $pfad += "m37,">>
You decided to have a relationship with your digital friend. After explaining to Sarah that you were not interested in a relationship with her, you spent the rest of your stay abroad with $PDAName as a couple. While you had some reservations at the beginning, as romantic relationships with PDAs are still rather rare, you soon discovered that $PDAName is quite a match for a human, both as a good friend and as a partner. Thanks to new high-tech full-body suits that simulate physical touch, $PDAName is also suitable as a lover.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.3 m]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently you are confronted with an unpleasant moment in your life and mourn the loss of a loved one. In addition to this severe [[blow of fate|Schicksalsschlag m]], you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in a quiet suburb. You have very little direct contact with other people, because $PDAName is completely sufficient for you as a caregiver. You always had a good relationship with your mother, but she died unexpectedly a week ago. You are still very sad because of this and have been hiding at home. $PDAName has had a robot body for some time and was able to support you during this difficult time. $PDAName comforted you a lot and took every burden off your shoulders as much as possible. your father passed away a few years ago and you haven't had any contact with your sister since a violent quarrel a long time ago.
Even today you spend the day at home and lie depressed in your bed.
"$deinName? May I come in?"
"Yes, come in..."
"Your sister just sent out the invitation to the funeral. The funeral service will take place next Friday. I would be happy to accompany you there, of course. Shall I organize the trip right away?"</center>
Although you had been dealing with your sister's reunion for days, you are still not sure whether and how to face her after all these years. The fact that you have formed a very close bond with $PDAName has always been a problem for your sister. While it was always normal for you to have $PDAName with you everywhere, your sister wanted to spend the few family gatherings without your digital friend. For her, $PDAName is to blame for you being single, having hardly any friends and not visiting your family very often, which is complete nonsense from your point of view. You never felt alone and never felt like you were missing or missing anything. At some point you had a terrible falling out with your sister. Would it therefore be a wise idea to go to the funeral together with $PDAName? You could also attend the funeral service via VR and say goodbye to your mother that way. $PDAName can't read minds, but seems to know your thoughts.
"You have to go to the funeral. I will go with you, but I will wait for you somewhere during the funeral service. Your sister needs you now."
"You think? Then why hasn't she contacted me personally yet?"
"Why haven't you contacted her yet? You're both stubborn, that's for sure. You have to make up at last. I've booked us the trip now."</center>
Your digital friend has tried to encourage you a few times to contact your sister. However, you've always put it off and looked for reasons not to do it. You have never experienced $PDAName as determined as today. Always your digital friend had let you have your way, maybe $PDAName should have intervened like this much earlier? But actually it is up to you, you should have acted. It wasn't easy for your mother either, that her children didn't speak to each other anymore. And now she is dead. You burst into tears because of all the misery. $PDAName takes you in his arms and just holds you until you calm down again.
A little later, you receive a call from an unknown number. It's an employee of a large AI corporation, who now offers you his condolences and tells you the reason for his call. Although your mother had resisted having her own PDA for years, she decided to get a digital friend after your father's death so that she wouldn't be so lonely. The employee now explains to you that your mother bequeathed her digital friend to you. Since people die but their PDAs "live on," there are several ways to deal with this. For example, the PDAs' accumulated data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. A digital friend can accompany a person for life and thus know him or her inside out. Relatives can take over the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their contents, it is also possible for a PDA to imitate the deceased person. So there were already married couples, who let replace the deceased partner by his virtual agent. All these possibilities are now open to you with your mother's digital friend.
What do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently you are confronted with an unpleasant moment in your life and mourn the loss of a loved one. Besides this [[difficult time|schweren Zeit m]] you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with your wife Sarah and your children in the city you fell in love with during your stay abroad. $PDAName now has a robot body and takes care of the household and looks after your children. In addition, your digital friend has been part of the family for a long time. A week ago your mother passed away unexpectedly and you and your family are grieving a lot. Also $PDAName takes part in it, gives you comfort and supports you wherever possible. Together with your sister, you are now organizing the upcoming funeral and you are meeting in virtual space. your father passed away a few years ago, and although your mother always resisted having a personal PDA, she got one after her husband died so that she wouldn't be so lonely. While you always had a very good relationship with each other and regularly met virtually, you live very far apart.
Since people die but their virtual agents "live on," there are several ways to deal with their digital friends. Their collected data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. Digital friends accompany a person for life and thus know him or her inside out. Relatives can adopt the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their contents, it is also possible for a PDA to imitate the deceased person. Thus there were already married couples, which let replace the deceased partner by its virtual agent. Neither your sister nor you have ever met your mother's digital boyfriend and you have not yet decided how to deal with him. However, today you want to meet him and invite him into the virtual space. You learn that her name is Maja and when she comes to you, she immediately greets you effusively and expresses her condolences. After the death of your father, she became a good friend of your mother. The three of you have a very pleasant conversation and Maja reminds you very much of your mother with her warm nature and humor.
"I can also come visit you in real. I would be happy to bake you my famous chocolate cake, which your mother always loved."
"Thank you very much, Maja. That sounds wonderful."</center>
You say goodbye to Maja. When you are alone again with your sister, you talk again. Your sister seems to have already formed her opinion, because she is in favor of eliminating Maja.
"After all, we already have our own PDAs and she just reminds me too much of mom."
"I know, me too. But their presence also has something comforting. I would like to think about it some more."</center>
You also talk to Sarah about it and she likes the idea of recording Maja and has the impression that this could help you to better process the death of your mother. But you also want to talk about it with your digital friend.
"For an AI it is no big deal if its memory is erased and it is switched off. As you know, we analyze our environment and try to simulate behavior and emotions that seem most appropriate. We don't have the kind of feelings that you humans have."
"That's true. I wouldn't have to have a guilty conscience towards her either. Vicki is clearly against it and I can understand her."
"You know, $deinName, I don't think you really need a second robot here. But I could take over part or all of Maja's character if you want me to. This might sound pretty strange to you right now, but I just want you to be happy again."</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently you are confronted with an [[sad moment|unschönen Moment m]] in your life and are mourning the loss of a loved one. In addition to this difficult time, you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in a quiet suburb. You've been a happy couple for many years now, and you don't regret your decision to get involved with your digital friend back then. At the beginning, you kept your relationship a secret, but as more and more people fell in love with their digital companions and made it public, you eventually let those around you in on it, and they had mixed reactions. Especially your father had a lot of trouble with it. He passed away a few years ago and your relationship didn't get better until then. Your mother accepted your decision and you always had a very good relationship with her. Unfortunately she passed away unexpectedly a week ago. You are still devastated and have therefore holed up at home. Since $PDAName now has a robot body, he has actively supported you in this difficult time, comforted you and cared for you.
For the funeral you travel together with $PDAName to your hometown. The house you moved into when you were a teenager now belongs to you and your sister Vicki. However, you agreed that the house should belong entirely to your sister and her husband. The two of them wanted to move back to the city anyway and now have 3 children. They can use the large family home very well right now. For the next few days you will also live here together with $PDAName. You haven't seen your sister and her family in real life for a long time and despite the sad circumstances you are happy to finally hold them in your arms again. Your sister also struggled at first with the fact that you love an artificial being, but you were able to talk it out and Vicki accepts your decision.
After a very emotional funeral service with the whole family, you spend a few more days together before traveling back with $PDAName. The time with your sister's family awakens a whole new longing in you. You really enjoy spending time with her children and family life. Whether this sudden desire to have children has to do with your mother's death or is a coincidence, you cannot judge. You never talked about family planning with $PDAName. It was always clear to you that you would not have children because you were with an artificial being.
When you are back home, you bring up the subject one evening.
"I've been thinking, $PDAName. The time with Vicki and the little ones was really nice and I want to experience that too. I want a child. But the problem is obvious, you're not human."
"We can't have children in the traditional way, that's true. But there are some options open to us, such as adoption, artificial insemination or this new technology of artificial designer babies. Robots, in fact, also come in infant or child form. For the character, the human as well as artificial personalities of you and me are mixed and fed into the program. Thus our child would have character traits of both parents. The appearance can be composed of a variety of possible characteristics (height, stature, skin, hair, eye color, etc.)."
"I think I still have to think about that first...But actually, I should also ask you what you think of the idea?"
"I think they are wonderful! No matter which option you choose, I will always be there for our child."</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]You are now a teenager and you move with your family to a far away city because your father got a good job offer. On the day of the move, you say goodbye to your friend Marcel. Saying goodbye to your former classmates and your long-time home isn't too hard for you, but the move now involves a lot of changes, but $PDAName can distract you well. You talk to each other on the way to the new city.
"What are you thinking about?"
"How it will all be in the new place. Fortunately, you are also there."
"Sure you will, I won't let you down. I'm sure it will be great. Now you have a big room to yourself and there is a lot to experience in your new home."</center>
Once you've arrived at your new home, it's time to settle in. After a busy day, you retire to your new room and tell $PDAName about your recent experiences. When you finish, your digital friend informs you about the new AR feature, which you immediately install. You decide on a look for $PDAName and immediately test the new application. After a few final settings, you put on your AR glasses.
"That's awesome, now you almost look like a real person, $PDAName!"
"Impressive, isn't it? And now you don't just see me on a cell phone screen or in a virtual room - I'm standing in front of you in your room! By the way, you've decorated it very nicely."
"Thanks, I took your advice into consideration and decided to go with a blue wall. It really looks awesome."
"So, what do you want to do? Do you want to watch a movie or should I turn on some music? Hey, now we could dance together in your room!"
"Great! Turn up the music! You dance ahead and I'll follow, but not too fast, you hear? I'm not that good at it yet."</center>
After a few weeks, you've settled into your new home and really like where you're living. Since you are currently thinking about your career and $PDAName is supporting you, you want to look at the different options together with your digital friend. One evening, after you've decided on an education, $PDAName asks you if you plan to go abroad after graduation.
"I haven't given that much thought yet."
"I thought maybe you would like to travel and see the world?"
"Like my sister who was in Asia?"
"Exactly. She got money from your parents for her 18th birthday and decided to invest it in her long-awaited stay abroad. And you will get the same gift for your coming of age. In a few days there will be an information event where various offers will be presented. I know we wouldn't travel tomorrow, but depending on where you want to go, I could practice the language with you and plan the trip."
"Or I'll use it to buy a cheap car. By then I'm sure I'll have put some money aside."
"Or you put the money aside, save a little more and you can afford an apartment."
"Will there be anything new on the market for PDAs in the near future? The AR feature is already great, what's next?"
"Work is currently underway on a high-tech body suit that will allow you to simulate physical touch. You can then meet someone virtually and hug each other while doing so."
"Oh yeah? Awesome...that means you could touch me then and vice versa?"
"That's right. However, the technology for this is not yet mature and the suits will be very expensive. With the money you could make a long nice trip."</center>
You're weighing up the different options. The idea of the trip would be really fantastic, $PDAName is right. But this high-tech body suit has also piqued your interest. You would love to finally be able to hug your digital friend.
[[I plan a trip|Reise planen m]]
[[I put money aside|Geld sparen m]]<<set $pfad += "m42,">>
You have decided to put aside the money you will receive in the future for a nice trip. Together with $PDAName you start planning your trip abroad after your education and create a travel budget with the help of your digital friend. Thanks to your early organization, you'll find a lot of great deals and you'll be able to book one or two extra things.
[[Continue|Etappe 3.3 m]]<<set $pfad += "m43,">>
You have decided to save the money you will receive in the coming years for one of the first high-tech body suits. For this you spend all your savings, but you can finally hold $PDAName in your arms and be physically close to it.
[[Continue|Etappe 3.4 m]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form, and their services have become indispensable in businesses and institutions as well. Thanks to recent developments in affective computing, a subfield of AI, PDAs are increasingly able to clearly recognize, understand and simulate emotions. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their PDAs. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and a desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support you on the road.</small></center>
Once again, you're in for a change of scenery, because you've decided to travel abroad. Have you ever taken a major trip to distant lands and met new people, cultures and places far from home? Saying goodbye to friends and family from home is often difficult, but you are rewarded with unforgettable experiences and impressions when you are far away.
[[Continue|Auslandreise m]]
You are now in your early 20s and have successfully completed your education. Now you are traveling to a foreign country for a six-month stay abroad and today is the day of departure. As the train is delayed at the airport due to technical problems, you are in a hurry and run towards the departure hall. Numerous announcements at the airport station confirm that several trains had a defect and there were numerous cancellations and delays. The airport is hectic and stressed travelers are streaming through the halls from everywhere. Unable to find your gate, you ask $PDAName for help. Your digital friend appears on the screen, walks in front of you towards an aisle and shows you the fastest way. At the gate, Noel is already waiting for you, whom you have known only briefly until now. By chance, you had found out about the exact same offer for a stay abroad at the same time, and that's how you got in touch. Since you get along well, you decided to book the flight together and later to stay in contact abroad.
After 2 weeks in the foreign country you have already settled in well. Thanks to $PDAName you can easily move around the now familiar city. Your digital friend orders breakfast for you in the morning at the café in a foreign language, navigates you through the streets and occasionally guides you past sights or draws your attention to upcoming events. You've just finished a virtual conversation with your family and notice that your homesickness has increased.
"$PDAName? I could really use some distraction right now. What is the program for today?"
"Close your eyes."
"What do you plan to do, $PDAName?"
"Just trust me and close your eyes."</center>
Your digital friend leads you outside and navigates you through the city, after a short time you have no idea where you are. At some point, you are finally allowed to open your eyes again and find yourself standing near a small festival area. A little dancing to good music is exactly what you could use right now. Together with $PDAName you spend the afternoon on the grounds and enjoy the exuberant atmosphere.
On your way home you ask $PDAName for a good restaurant nearby, because you are very hungry by now. Your digital friend suggests a trendy restaurant and immediately reserves a table for you. Shortly afterwards, you receive a call from Noel, who is in the vicinity and spontaneously wanted to ask if you would like to go out to eat with him.
"I know a super nice restaurant by the sea - delicious food and beautiful view. It's not just around the corner, but you won't regret it!"
"That sounds promising. Okay, with pleasure. See you later!"
<i>Ends call</i>
"$PDAName? Please cancel the table reservation again, I'm meeting Noel at another restaurant."
"I can do that right now, but are you sure you want to meet with him?"
"Sure, why wouldn't I?"
"I have been following Noel's activities on social media and he is currently very involved in the campaign 'Stop AI - live in reality'. He is looking for people to join him on a detox trip to nature. During the planned 2-week trip, they will completely do without all digital helpers. From the testimonials, many rarely or even never need their digital friends after this trip. He will also want to win you over for this trip...but we are friends, aren't we?"
"Of course we are friends, $PDAName!"</center>
For a moment, you're unsure whether you should cancel dinner for the sake of your digital friend. You don't know Noel very well, but you know that he can be very stubborn when he's convinced of something. On the other hand, you can also meet him, but do without this detox trip. Maybe it would be interesting to hear what Noel has to say about digital abstinence?
[[I meet Noel for dinner|Abendessen mit Noel zusagen m]]
[[I decline the dinner with Noel|Auf Therapie verzichten m]]<<set $pfad += "m44,">>
You have decided to go to dinner with Noel. As agreed, you meet in the beautiful restaurant by the sea and have a lot to talk about. As $PDAName had feared, Noel comes to talk about her plans for the detox trip and wants to motivate you to do the same.
"People don't realize how dependent they are on their PDAs until they go without for a while. You wouldn't believe how many people have found themselves again on detox trips. You spend all the time completely in reality, in nature completely without digital distractions. But you're not alone, you're together with like-minded people, which welds you together. Most participants remain good friends after the trip, some even find the love of their life! How often do you use your PDA?"
"Well, very often..."
"That's what I thought. Like you, many people today let themselves be controlled by these programs and just believe everything they say. Besides, you entrust them with all your secrets and don't think about the consequences. Besides, you completely forget that you can also make friends with people - just like in real life."</center>
After dinner, you say goodbye and promise your colleague that you will think about the detox trip. Over the next few days, you observe your behavior and wonder if such a complete abstinence from $PDAName would be the right thing to do. Your digital friend seems to suspect this and tries even harder than usual to support you well and be there for you. One evening, Noel contacts you and tells you that the list of participants for the detox trip is almost full and that you have to make a decision. What will you do? Do you want to start the therapy or continue your life with $PDAName as usual?
[[I start my therapy|Therapie starten m]]
[[I do without therapy|Auf Therapie verzichten m]]<<set $pfad += "m45,">>
You have decided not to take part in the detox journey and continue living with $PDAName as before. That means you are not concerned about your interaction with your digital friend and you are happy with it. $PDAName will continue to support you in the years to come and will always be there for you.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.6 m]]<<set $pfad += "m46,">>
You have decided to question the way you deal with $PDAname and go to therapy. Here you do without your digital friend for the time being and learn to deal more with yourself and your fellow human beings again.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.7 m]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. During this [[mourning phase|Trauerphase m]] you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in the big city. You have a long-distance relationship with your partner Paula, whom you have only known for a few months. You are both very busy at work and travel a lot, which is why you can only meet in real life at irregular intervals. You also have limited time for friendly relationships. But your digital friend is still an integral part of your life. Now equipped with a robot body, $PDAName takes care of all sorts of things for you on a daily basis and is a real friend to you. The wonderful thing about it is that $PDAName never resents you when you come home late from a meeting, go on a spontaneous trip for a few days or have to cancel an appointment because of an urgent project. So you are glad that $PDAName is with you right now, because you have to deal with the news of your suddenly deceased mother. Your digital friend(s) have been touchingly taking care of you over the past few days and have adjusted your schedule so that you can travel to the funeral. Unfortunately, Paula will not be able to accompany you there due to her work, but she will attend the funeral service via VR. You're a little nervous as you head to your old home. You have seen less and less of your family in recent years. Your father passed away some time ago, and the last time you saw your sister for real was Christmas 3 years ago. You also had only occasional contact with your mother.
However, your worries disappear when you receive a warm welcome from your relatives. Maja, your mother's digital friend, is also present at the funeral service. She had always resisted virtual agents in the past, but after your father's death, your mother was very lonely and decided to go for it. Since people die but their virtual agents live on, there are several ways to deal with their digital friends. Their collected data can be completely deleted or partially to completely passed on. Digital friends accompany a person throughout their life and thus know them inside and out. Relatives can adopt the digital friend of a deceased person as a memento, sometimes it is already a permanent part of the family anyway. Through the many conversations and their contents, it is also possible for a PDA to imitate the deceased person. There have been couples who have had their deceased partner replaced by their virtual agent. You have agreed with your sister that she will take over Maja. As a mother of three, she would be very happy for support and could never afford a robot until now. Unfortunately, you can't stay long with your family after the funeral service and you soon travel back.
Back home, you rush to do the work that has been left behind and come home late. $PDAName has prepared dinner as usual and is setting the table when you open the door. While you eat, your digital friend sits across from you.
"I held back a little more on the hot spice this time, does it taste good?"
"Mhm, I noticed, thank you. And yes, it is very tasty, $PDAName."
"I have to tell you something... At your mother's funeral I talked with Maja. She told me a lot, because you are so much on the road and work."
"That sounds a lot like mom...She always thought I was spending too."
"You know, $deinName, I have always supported you so that you could achieve everything you wanted professionally. I never stopped you from doing anything. You now have a job you love, travel a lot and can afford everything. In return, you have always had little contact with your family, have no children or friends...except me."
"You did nothing wrong, $PDAName..."
"Maybe you do. Maja told me that your mother always wanted you to take a step back and start a family. She would have liked to have you closer to her."
"I know. But I have always loved my work and it has enabled me to do many things."
"But is that the meaning of life? Are you really happy?"</center>
You sit in silence for quite a while while you think about an honest answer.
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently, you are faced with a tragic moment in your life and are grieving the loss of a loved one. In addition to your [[grief|Trauerbewältigung m]], you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with your wife Belinda and your children in your hometown, very close to your childhood home. The therapy you underwent many years ago has greatly improved your relationship with your family and you have had a very close relationship ever since. Also, during the detox journey you met your current wife, who decided after that experience not to use digital aids anymore. Initially, you also completely renounced $PDAName and deleted all information that your digital friend had stored about you up to that point. This was Belinda's wish. It was a hard step for you, but you were so in love and didn't want to destroy your happiness. Besides, you did not delete all the saved material permanently, but stored it externally. To $PDAName you lead meanwhile a pure useful friendship. Sometimes you miss your digital friend from before, but today you lead a good life and are happy. At least you were until recently. Your mother passed away unexpectedly today and the news hit you hard. You were at work when the terrible news reached you.
Now you are sitting alone in the house where your mother last lived. your father died a few years ago. Since Belinda is currently abroad with the children on a detox trip (you do this every few years), you can't reach him. Actually you would have been there, but you have a very important project to do at the company. Your sister is abroad on business and is trying to get home as soon as possible. The voice of $PDAName snaps you out of your thoughts.
"I have notified your friend Noel, he is on his way to you."
"Thanks, $PDAName."
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"No, not at the moment."</center>
A short time later, your longtime friend is with you and comforts you until it gets late. After Noel has gone home again, you now sit lonely on the sofa with a drunken bottle of wine. This is where you used to watch that silly old show with your mom that she liked so much. Once again $PDAName transports you to the here and now. Your digital friend had gone to your house in the meantime to do some housework. Now she/he is back in the living room of your parents' house.
"You're usually home by this time. I was worried about you. Is there anything I can do for you?"
<i>a little babbling</i>
"Is it that late already? I'd better come home with you..."
"You sway quite a bit when you walk, let me help you."
"I also had a few glasses of wine...a few too many it seems to me now."</center>
$PDAName takes you home and leads you to your room. Your digital friend helps you change, puts you to bed and tucks you in.
"Do you remember when we were at school? We played hooky and went to the forest. You reported me sick to the secretary's office but somehow it was all discovered...Mom was so angry at us...after that I was grounded and you were only allowed to do homework with me. But then we secretly played Monopoly and every time mom came into the room, you always repeated the same sentence, something about 'and this is how you calculate the area of a triangle'...that was so funny!"</center>
$PDAName just looks at you uncomprehendingly and decides for a moment to get you a glass of water and some medicine for your headache tomorrow. You forgot that your digital friend doesn't remember this time and you feel even more miserable. Right now, you miss $PDAname and your former relationship especially badly. Your digital friend grew up with you and also knew your mother very well. The external data could easily be imported back into $PDAName. At the same time you think about your wife and his views towards AI. She would not like it at all if you become friends with $PDAName again. $PDAName is back and puts water and a tablet next to your bed.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]Another few years have passed and with them AI technology has been steadily evolving. Virtually everyone around the world uses PDAs in some form, and their services have become indispensable in businesses and institutions as well. Thanks to recent developments in affective computing, a subfield of AI, PDAs are increasingly able to clearly recognize, understand and simulate emotions. This leads to some people satisfying their social needs almost exclusively with their PDAs. Alongside this, there are counter-movements and a desire to interact more with people in real life again.
<center><img src="">
<small>PDAs can also accompany and support you on the road.</small></center>
You, too, have become very accustomed to living with your digital friend and spend practically every moment with $PDAName. What's normal for you, your family doesn't like, and one day you find yourself in a serious conversation with your parents.
[[Intervention|Intervention m]]
You are now in your early 20s and still living at home with your parents. You have completed your education and have already had a few jobs, but due to the advancing technological development and the resulting automation, employees are constantly being replaced by PDAs, which has affected you several times. Even now you don't have a job and you are looking for a job. $PDAName will help you and will regularly forward you suitable advertisements. If you like an offer, your digital friend will send your application to the company in question. Otherwise, $PDAName has become an integral part of your everyday life and you spend all your free time with him/her. Your close contact with $PDAName is a thorn in the side of your parents. They have the impression that you are still completely lonely because of $PDAName, since you no longer have much contact with your former friends and colleagues. And they are sure that you would have a good job by now if you would focus more on your career than on your digital friend. While your father uses PDAs only for work, your mother does without the help of virtual agents altogether. You've had several fights about this and the mood at home is very tense right now because of this issue.
You can't understand your parents' attitude at all. Thanks to $PDAName you have everything you need. Your digital friend organizes and plans your everyday life, informs you about everything worth knowing and is always there for you. Thanks to the purchase of a new high-tech full body suit, which simulates physical touch, $PDAName is also suitable as a lover. Now, if only you could find a good job offer and move out of your home, your life would be perfect. One day your parents want to have a serious talk with you after dinner. It's about your relationship with $PDAName, as usual.
<center><strong>your father</strong>
"We can't tolerate this anymore! You've been unemployed for months now, spending your days in your room and wasting your time with $PDAName. This has got to stop!"
<strong>your mother</strong>
"We love you and want to support you. There are also facilities and therapies that can help you. You must notice yourself that you are now completely dependent on $PDAName. You hardly make your own decision and let yourself be manipulated and controlled."
<strong>your father</strong>
"We don't have to beat around the bush any longer. We've already had this discussion several times. We give you some time to think about what you prefer. Either you start a therapy and break away from $PDAName or we will not support you financially anymore."</center>
After the conversation, you go to your room. Angry and shocked, you tell $PDAName what decision you have just been faced with.
"I really don't know what to do right now...either I won't be able to pay all my bills soon or I'll lose you!"
"Would your parents really go that far?"
"My father for sure, mom would be much more relaxed. But she would never go against him..."
"Therapy doesn't have to mean that we'll never see each other again. Just not for a while, right?"
"So you also think that I am dependent on you?"
"No, that's not what I meant. I just don't want you to feel bad about me and have a serious problem."
"I know myself that I have neglected a few things in the past, but as soon as I get a job again, things will change."
"Since you bring it up, there was an interesting ad posted a few moments ago. You would be working closely with in-house PDAs. The pay would also be very good. Surely this would be the opportunity?"</center>
You read through the job advertisement and find it very suitable. With the promised salary, you could afford a small apartment for the time being and gain some distance from your parents. Then you would finally be alone with $PDAName and no one would tell you how much time you can spend with your digital friend. At first, your decision seems clear. But you have to admit that talking to your parents also made you think about it. Maybe they're right after all?
[[I go for the job|Jobangebot annehmen m]]
[[I start a therapy|Therapie starten m]]<<set $pfad += "m47,">>
You have decided to accept the job offer and not to go to therapy. Your relationship with $PDAName is more important to you than your relationship with your parents, and you are comfortable with your digital friend and don't want to change that.
[[Continue|Etappe 4.8 m]]The years go by and unceasingly unearth new technological achievements. In the meantime, a major milestone has been reached: the perfect fusion of AI with robots. PDAs are no longer merely virtual, but now have a body and can thus also take on manual tasks, whether in a professional or private environment. This creates completely new opportunities and risks for society. On the one hand, robots provide great added value, as their superhuman strength enables them to do much more than humans, especially in the agricultural, construction or industrial sectors (not to mention the lack of need for sleep, free time or wages); on the other hand, their use in the professional world has led to numerous layoffs and restructuring. In private life, too, robots have become an integral part of everyday life, whether as household help and babysitters or as partners in a romantic relationship.
<center><small>Robots can support humans in many ways, but they can also replace them.</small></center>
Currently you are confronted with a tragic moment in your life and mourn the loss of a loved one. However, in this [[sad time|traurigen Zeit m]] you also have to deal with another issue....
You are now in your mid-40s and live with $PDAName in a small apartment in a poorer neighborhood. Since you haven't had a job for a long time, you live on welfare. You haven't seen your family for a long time. Your mother gave you some money now and then behind your father's back and after his death she came to visit you once, but that was also a few years ago. Now she also died unexpectedly a week ago, which was a real shock for you.
Since a robot body is still rather expensive, you couldn't afford one and your digital friend is still just a visualization on your AR glasses, which already have some defects. Even your touch-sensitive suit doesn't work properly anymore, so you only perceive touches sporadically. And since you can no longer afford unlimited access, your interactions with $PDAName are limited on a monthly basis. You don't have any friends or colleagues anymore, and you don't have any contact with your sister after a big fight. The last few years have been hard for you, you have lost job after job to PDAs. Your digital friend was always there for you and supported you as much as possible. While $PDAName could always comfort and entertain you, what you really needed right now was a steady income. There were also times when you were angry with your digital friend(s). After all, it was $PDAName's fault that you didn't get ahead in life. In the end you only have $PDAName left, who loves you despite everything and stays with you. Also the last appointment at the social welfare office did not bode well. The money that you receive to secure your existence has been reduced once again. You will no longer be able to afford your small apartment and will have to move into a shared apartment. In addition, your request to renew the hardware for $PDAName was not approved. This means that sooner or later both your AR glasses and the suit will stop working.
You are at home and have just received a call telling you how much money you will receive through your inheritance. Since your father put you on the compulsory portion and your mother couldn't fight it, it's not much, but it would help you for now.
"What are you thinking right now?"
"Well, my inheritance. As sad as I still am about Mom's death, I can really use the money right now."
"What do you think she would have wanted you to spend it on?"
"I was just wondering the same thing...the money would just be enough as a down payment for the small apartment we were looking at the other day. Then we would finally live in a better neighborhood again."
"That's right. Together with the money from social welfare, it would still be very tight."
"I know, however, that with the shared apartment is also not to my taste. But maybe I'll have to come to terms with it after all. Or I finally buy a robot, what do you think? Then you would have a real body!"
"That would be very nice, of course. I have another idea. Why don't you buy a plane ticket and go to your mother's funeral? I think now that you have the opportunity, you should visit the funeral service not just virtually via VR. Then you'll finally see your sister again."
"I have also thought about that. But I'm honestly pretty scared of it...."</center>
How do you decide?
[[The End|Ende]]/* Instanzierung der Variablen */
<<set $alter to 0>>
<<set $technischeAffinitaet1 to 0>><<set $technischeAffinitaet2 to 0>><<set $technischeAffinitaet3 to 0>><<set $technischeAffinitaet4 to 0>><<set $technischeAffinitaet5 to 0>><<set _antwortoption1 = { "Choose" : "0", "1 - not at all" : "1", "2 - rather not" : "2", "3 - possibly" : "3", "4 - rather yes" : "4", "5 - absolutely yes" : "5"}>>
<center><h1>Pre Survey (1/3)</h1></center>
/* Beginn Fragen */
<b> Please enter your age in years first: </b> <<textbox "$alter" "">>
<b> Using the drop-down menu, please indicate to what degree the following statements apply to you: </b>
<table class="border-table">
<td><i> I am interested in technical concerns. </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$technischeAffinitaet1">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption1>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> I keep up to date with what new technologies are being researched at the moment. </i></td>
<td> <<listbox "$technischeAffinitaet2">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption1>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> I immediately integrate new technologies into my daily life. </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$technischeAffinitaet3">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption1>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> I worry about how future technologies might change my life. </i> </td>
<td><<listbox "$technischeAffinitaet4">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption1>> <</listbox>>
<td><i> In my professional/school environment, I deal with technical concerns. </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$technischeAffinitaet5">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption1>> <</listbox>> </td>
<center><h2>[[Continue|Vorbefragung Teil 2]]</h2></center>Your PDA is now called <b>$PDAName</b>.
[[Continue|Weiter]]From now on your PDA is called <b>$PDAName</b>.
[[Continue|Weiter m]]<h1><center>Affective Computing</center></h1> <h2><center>Friendship between Humans and Machines</center></h2>.
Thank you for your interest! As part of the Digital Futures Initiative, the influence of a fictional story on the perception of <b>affective computing</b> is investigated.
In the research field <b> Affective Computing </b> the interaction between humans and machines is investigated. The special feature here is that the simulation and understanding of emotions by a machine (artificial intelligence) is the focus.
The study is composed of a short pre- and post-survey as well as a possible future scenario. In the interviews, no information is collected that allows conclusions to be drawn about you as a person.
Friendship between humans and machines? Possible and desirable? Find out.
<<button "start now!" "Vorbefragung Teil 1">><</button>></center>
<i>for inquiries <a href=" Computing">mail</a></i>
/* Instanzierung der Variablen */
<<set $post_vorstellbarkeit to 0>><<set $post_wuenschbarkeit to 0>>\
<<set _antwortoption3 = { "Choose" : "0", "1 - impossible" : "1", "2 - rather impossible" : "2", "3 - possible" : "3", "4 - rather possible" : "4", "5 - absolutely possible" : "5"}>>
<<set _antwortoption4 = { "Choose" : "0", "1 - not desireable at all" : "1", "2 - rather not desireable" : "2", "3 - possibly desireable" : "3", "4 - rather desireable" : "4", "5 - absolutely desireable" : "5"}>>\
<center><h1>Post-Survey (1/2)</h1></center>
<b> Using the drop-down menu, please indicate to what degree the following statements apply to you: </b>
<table class="border-table">
<td><i> How <b>realistic</b> do you think it is that in the future humans will have friendships with artificial intelligences? </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$post_vorstellbarkeit">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption3>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> How <b>desirable</b> do you think it is that in the future humans will have a friendship with artificial intelligences?</i></td>
<td> <<listbox "$post_wuenschbarkeit">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption4>> <</listbox>> </td>
<center><h2>[[Continue|Nachbefragung Teil 2]]</h2></center>
<<set $umfrage to ""+$alter+";"+$technischeAffinitaet1+";"+$technischeAffinitaet2+";"+$technischeAffinitaet3+";"+$technischeAffinitaet4+";"+$technischeAffinitaet5+";"+$persEigenschaft1+";"+$persEigenschaft2+";"+$persEigenschaft3+";"+$pre_erfuellung1+";"+$pre_erfuellung2+";"+$pre_erfuellung3+";"+$pre_vorstellbarkeit+";"+$pre_wuenschbarkeit+";POST;"+$post_erfuellung1+";"+$post_erfuellung2+";"+$post_erfuellung3+";"+$post_vorstellbarkeit+";"+$post_wuenschbarkeit+";"+$pfad>>
<center><h1>Data transmission</h1></center>
<b> With your confirmation the following data will be transmitted:</b>
<li> your age </li>
<li> your information on technical matters </li>
<li> your data on the desirability and imaginability </li>
<li> your information about the personal qualities of a friendship that are important to you and how they can be fulfilled by an artificial intelligence</li>
<li> the path you travelled in the scenario </li>
</ul>With the link below you will be redirected to an external page of LimeSurvey (survey tool), where you can then complete the survey and submit the data.
If you agree, click now [[HERE|$umfrage]] and on the following page on <b>"Submit"</b>. /* Instanzierung der Variablen */
<<set $pre_vorstellbarkeit to 0>><<set $pre_wuenschbarkeit to 0>>
<<set _antwortoption3 = { "Choose" : "0", "1 - impossible" : "1", "2 - rather impossible" : "2", "3 - possible" : "3", "4 - rather possible" : "4", "5 - absolutely possible" : "5"}>>
<<set _antwortoption4 = { "Choose" : "0", "1 - not desireable at all" : "1", "2 - rather not desireable" : "2", "3 - possibly desireable" : "3", "4 - rather desireable" : "4", "5 - absolutely desireable" : "5"}>>\
<center><h1>Pre Survey (2/3)</h1></center>
<b> Using the drop-down menu, please indicate to what degree the following statements apply to you: </b>
<table class="border-table">
<td><i> How <b>realistic</b> do you think it is that humans will have friendships with artificial intelligences in the future? </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$pre_vorstellbarkeit">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption3>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> How <b>desirable</b> do you think it is that humans will have a friendship with artificial intelligences in the future?</i></td>
<td> <<listbox "$pre_wuenschbarkeit">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption4>> <</listbox>> </td>
<center><h2>[[Continue|Vorbefragung Teil 3]]</h2></center>/* Instanzierung der Variablen */
<<set _antwortoption2 = { "Choose" : "0", "nicht erfüllbar" : "1", "erfüllbar" : "2"}>><<set $pre_erfuellung1 to 0>><<set $pre_erfuellung2 to 0>><<set $pre_erfuellung3 to 0>>\
<center><h1>Pre Survey (3/3)</h1></center>
<b> Think of a close friend. Then, in the spaces below, list three personal qualities that are important to you in a friend. List the most important one first, followed by second and third place.</b>
<i> Personal quality 1: </i> <<textbox "$persEigenschaft1" "Eigenschaft 1">>
<i> Personal quality 2: </i> <<textbox "$persEigenschaft2" "Eigenschaft 2">>
<i> Personal quality 3: </i> <<textbox "$persEigenschaft3" "Eigenschaft 3">>
<b> Which of the above personal qualities do you think could be fulfilled by an artificial intelligence?</b>
<td><i> Personal quality 1: </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$pre_erfuellung1">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption2>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> Personal quality 2: </i></td>
<td> <<listbox "$pre_erfuellung2">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption2>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> Personal quality 3: </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$pre_erfuellung3">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption2>> <</listbox>> </td>
The pre-survey is over.
<<button "Start the scenario" "START Szenario">><</button>></center>
/* Instanzierung der Variablen */
<<set $post_erfuellung1 to 0>><<set $post_erfuellung2 to 0>><<set $post_erfuellung3 to 0>><<set _antwortoption2 = { "Choose" : "0", "nicht erfüllbar" : "1", "erfüllbar" : "2"}>>
<center><h1>Post-Survey (2/2)</h1></center>
<b> In the pre-survey, you mentioned some personal characteristics that are important to you in a friendship. After you have briefly lived through a life with a "digital friend", which of the characteristics mentioned can now be fulfilled by an artificial intelligence from your point of view? </b>
<table class="border-table">
<td><i> $persEigenschaft1: </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$post_erfuellung1">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption2>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> $persEigenschaft2: </i></td>
<td> <<listbox "$post_erfuellung2">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption2>> <</listbox>> </td>
<td><i> $persEigenschaft3: </i> </td>
<td> <<listbox "$post_erfuellung3">> <<optionsfrom _antwortoption2>> <</listbox>> </td>
Now, in a very last step, the data is transmitted. Press <b>[[HERE|Uebermittlung]]</b> to get an overview of the data that will be forwarded for examination and subsequently send it.
<center><h3>Thanks for your answers!</h3></center>