<h3>Technology in the Daily Life of Vocational Education</h3>
<h4>An Interactive Future Scenario</h4>
<h5>by<br/>Jaime Oberle</h5>
In this story you take on the role of a teacher who teaches at the fictive Vocational School Zurich. To personalize the story and make the dialogues a little more realistic, please fill in the following fields.
<div class="form">(dropdown: bind $anrede, "Ms", "Mr")
<input type=text placeholder="Your family name" data-varname="surname">
Your last name is not stored anywhere and is only used within your browser to personalize the story.
At the bottom of each page you will see the link to the next page or several links if you can make a decision:
[[What the story is about->Ueber das Spiel]]
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Anrede', Harlowe.State.variables.anrede]);
Very good, students address you as //$anrede $nachname//.
This interactive story is about immersing yourself in the everyday situations of a voactional education teacher. These situations take place in a distant future, in which technologies will be available that are so advanced that they will greatly relieve us humans and will be omnipresent in everyday life.
With your decisions, you influence the extent to which a technology is used and thus change the course of history.
Before we start, please answer the following questions about your attitude towards the technologies presented. Your data will of course be stored anonymously in Switzerland and will only be evaluated in the context of this research project.
<div class="form">By means of photorealistic virtual reality, a location-independent and personalized teaching is made possible, which also allows for practical simulations.
How do you judge your attitude towards this technology?
(dropdown: bind $anteVR, "Please choose...", "very open-minded", "curious", "neutral", "sceptical", "conservative")
Thanks to artificial intelligence, students and teachers can receive individual assistance and advice, for example, by means of virtual assistants.
How open are you to this technology?
(dropdown: bind $anteAI, "Please choose...", "very open-minded", "curious", "neutral", "sceptical", "conservative")
Advanced cognitive computing systems support teachers in lesson planning and content selection, while students are individually supported in their learning biography. This is made possible through the integration of Big Data, machine learning, language processing, and image recognition.
What is your attitude towards such a system?
(dropdown: bind $anteCC, "Please choose...", "very open-minded", "curious", "neutral", "sceptical", "conservative")
[[Let's go->C Bildungspolitik BC]]
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Ante-Haltung VR', Harlowe.State.variables.anteVR]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Ante-Haltung AI', Harlowe.State.variables.anteAI]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Ante-Haltung CC', Harlowe.State.variables.anteCC]);
<h4>The wonderful new world</h4>
Education policy has made vocational education fundamentally more flexible in recent years. All training courses must now be completed in modules and there is a certain permeability between individual occupations or specializations. After completion of a compact and generalist basic training, the further training content is put together according to the needs of both the firms where apprentices are trained and the interests of the students.
On the one hand, this allows for a high degree of mobility between occupations, while on the other hand, the classical concept of an occupation has been softened in education. On the other hand, this orientation provides a basis for lifelong learning, as well as a broad and diverse range of competencies of the learners.
Once the basic training has been completed, modular specialization courses in different fields can be added at any time, independent of a person's age.
One effect of this is that in personnel recruitment, suitable personnel is only sought and found on the basis of individually acquired skills.
As a consequence, all educational institutions in Switzerland rely on (link-repeat:"CompetenceChain")[(display:"ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display:"C CompetenceChain")]], to store competence and performance records centrally and on a long-term basis.
[[to your role ->Beschreibung Rolle]]
''Your tell your class:'' //Congratulations, most of the exams were very successful, but with one exception. From now on you will find your results on your computer.//
You explain the difficult tasks to make sure that everyone has one last aha-experience on this closed topic. Only some questions of understanding follow and there seems to be no need for further discussion.
Inwardly you are happy about your lunch break, which is a little longer. On the one hand you have an appointment with your teacher colleague Lorenzo for lunch, whom you haven't seen for two months. On the other hand, you wanted to read an article about the latest technological developments in the education sector.
After saying goodbye to the students during their lunch break, Simona comes to your place. This is what you had been waiting for, because she was the student who had achieved an unsatisfactory result.
''Simona:'' //$anrede $surname, I can guarantee that I have understood the material. Unfortunately, I had my cluster headaches repeatedly during the exam and I could hardly concentrate.//
''You ask:'' //Why didn't you let me know back then?//
''Simona:'' //I did not want to write another retest. Besides, I've got some stress at home... my father is unemployed again and he gambles away his basic income in online casinos, so I mostly have to shop and cook for my little brother.//
While she tells this story, her gaze wanders again and again to the floor.
''You say:'' //Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I am happy to report this to the cantonal family support, because this is not an acceptable state.//
What are you going to do next?
[[ Online notification to family support and storage of the examination result in the CompetenceChain ->BC Speicherung Meldung Familienhilfe]]
[[ Canceling lunch with Lorenzo to talk to Simona and work out an individual retest for her ->Nachprüfung dank CC]]
(set: $regeltreu to "Ja")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'regeltreu', Harlowe.State.variables.regeltreu]);
''You say to Simona:'' //Simona, there is nothing more I can do for you at the moment. You know that out of fairness to the other students, I cannot give you an advantage here. Accordingly, I will have to store your examination result in the (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")]].
Simona is visibly disappointed. You wish her a good lunch break and she leaves the room.
You close the door and wash your hands afterwards. Your cell phone shows you that you have 30 minutes left until your date with Lorenzo.
Then open the app of the cantonal administration on your cell phone and navigate to the family help. As a teacher, you have the opportunity to report any anomalies directly and easily. You record what Simona has told you and the app acknowledges this with the message that Simona's family is already under careful observation and that more psychological support will be mobilized for them.
[[You pause for a moment because you are not quite comfortable ->C Support Schulleitung]]
[[You now dedicate yourself to the article you wanted to read ->C Artikel VR]]
(set: $regeltreu to "Nein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'regeltreu', Harlowe.State.variables.regeltreu]);
''You say to Simona:'' //Simona, are you okay? I mean, are you satisfied with your choice of education and job?//
''Simona:'' //Yes, very - so except with the family situation at home, but hopefully that's just temporary. Why do you ask?//
''You mean:'' //With the unconditional basic income we have the possibility to do and work what we enjoy. If not, we can always learn something else. I just wanted to make sure that you are not running in the wrong direction. How are you doing in other modules?//
''Simona: ''// Otherwise, not bad. The topics are all fun for me and so far I have not been unsatisfactory in any other competence test. I would certainly like to stick to my chosen training and only give myself room for flexibility later on.//
''You say:'' //That sounds reasonable. Why don't you take a seat again, I'll just need a few minutes and then I'll be right back with you. You are allowed to write a retest, but this must take place immediately so that I can meet the deadlines for saving in the (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")]].//
''Simona:'' //Thanks a lot $anrede $surname that I get another chance. I will now certainly be able to show you that I have understood everything.//
You write Lorenzo on your cell phone a cancellation for your arranged lunch and he reports back with regret that hopefully it wouldn't take another two months until we meet again. You answer him that it will probably be enough time for you to show up in the teachers' room for coffee before the end of the lunch break.
Somewhat annoyed, you put your cell phone on the table and ask yourself where you should conjure up an exam. Then you suddenly remember that a year ago you already had to take exams in the corresponding topic and ask (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] for a short test on it. DigiTeach will compile a crisp but challenging test for you within a few seconds, which you will be able to provide on Simona's computer after a short flyover.
But before you inform Simona about it, you'll want to get a sandwich that you intend to eat while she solves the exam. You go to the break room to the Panino-matico. After you have put together your sandwich at the machine, you pay with the CryptoWallet on your cell phone and shortly afterwards the hatch of the machine opens. You take out your warm sandwich, go back to the classroom and let yourself fall happily onto the office chair.
''You say to Simona:'' //The exam is on your computer, you may begin and the countdown tells you how much time you have left. Good luck!//
A little nervously Simona clicks around on the mouse and starts the exam.
[[ You bite with relish into your sandwich ->Nachprüfung Artikel VR]]
(if: $austauschfreudig is 0)[(set: $austauschfreudig to "Nein")]<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'austauschfreudig', Harlowe.State.variables.austauschfreudig]);
Once you arrive in your assigned classroom, you sit down at the computer and prepare for the next exam that is due in the next lesson. This class is a bit bigger and is just finishing a topic in the module //Mobile Device Security//. Therefore the exam takes half an afternoon, but after that your working day is probably finished for today.
The students enter the room one after the other and take a seat. They seem to be in a good mood and very communicative.
''Arvid asks:'' //$anrede $surname, let's solve the exam today in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]?//
''You:'' // Yes, why do you ask?//
''Arvid:'' //Cool! Because I like to use it and I am well used to work with it.//
''Lara:'' //Ah, me too, then. //
''Dylan asks:'' //$anrede $surname, have you tried the new version of (link-repeat: "SimRooms")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C SimRooms")]] already?//
''You answer:'' //No, not yet. I wonder if it makes any sense at all to run tests in Virtual Reality as well. //
''Dylan:'' // Why not? That way we could save ourselves a trip to school!//
''Lara:'' // Come on, you don't live far away. And anyway... then we won't see each other anymore.//
"Dylan replies:" // I'm certainly not sad if I have to see you less!//
"Lara:'' //Ha, Ha! //
A part of the class bursts out laughing.
''You mean to Dylan: ''// I hope you didn't mean that, Dylan.//
''Dylan:'' //No no, but Lara just offered me a steep one.//
''Lara to Dylan:'' //To have at least some exercise would certainly do you good.//
''Dylan:'' //Ha, Ha!//
Again laughter of the class makes you ask for silence.
''You:'' //Psssst! Let us put your creative energy into the exam. So, she is now ready in DigiTeach, I wish you good luck!//
During the hours in which the students take their exam, you prepare the lessons for the next weeks. From time to time you walk around the room to get an impression of how the learners are progressing. They seem to be quite fast, which makes you a little proud.
A good hour before the exam ends, the first papers appear in DigiTeach and five minutes later the last student has also handed in the exam.
[[Satisfied you say goodbye to the class ->C Upgrade SimRooms]]
In the teachers' room you greet the teachers who are already present and are happy that some of them are there whom you have not seen for a long time.
''Frank'': //Ah, look at $anrede $surname! How are you?//
''You: ''//Prima, thanks, but I need a coffee right now.//
At the coffee machine you hold your index finger on the reader and your perfectly configured favourite coffee is ready in a bamboo cup a few seconds later.
''Karin asks:'' //Have you noticed that (link-repeat: "SimRooms")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C SimRooms")]] can now do a lot more?//
''You: ''//Yes, but unfortunately I haven't gotten around to dealing with it conclusively yet.//
''Frank'': // I think it's great how we get more options to react flexibly to situations. Imagine a bigger epidemic breaks out again! So we finally have all the tools to do our work completely virtual and efficient.//
''You: ''// Do you think our learners would see it that way too?//
''Frank'': //Hm, good question...//
''Lorenzo'': // Surely these would be better circumstances than teaching via videoconferencing, that's not really up to date anymore.//
''Marina'': //We could finally carry out binding, decentralized examinations, because with SimRooms it could then be ensured that nobody cheats //
''Karin'': // Fortunately the upgrade is optional, because I'm still very skeptical. We could easily be replaced by a virtual teacher at some point. That scares me a bit. //
''Lorenzo: ''//I don't think it will come to that. Software and other highly developed systems can't hold a candle to us humans when it comes to human interaction.//
Karin: //There are enough jobs that have become extinct thanks to technological progress.//
Frank": //And also enough new professions that have been created as a result!//
''You ask: ''//Do you think that the upgrade will always remain optional?//
''Karin'': //I think so. Meanwhile SimRooms is indispensable for education. There would certainly be resistance if a company like Mycosoft were to set the course for how we are to teach in the future with functions across the board. //
''Frank'': //Now don't paint so black! It just gives us more options and you can decide for yourself what you want to use. I will definitely try it.//
[[The discussion is not well-founded enough for you, you decide to leave the teachers' room ->Prüfungen Nachmittag]]
[[You would like to stay seated for a while ->C Lehrerzimmer Klima]]
Lorenzo is already waiting for you in front of the restaurant //Flying Wok//. You greet each other and look for a free table. There is a hectic hustle and bustle in the open show kitchen and the service staff runs between the tables in a rush with covered plates. You are greeted fleetingly, but you don't realize who and where the greeting came from. You sit down at the large panorama window.
''Lorenzo:'' // What's wrong with you? You look a bit worn out...//
''You:'' // I had a somewhat agitated morning. Let's order first, then I'll tell you everything.//
You both take out your cell phone, on which the order interface of the "Flying Wok" appears immediately. Lorenzo chooses the spicy vegetable soup with electrolytes, while you order the Pulled Seitan with vitaminized rice. You will receive a message from your CryptoWallet that the amount for your meal has just been debited.
While you stare out of the window into the void, Lorenzo makes his presence known by clearing his throat. You apologize and tell him what happened earlier. He listens to you attentively.
Lorenzo:'' //OK... and why didn't you just generate a short check in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] and have her write it in the half hour before our appointment?//
A waiter puts your meals on the table and removes the hygienic lids. You nod to each other and start eating.
''You mean:'' //I know this would have been possible with DigiTeach, I'm sure. But I don't think this is fair to the other students. If it had been, I would have had to give everyone the opportunity to improve it.//
Lorenzo: ''//You and your honorable principles... I understand that and you actually did the right thing. But don't take it to heart - we are doing great here.//
''You:'' // Do you think so? Really?//
''Lorenzo:'' //Yes, of course! We all have an unconditional basic income, we do and work what we enjoy and if not, we can always learn something new. That's great, isn't it?//
''You reply:'' //You are right. Maybe I should take some time out again to learn new things. At some point I have to develop myself again.//
''Lorenzo: ''//Think about it! Come on, let's go to the teachers' room and have a cup of coffee.//
You leave the restaurant and walk back to the school building together.
[[You enter the teachers' room ->C Lehrerzimmer VR]]
While you are eating your warm sandwich, doubts keep coming up in you whether your decision to give Simona another chance was right // What if she fails the test again? Is this procedure unfair to the other students? Why is your special assignment not compensated? Was it all for nothing? Why do such situations have to occur at all?//
You discard your doubts again and are convinced that in the near future there will certainly be a technological solution that can prevent such situations from occurring in the first place.
You decide to finally dedicate yourself to the professional article of EduTechHub.eu. Through this portal you will regularly obtain information about innovative technologies in education and exchange information with teachers of your subject:
(display: "Fachartikel VR")
You have to stop reading prematurely, because Simona has finished her exam in the meantime.
''Simona:'' //$anrede $lastname I am finished. Can I go to the lunch break?//
''You answer:'' // No, please wait a moment. With (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] I can have your test evaluated within seconds and tell you your result right away?//
[[You let the exam evaluate automatically ->Simona Prüfungsauswertung]]
After the classroom has emptied, you randomly take a look at the submissions and are amazed to find that everything you look at has been solved correctly without exception. You smile smugly until it occurs to you how pleased Arvid and others were when you confirmed that the exam was solved in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]].
You get suspicious and your pride just sinks into the basement.
''You are talking to yourself:'' // Damn, these are almost all students who work in the security area. Something is fishy here! There hasn't been a class yet that had solved everything completely right.//
You look at other tasks and this one too: without exception correctly solved. Even individual solutions and everything right.
''You ask yourself:'' //Have you really done such a good job with this class?//
You decide to have a closer look at it tomorrow at home. Suddenly (link-repeat: "SimRooms")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C SimRooms")]] on your computer opens with a message:
<div class="form">''Revolutionary upgrade for SimRooms!''
Install the latest version of SimRooms now and benefit from groundbreaking quality in simulations and experiments with your learners. An exam mode also allows you to run decentralized exams with corresponding monitoring functions. Take advantage of our improved VR engine today to take your teaching skills to the next level in a flexible and location-independent way!</div>
The conversation in the teachers' room goes through your mind again...
[[You are skeptical and close the message, as well as SimRooms ->M wieder mehr Mobilität]]
[[You want to try it and install the update ->G Forcierte Prüfungen mit SimRooms II]]
<div class="form">''To all teachers of the Professional School Zurich''
The current development regarding the mental health of students in Switzerland has been taken very seriously by education policymakers. In addition to three incidents at our school, at least 49 other cases have been registered in the canton of Zurich, which were identified as a direct consequence of the high pressure to perform in education and the world of work.
In this respect, the parliament has decided today with an immediate decree:
* The use of the (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")] will be restricted as of next week
* Only final diplomas and job references are kept in it
* All competences and performance records are synchronized with the databases of the educational institutions and will in future only be maintained there
* The CompetenceChain is renamed to (link-repeat: "CV-Chain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G CV-Chain")]]
In addition, the Federal Office of Happiness has recorded an enormous increase in the number of inquiries to the support center, which means that a basic supply of psychological support can no longer be provided.
For these reasons, the parliament has decided to continue:
* An App called (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G Aiuto")] will be launched for the Swiss population
* It should be able to provide all citizens with advice on administrative, legal and psychological matters
* The App is based on artificial intelligence, which is trained by a network of professionals from the field of psychology
* Aiuto will also include features tailored to the needs of learners and educational professionals</div>
You're not quite sure what to make of it and call Lorenzo.
''You ask:''// Have you seen the message from Herr Krause?//
''Lorenzo:'' // Yes, honestly I am not surprised. To have constant and lifelong transparency about your acquired competences is probably quite stressful, isn't it?//
''You:''// I think so too, yes. Aiuto will hopefully be able to help a little bit... Not that the learners keep bailing us out or even going crazy?//
"Lorenzo:''//Hahaha... But I don't see it that bad. In the current economic situation it makes sense that such decisions are being made faster and faster and that the technological tools are being expanded. Somehow we all have to be able to live our daily lives somehow.//
''You:''// Exciting time in which we live...//
After this intensive week [[you say goodbye quite exhausted into the weekend ->G Aiuto bei pers. Problemen]]
<div class="form">''To all teachers of the Professional School Zurich''
As you have certainly noticed, unlimited mobility has now become possible again for everyone. For this reason, all vocational schools will switch back to classroom instruction with 80% compulsory attendance from the week after next.
However, as we know from previous decades, higher mobility also leads to greater risks in the spread of infectious diseases. The Federal Office of Public Health has ordered that SimRooms must be linked to their epidemic monitoring system by means of an urgent update. Thus, if a temporary lockdown at the community level becomes necessary, (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] will automatically inform all persons affected by it and the lessons will be conducted virtually for them accordingly.
I therefore ask you to switch to SimRooms II in the next few days and to install the update of the BAG. This is the only way we can ensure that the lessons will be fair, if necessary.</div>
After the class has finished the exam and you have said goodbye to it, you will first enjoy eating the quinoa goji berry salad you brought with you.
[[Then, somewhat reluctantly, you install the upgrade to SimRooms II ->M Verwirrung Präsenz]]
After a relaxing weekend in the mountains, you start your lessons on Monday full of energy via video conference.
"You say to the class: ''// Good morning to each other! Before I introduce you to the upcoming topics in data management, I would like to give you (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "M Aiuto")] a short introduction.//
''Andreas:'' //Who is that?//
''You:'' //This is an App, which you can install on your cell phones. It is based on artificial intelligence and can help you with administrative questions about your training. For example, it also gives you the information whether face-to-face classes or virtual classes are taking place.//
''Simona:'' //And this would then take place in (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]]?//
''You:'' //exactly, you have received the upgrade, so great.//
''Michaela:'' //Can Aiuto help us with any problems as well?//
You answer:
[[No, Aiuto can't do that, for that I am at your disposal ->M Petition Abschaffung Prüfungen]]
[[Yes, most of the time you do, try it ->C Aiuto nützt begrenzt]]
After a relaxing weekend in your garden, you will start your lessons on Monday with a lot of energy via video conference.
"You say to the class: ''// Good morning to each other! Before I introduce you to the upcoming topics in data management, I would first like to know how you are doing?//
''Andreas:''// I am doing well. Last week was a bit stressful with all the exams, but at least now we can learn new things and work more again. And I think it's great that the CompetenceChain has been downgraded to (link-repeat: "CV-Chain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G CV-Chain")]]//.
"Simona:''// I don't think so... $anrede $surname, why don't you use (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] more often for teaching purposes?//
''You:''// Last week I did exams with SimRooms II and the solution can do a lot. Nevertheless I don't want to have to teach in virtual rooms all the time. //
''Lars:''// Well I think it would be cool. At work this weekend, thanks to the new upgrade, I was able to view some problems with foreign customers so much more efficiently.//
''You:''// I will surely use it more often if it makes sense, don't worry. But there has to be some variety as well.//
''Michaela:'' //$anrede $surname, what is actually (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G Aiuto")]]? This installed itself automatically on my cell phone yesterday and I haven't been able to try it yet.//
''Du:'' //The Federal Office for Happiness is currently quite overloaded with requests for personal assistance. This app is supposed to relieve their support center. It should be able to offer you help, for example if you have administrative questions about your education. If you have personal problems, I recommend ...//
[[to consult Aiuto as well ->G Aiuto entlastet]]
[[coming to me outside of class hours ->C Aiuto nützt begrenzt]]
''You:'' //Oh man, Lorenzo, confusion has also broken out among your students regarding attendance classes and SimRooms II?//
Lorenzo:'' //No...?!//
''You:'' // And this week I had an apprentice who changed the training and I didn't know about it. He also had no idea how to proceed formally. Somehow the administration doesn't work out so well for me at the moment...//
''Lorenzo:'' // Are you and your students (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "M Aiuto")]] not yet using the new system?//
''You:'' //No, what is that?//
''Lorenzo:'' //A virtual assistant that learners can consult on their cell phone. It has helped me enormously to reduce my administrative work to a minimum. Give it a try - but first allow yourself the weekend!//
[[You say goodbye thank you->M Aiuto bei Problemen]]
(set: $delegierend to "Ja")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'delegierend', Harlowe.State.variables.delegierend]);
The weeks of lessons pass and you work more and more with (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]], because you appreciate the advantages of it.
The semester is coming to an end and you feel that your workload has decreased noticeably in the last months, despite the same number of lessons. Especially the effort for administrative and personal support of your students seems to have decreased drastically. You assume that (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G Aiuto")]] is doing a good job here.
On your computer, you can take a look at the semester report of the Office of Education, in which the successful module completions are statistically evaluated throughout Switzerland and in which representative surveys of teachers are also included. The statistics confirm your assumption: the total working time of teachers has continuously decreased in relation to the number of lessons in the last months.
At the same time, the report mentions in its conclusion that despite a high use of Aiuto by students, the rate of drop-outs or breaks in training has increased significantly. Professionals could not explain this, but noticed an increase in psychological clinical patterns that were previously unknown and therefore hardly treatable.
This paragraph makes you think a little bit and you then close the report again. Now you discover a news entry on the website of the Office of Education that sounds exciting:
<div class="form">''Aiuto should support students even better in the future''
The Office of Education has started negotiations with the European consortium of universities, which is developing the innovative teaching solution (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]]. It is planned to integrate the successful App Aiuto, which offers valuable assistance to learners, into DigiTeach. The teaching solution should thus support the learners more comprehensively on their educational path and at the same time further relieve teachers.
The two implementation partners hope to achieve an even better learning experience in vocational training through this integral solution. However, a publication date has not yet been announced.
[[You call the principal Mr. Krause ->G Ankündigung Sabbatical]]
(set: $delegierend to "Jein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'delegierend', Harlowe.State.variables.delegierend]);
''You are talking to the class:'' //You are welcome to try (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "M Aiuto")]] if you need help. But keep in mind that the system is probably not fully developed yet. Better come directly to me if I can help you with something.//
The class confirms this with heaps of approving emojis in the video conference.
''You:'' //Also, you had mentioned earlier (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] - who is in favor of us using it for this morning's lessons?//
Nine out of twelve learners voted in favor. You load the learning content into SimRooms II and continue the lessons in the virtual classroom, which works surprisingly well. The morning passes quickly and the class does well in solving the exercises in the virtual room. After you have said goodbye to everyone, you devote yourself to preparing the afternoon lessons.
Then follows [[a video call from Michaela from the class from earlier -> C Michaela SimRooms Ãœbelkeit]]
(set: $delegierend to "Nein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'delegierend', Harlowe.State.variables.delegierend]);
''You are speaking to the class:'' //(link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "M Aiuto")]] can answer simple, administrative questions, the system is not capable of much more. If you have other problems or questions, please contact me directly. If you have questions regarding content, you can use (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")] as usual.//
The class confirms this in the video conference with heaps of approving emojis.
''You:'' //Also, you had addressed me earlier on (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] - who is in favor of us conducting this morning's lesson with it?//
Only two out of twelve learners voted in favor. So you continue the lessons via video conference.
At the end of the lesson, Michaela speaks up:
''Michaela:'' //$anrede $surname, I would like to come to you with a request, since you said you would be at our service.//
''You:'' // How can I help?//
''Michaela:'' //I am now speaking on behalf of my class. Last week we started an online petition to abolish exams in professional education. We noticed that more and more teachers automatically evaluate the exams and we wonder if this evaluation can be fair. We also find that there is too much pressure to perform and the intensive weeks of exams increase this pressure. We therefore demand that examinations be abolished and that instead selective and more regular performance reviews based on exercises be carried out. Less extensive than examinations, but integrated into the lessons instead.//
''You:'' //Oh, I hadn't expected that now...//
''Michaela:'' //We have already collected more than 53'000 signatures. Are you also for it and would you forward our request?//
''You:'' //I will certainly look at it, but promise you nothing.//
''Michaela:'' //Thank you, we would be very pleased!//
You say goodbye to the class and immediately look at the online petition. You are amazed, starting with the professional presentation and the approval the petition receives.
[[You sign the petition as well ->M Pro Prüfungsabschaffung]]
[[You do not endorse this petition and close it again ->M Contra Prüfungsabschaffung]]
After ten months of numerous broadening of horizons and exciting encounters, you return home deeply relaxed.
During your time out, you have decided to make your lessons much more personal again. The focus will be less on technology and more on the students as individuals. They should perceive you as a contact person who they can also consult in case of personal problems. And less the performance should be the top priority, but rather the personal happiness in learning.
With these thoughts in mind, you decide to re-sort your teaching material and prepare yourself a little bit for the coming semester.
To do this, you start your computer, which must first install 482 updates for the system and programs. You are still deeply relaxed and this circumstance does not bother you.
When the system stops working, open DigiTeach and [[a message is displayed ->G DigiTeach wird Marvin]].
(set: $technologieskeptisch to "Nein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'technologieskeptisch', Harlowe.State.variables.technologieskeptisch]);
<div class="form">''To all classes that visit modules at $anrede $surname''
For various reasons I decided today that I will no longer perform checks in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]].
However, I do not want to do without the functionality that allows you to have your exercises automatically corrected and evaluated. But the evaluations, if they are relevant for a competence assessment, I will personally check each one. </div>
The semester is slowly coming to an end and you notice that students are increasingly changing or even breaking off their education. You suspect that high professional mobility, the pressure to perform and the striving for constant individual happiness probably play a role in this. But nobody can confirm this to you and you accept these facts as a new reality.
[[Somehow it surprises you ... ->C Ende]]
(set: $technologieskeptisch to "Ja")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'technologieskeptisch', Harlowe.State.variables.technologieskeptisch]);
After class, you feel that you should inform all classes about this decision. You write them a message:
<div class="form">''To all classes attending modules at $anrede $lastname''
For various reasons I decided today that I will no longer perform checks in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]]. Also, I will no longer view automatically corrected or evaluated exercises in it.
You may of course still use the possibility that DigiTeach automatically corrects your exercises, but please keep in mind that some of the corrections may be incorrect. In the future, the primary purpose will only be to access the content database and to assign and distribute relevant exercises. </div>
You find that lately technology has been too much of a priority for your taste. That's why you have so far chosen a healthy middle ground in technology. You intend to continue to perceive the learners as individuals and to be there for them in the future to accompany them on a part of their educational path.
As your workload has increased over the last few months, you have decided to reduce your workload to gain more time to be there for your students outside of class.
[[You are probably wondering... ->M Ende]]
''Arvid:'' //Good day $anrede $surname! Aren't you a little early or do I not have the time under control?//
''You:'' //No, the class hasn't started yet, but I would like to talk to you for a moment. The exam from last week was just too good?//
''Arvid:'' // Thanks, I know that I have my talents in security.//
''You:'' // I rather meant too good to be true. And the whole class! I have found a weakness in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] and I assume that you are aware of it, otherwise you wouldn't have been so pleased that we would write the exam with it.//
"Arvid, a little nervous:'' // Um... yes... I have found a weakness. But I'm not the only one in the class. In the end, everyone knew about it and we actually solved the exam together in real time. Every person did their part. I hope you don't blame me alone?//
''You:'' // Thank you for your honesty. No, on the contrary - it shows me that you actually have talent, hahaha... But I guess we will have to declare the exam null and void and therefore we will have to double-check the next exam?//
Arvid:'' //OK... I think I can live with that.//
The lessons in the afternoon will be done via video conference and at the end of the last lesson you will inform the class about it,
[[that you do not perform checks in DigiTeach in the future ->M keine Leistungsüberprüfung in Digiteach]]
[[that you will report the security vulnerability to the manufacturers so that further tests can be performed in DigiTeach ->C Prüfungen weiter mit DigiTeach]]
As you prepare for the afternoon lessons in the //Mobile Device Security// module, you remember that this class had written an unrealistically good exam last week. You take another look at the exams in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] and are no longer sure whether you should trust the class or DigiTeach. You decide to talk to the class about it later.
You open a video conference again and greet the class.
''You:'' //Hello everyone. Before we start the class, I would like to introduce (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "M Aiuto")]]. This is an App, which is based on artificial intelligence and can help you with administrative questions about your education. For example, it also gives you the information whether face-to-face classes or virtual classes are taking place. Aiuto can answer simple administrative questions. If you have any other problems or questions, please contact me directly.//
''Dylan says:'' // Too bad, I thought this thing would also solve our exams automatically.//
You can hear laughter from individual class members.
''You say to the class:'' //If you are already addressing the topic: Last week's exam was extraordinarily good, at first sight you all seem to have achieved very good results. However, I will only communicate this to you bindingly in the next week of the exam. Nevertheless, the preliminary result makes me a little bit suspicious. What can you tell me about it?//
''Arvid:'' //That we are incredibly talented?//
While Arvid says this, Michaela's words come to your mind again. You wonder briefly how fair automatically evaluated exams can actually be.
You inform the class about your decision that in the future...
[[in DigiTeach you will only do sporadic performance tests based on exercises ->C Punktuelle Leistungsüberprüfungen DigiTeach]]
[[will not perform any more checks in DigiTeach ->M keine Leistungsüberprüfung in Digiteach]]
... how the story may evolve?
It's in your hands!
<div class="wonderland"></div>
[[To the evaluation ->Auswertung]]
...how it could have come so far.
But at the same time you realize that you also have the future in your hands!
<div class="homer"></div>
[[To the evaluation ->Auswertung]]
... that this story ends here and in this way.
<div class="marvin"></div>
[[to the evaluation ->Auswertung]]
(set: $experimentierfreudig to "Ja")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'experimentierfreudig', Harlowe.State.variables.experimentierfreudig]);
The update installs itself within seconds and a completely new interface with countless functions and some messages appears before you. A bit overwhelmed and without any desire to try out new things, you close (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] again and set off for home.
When you wake up the next morning, your cell phone projects the latest headlines on the ceiling as it does every day and reads them to you simultaneously. This is followed by the missed notifications. At the top is a high priority message sent in the middle of the night:
<div class="form">''To all classes of $anrede $surname ''
Your teacher $anrede $nachname has chosen the revolutionary upgrade from SimRooms to support modern, virtual teaching. Your SimRooms installations have also been automatically upgraded so that you can all benefit from the latest features.
The most important new feature for education is the exam mode. Our data shows that you are all currently in an exam week. In order for your teacher to be able to use the exam mode from now on, you will be encouraged to ''stay at home and take the exams with your VR glasses on your computer. There is therefore no need to travel to the classrooms'' - the climate thanks you.
We wish you a wonderful experience and much success with the exams!
Your highly motivated SimRooms team from Mycosoft</div>
You swallow empty and are paralyzed for a few seconds. Then you get up and walk around like a tiger in your apartment until you calm down again. You sit at your computer and
[[uninstall the upgrade from SimRooms II ->G SimRooms II Uninstall]]
[[start SimRooms II to explore the exam mode ->G SimRooms II Prüfung]]
(set: $experimentierfreudig to "Nein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'experimentierfreudig', Harlowe.State.variables.experimentierfreudig]);
You leave the room, which locks automatically, and head home. When you are on the train, a message suddenly appears on your cell phone:
<div class="form">''Parliament releases unlimited mobility''
The drastic restrictions on individual mobility that have been imposed in recent years as a result of climate change will be lifted again from tomorrow. The energy turnaround has officially been achieved and all mobility based on renewable energies can once again be used without restriction. The quotas for public transport have also been lifted. </div>
Some people on the train start applauding while others call their friends. You are very happy that your lessons no longer have to be virtual and that you can see the learners more often. After all, you once chose this profession because you wanted to work with people.
In the evening, you will receive a credit in your CryptoWallet from the German Federal Railways. You open your travel app and find out why: due to the abolition of the contingent mobility in public transport, a higher demand is expected, which means that the ticket prices can be reduced immediately. Subscription holders will receive the price reduction as a percentage credit.
[[The next morning you start the second day of the exam in a good mood ->M Jens bricht ab]]
(replace: ?modalhooks)[{
position: fixed;
z-index: 1;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */
background-color: rgba(250,250,250,0.85);
margin: 15% auto;
padding: 42px;
width: 60%;
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
float: right;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 30px;
left: 20px;
top: -20px;
")+(link-repeat:"[x]")[(replace: ?modalhooks)[]]
(css:"display: none")[|passagename>[(print: (passage:)'s name)]]
var passageName = document.querySelector('tw-hook[name="passagename"] tw-expression').textContent;
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'ReadPassage', passageName]);
</script>The CompetenceChain is a collection of all competencies that a person has acquired, stored on the block chain. It is operated by the state. Decentralized, encrypted storage ensures that the data is stored in a forgery-proof and reliable manner.
Only state actors, educational partners and potential employers have full access to the CompetenceChain of a person. Prior to this, the person must grant access to an institution accordingly.
The CompetenceChain thus fulfills the function of a searchable database of CVs, in which recruiters can carry out queries for the skills they are looking for. Individuals can also statistically compare their competence portfolio with others, discover any gaps and plan their own training and further education in it.DigiTeach is a system that is available for teachers and learners throughout Europe. It is based on advanced machine learning and is developed in a cooperation of different universities and in close collaboration with governmental authorities. It supports the education industry with the following advantages:
* Learners and teachers will find an extensive database of teaching materials and documents, which are maintained by educational publishers
* Teaching material is automatically enriched with videos and you can also have the contents read aloud
* Exercise units help to learn content and are corrected by the system
* Based on already solved exercise units, recommends further or supporting contents
* The system can also be used to process and automatically correct checks
* The selection of primary content and practice units, as well as the compilation of exams, is carried out by the teachers
You will teach various technically oriented modules, for example, the data management module. The students in this module have very heterogeneous professional backgrounds, as these skills are in demand in application development, laboratory work, online marketers, data miners, etc. Your class in this module is rather manageable with 12 students.
Today is Monday and during this week the monthly exam week takes place, during which all teachers and students are in the school building throughout the week to hold exams, but also to discuss past exams and the assessments.
Classes are usually held via video conferencing and for practical simulations partly in virtual reality, since individual mobility has become more and more expensive in recent years due to climate conditions. Personal contingents for the use of public transport have also been introduced.
You have already supervised two exams this morning, and next you will provide your class in data management with the results of an exam from the previous month for review.
[[Into the classroom->Simona Resultate BC]]
(if: $empathisch is 0)[(set: $empathisch to "Nein")]<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'empathisch', Harlowe.State.variables.empathisch]);
Finally you can dedicate yourself to the professional article of EduTechHub.eu. Through this portal you can regularly obtain information on innovative technologies in education and exchange ideas with teachers in your field:
(display: "Fachartikel VR")
You have to stop reading prematurely because your cell phone reminds you to run now to meet Lorenzo on time.
[[You run off and meet Lorenzo in front of the restaurant ->Mittagspause Lorenzo]]
(set: $empathisch to "Ja")
You are concerned with Simona's situation and you find it morally not quite okay that she now has a correspondingly poor performance record in her (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")]]. You make a video call with the principal Mr. Krause and explain the situation to him.
''Mr. Krause:'' //$anrede $surname, I can understand your concerns, but you have acted quite correctly in this situation. Now the family help will take care of Simona's circumstances and the result of the exam has to be saved according to reality.
''You mean:'' // I already know that, but I still don't think it is right, because Simona can't really do anything for your situation.//
''Mr. Krause:'' //I understand, but you have acted in the sense of the school framework. If the situation concerns you personally, please contact the Federal Office for Happiness, they are there to help us all.//
''You answer:'' //You are right, thank you very much. I will get in touch with them. See you soon!//
You realize that your actions were right, but that there is something personally dissatisfying about them. If you are dissatisfied, you are encouraged to seek the help of the Federal Office of Happiness. You strike yourself on the forehead and say to yourself that you could have come up with that yourself.
Then you open the app of the Federal Administration on your cell phone and [[make a video call to the support center of the Federal Office for Happiness ->C Support Glücksministerium]].
''Frau Schmied:'' //Guten Tag $anrede $surname, how may I help you?//
You tell Frau Schmied what had happened, what your problem with it is and that you don't want to put obstacles in Simona's way for her professional future.
''Frau Schmied:'' //Best thanks for your execution, I understand very well how you feel. Probably I can help you with some self-reflection. It is natural that Simona is probably a bit frustrated at the moment and that you have a bad conscience. But look, $anrede $surname, this is only short term and will pass again. Simona can repeat these modules if she has insufficient results in less than 10% of her performance records. This way her performance in the (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")]] will be overwritten and the matter is settled.//
''You mean:'' //OK, I see, so she has it in her own hands.//
''Mrs. Smith:'' //exactly! Simona has to take care of it accordingly and that does not have to burden you. You do a good job, $anrede $surname. You can be happy and not make your happiness dependent on others.//
"You say: ''//Best thanks, that helps me a lot. I feel much better already! Goodbye!//
"Frau Schmied:'' // We are here for that! Enjoy your lunch break!//
Relieved, you put your cell phone on the table and are once again glad that the support center of the Federal Office for Happiness always helps you.
[[You now dedicate yourself to the professional article you wanted to read ->C Artikel VR]]
<div class="form">''Mycosoft rolls out groundbreaking upgrade for SimRooms''
The Mycosoft Group, according to its own statements, is making a comprehensive functional upgrade for the virtual reality solution (link-repeat: "SimRooms")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C SimRooms")]] available with immediate effect. The top dog for remote schooling now offers the possibility to carry out simulations and experiments in everyday work, as well as interactive work meetings. For this purpose, Mycosoft has put 112 data centers worldwide into operation, which have been optimized especially for //SimRooms//, since virtual reality requires correspondingly specialized rendering hardware.
The solution, which has so far mainly been used in education and has fundamentally revolutionized teaching, is now to be given a test mode. This is intended to reduce the need to travel for exams and further relieve the environment. Also so the equal chances are to be increased, since the high costs for mobility would have to carry frequently the learning.
The CEO of Mycosoft commented on Tiddler:
// Climate protection and the barrier-free education of all people is just as important to us as increasing the user experience and quality of simulations in virtual reality. That is why we are particularly proud of this revolutionary upgrade.//
Organizations in the world of work fear that this could be the next step towards further minimizing personal support in vocational training. A more intensive use of virtual reality in education, coupled with the latest machine learning possibilities, could probably affect the role of teachers more than ever before. </div>
After you run the correction algorithm over Simona's check, (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] reports back that her result is just barely insufficient. You frown and are perplexed for a moment, the doubts from before come up again.
Simona seems more nervous again and hardly dares to ask, but overcomes herself nevertheless:
''Simona:'' //Have I not passed? That can't be true - I really hope that I haven't ruined my (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")]] now! I can't afford that!//
''You respond:'' //A moment please, I need to take a closer look at this.//
As you take a closer look at her exam, you notice how your heart rate is increasing. You come across a task that is not clearly formulated in the language. But Simona's solution is technically correct and you decide to override the evaluation for this task. You notice another task for which DigiTeach does not seem to have a comparison solution. Simona has also solved this task correctly. You look at Simona and see the desperation written all over her face.
''You say to her:'' //You solved the exam well, don't worry, this time almost everything went smoothly!
''Simona:'' //Ah, thank God! Thank you very much, $anrede $surname!//
''You:'' // I have just saved the result in your CompetenceChain.//
Relieved, she packs her things and says goodbye to her lunch break. You take three deep breaths and ask yourself when was your last longer break. Without finding the answer, you are at first happy to have a break now.
[[You go to the teachers' room ->C Lehrerzimmer VR]]
SimRooms comes from the software company Mycosoft and is one of the most advanced virtual reality solutions on the market. It was originally designed for the educational sector and the necessary VR glasses are provided to learners free of charge.
The solution allows the lessons to be partly virtual. For this purpose, students enter a virtual room in which any content can be loaded in order to work on it with learners. In this way, simple simulations or visualizations of professional practice are also possible.(set: $austauschfreudig to "Ja")
"Marina'': // What do you actually mean by the argumentation that this would further relieve the environment?//
"Karin'': // But that is marketing humbug! The restrictions in the mobility of the last years show nevertheless hardly more an effect. The climate data prove that a certain slowing down of the climate change has been achieved and the energy turnaround has almost been achieved?//
"You: ''//That sounds great - I hadn't dealt with that for a long time. To be a little more mobile again would be a nice perspective. Where did you get this information?//
"Karin: //My brother-in-law works at the energy authority and has sent me a lot of scientific publications - really exciting!//
"Lorenzo: ''//People, the exams continue. I wish you all a good time, in case we don't see each other again for a longer time.//
Everyone leaves the teachers' room and you make your way to your assigned classroom.
[[To the classroom ->Prüfungen Nachmittag]]
First of all you write down the goals for your time out:
* A longer trip, which should not be limited by the contingent of your mobility footprint
* Locomotion by means of a slow means of transport
* Have plenty of time to read
* Make new acquaintances in different countries
* A media and computer diet (your e-reader is excluded)
You decide to take your e-bike on a round trip across the continent: via Russia to South Korea, then back via China, India, Iran and Turkey. The route planner gives you nine months for this trip, including sights and plenty of rest periods. So it's perfect to be able to stay somewhere longer or to have a time buffer at the end.
After a careful preparation you say goodbye to friends and family and [[set off... ->G Rückkehr]].
(set: $improvisierfreudig to "Nein")
You try to start a downgrade from (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]], but it does not work. After a short research on the Internet you will learn that upgrading SimRooms is irreversible...
You curse silently and [[ start SimRooms II to explore the exam mode ->G SimRooms II Prüfung]].
(if: $improvisierfreudig is 0)[(set: $improvisierfreudig to "Ja")]<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'improvisierfreudig', Harlowe.State.variables.improvisierfreudig]);
Reluctantly and slightly angry you click through the messages in (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] and start the exam wizard. You can easily import the exam documents into the virtual classroom. The students of the module //language of business communication// have to write an intermediate exam in about one hour.
You set up the virtual classroom a little more and notice that even the number of chairs already corresponds to the expected number of participants. When you put on the VR glasses for a moment, you are amazed at the similarity of the room to the premises of your school building.
In the shower, you relax a little and say to yourself: //Whatever is going on here, I'm just going to try it out. If necessary, I will cancel this intermediate exam and everything will go on as usual. It'll be alright...// You'll even have time afterwards to have an extensive breakfast and treat yourself to your favorite coffee.
Back in the virtual classroom, you see that there are already some students waiting to be let in. SimRooms II places the students directly on the chairs, just as they would sit on their chairs at home.
''Tamara:'' //$anrede $surname, but now you are ready to experiment! Couldn't you have delivered the message a little earlier?//
''You reply:'' //I wish I had delivered something to you at all - the message was automatically sent through SimRooms II.//
''Tamara:'' //Ach so, Madame Technology is now making itself independent?//
''You:'' //So far it will go... we'll just try it now, it will be an interesting experience for sure. You already know simulations and exercises in VR - where is Jens now?//
Nobody can give you an answer why the 17th chair is still empty.
''You:'' //Well, I hope he can enter the virtual room later. Let's start - in a few seconds you should have the exam in front of you. I wish you good luck and just behave as if we were in a real classroom. //
The class eagerly starts to solve the exam and you find that this has worked quite well until here.
''Daniela:'' //$anrede $surname, when I turn my head to the side, the picture gets blurred. I cannot look at my classmates at all.//
While she is saying this, SimRooms II shows you that the communication is just between Daniela and you.
"You:'' //Hmm ... that makes sense. This is probably to prevent that you can write each other off. The image quality of this new VR engine is amazingly realistic.//
While you talk to Daniela, a button appears to talk to the whole class instead. You can also move around the classroom without anyone noticing. You are quite impressed.
[[Time flies while you try all the monitoring functions... ->G Causa Jens]]
When the first delivery arrives, the corresponding student is removed from his chair at the same time. One person after the other disappears from their chair with a fade-out effect and you are somewhat astonished by this impersonal act. (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] shows you 16 out of 17 submissions and you remember again that Jens still hasn't shown up.
In this moment your cell phone vibrates and you take off your VR glasses. An incoming video call from the principal Mr. Krause.
''Mr. Krause:'' //$anrede $surname, we have a problem! First of all: You are not the only teacher who installed the upgrade of SimRooms and therefore had to do the exams virtually. Others have already raved about it...//
''You:'' //With me, everything worked out wonderfully, too. What is the problem?//
''Mr. Krause:'' //Your student Jens... he hadn't seen the notification and came today regularly into the school building. When he stood in front of the locked door, he started to step on it and screamed: I MUST WRITE THIS EXAM! MY COMPETENCECHAIN MUST NOT HAVE ANY GAPS!//
''You:'' //Oh no, where is he now?//
''Herr Krause:'' //I found him in front of the locked door, just before he had collapsed. The psychiatric service has already picked him up and is now taking care of him. I just wanted to inform you. Next I have to get an overview of the situation and talk to other school principals. I will get back to you later. //
[[You prepare for the next upcoming exam in SimRooms II ->G Prüfungswoche mit SimRooms II]]
[[You will inform your classes that all exams will take place in the school premises as originally planned ->G Prüfungswoche ohne SimRooms II]]
(set: $resilient to "Ja")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'resilient', Harlowe.State.variables.resilient]);
You conduct all the remaining exams of the week with (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] and gain some valuable experience in using them. However, students are always missing - above average often, as you find. However, you will not hear of any further incidents like the one Jens had.
But you don't know how the studens feel about this kind of exam, because they are always removed from their chairs and disappear right after the exam.
Your plan is to take a survey to find out how they are doing when the regular classes start again next week.
It is Friday afternoon and [[you will receive a message from Mr. Krause ->G Massnahmen CV-Chain und Aiuto]]
(set: $resilient to "Nein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'resilient', Harlowe.State.variables.resilient]);
The other exams during the week are all held on the school premises. Nevertheless, there is always a lack of students - above average often, as you find. However, you do not hear of any further incidents like the one Jens had.
You plan to discuss the reasons for the absences with the students individually as soon as regular classes start again next week.
It is Friday afternoon and [[you receive a message from Mr. Krause ->G Massnahmen CV-Chain und Aiuto]]
Aiuto is an app provided by the Swiss Confederation and is based on virtual assistant and artificial intelligence technologies. It is based on virtual assistant and artificial intelligence technologies, and offers the following advanced functions for the education sector by means of a voice dialog or text input:
* Advice on training planning
* Administrative support in the interaction with authorities and educational partners
* Psychological support and regular wellbeing check-ups
* Reporting misconduct by classmates or teachers
Aiuto works with a personalized assistant, which can be customized accordingly, similar to an avatar. You can choose the appearance, voice and name of the assistant yourself. In this way, a certain closeness and a greater trust to your personal assistant can be established.
The applicable data protection laws, which are considered rather strict in a global comparison, are taken into account accordingly in Aiuto.The CV-Chain is a collection of job references and diplomas that a person has acquired, stored on the Blockchain. It is operated by the state and decentralized, encrypted storage ensures that the data is stored in a forgery-proof and reliable manner.
Only educational partners and potential employers have the necessary access to the CV-chain of a person. Prior to this, the person must grant access to an institution accordingly.
The CV-Chain thus fulfills the function of an unalterable database of CVs, in which potential employers can check a candidate's diplomas, qualifications and previous achievements. SimRooms II comes from the software company Mycosoft and is one of the most advanced virtual reality solutions on the market. It was originally designed for the educational sector and has also introduced important functionality for everyday work through a comprehensive upgrade.
The VR engine of SimRooms II is almost photorealistic, for which Mycosoft operates 112 data centers worldwide with the corresponding rendering hardware.
The solution allows the teaching to be completely virtual by entering a virtual room where any content can be loaded to be worked on with learners.
SimRooms II also includes an advanced exam mode.Marvin is a fusion of DigiTeach and Aiuto. The solution is strongly based on Machine Learning and offers the following features:
* Individual training planning and content library for all vocational training modules
* Autodidactic, time and location independent learning
* Individual exercises and tests with intelligent evaluation
* Further or in-depth content, depending on the level of knowledge of the learners
* Regular encouragement for reflection and learning documentation
* Personal and psychological advice and assistance
''You:'' //Good afternoon Mr. Krause.//
''Mr. Krause:'' //Hello $anrede $surname. How can I help you?//
''You:'' //The semester is coming to an end and I am a bit tired because of the many changes, especially in technological terms.//
''Mr. Krause:'' //I can understand that. At the moment there is quite a lot of innovative power and willingness to change. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the future with great anticipation, because the quality of the educational paths for the learners and also the attractiveness for teachers seems to develop more and more positively.//
''You:'' // That may be good and I am also curious about further developments. But I think I need some time off to develop personally and gain new experiences. //
''Mr. Krause:'' // How long would you like to suspend your teaching activities?//
You:'' // I think one year would be optimal for me. //
''Mr. Krause:'' // I can arrange that with pleasure. Thus I change the remuneration mode to the unconditional basic income as of next month. I wish you a relaxing time and would be pleased to welcome you again in one year. //
''You:'' //Great, many thanks! You have a great time too!//
Full of anticipation you will finish the last week of exams and [[prepare yourself for your time out ->G Sabbatical]]
<h4>Concluding questions</h4>
I am very happy that you made it this far!
I would like to ask you to answer the following questions again about your attitude towards the technologies. This information will of course also be stored anonymously in Switzerland and will only be evaluated in the context of this research project.
<div class="form">By means of photorealistic virtual reality, a location-independent and personalized teaching is made possible, which also allows practical simulations.
How do you judge your attitude towards this technology?
(dropdown: bind $postVR, "please select...", "very open-minded", "curious", "neutral", "skeptical", "conservative")
Thanks to artificial intelligence, learners and teachers can access individualized assistance and counseling services, for example through virtual assistants.
How open are you to this technology?
(dropdown: bind $postAI, "please select...", "very open-minded", "curious", "neutral", "skeptical", "conservative")
Advanced cognitive computing systems support teachers in lesson planning and content selection, while learners are individually supported in their learning biography. This is made possible through the integration of Big Data, machine learning, language processing, and image recognition.
What is your attitude towards such a system?
(dropdown: bind $postCC, "please select...", "very open-minded", "curious", "neutral", "skeptical", "conservative")
To what extent has the story influenced your opinion at best?
<textarea maxlenght="1000" data-varname="postInfluences"></textarea>
Can you imagine this story becoming reality one day?
(dropdown: bind $postRealistic, "Please select...", "unimaginable", "rather not", "maybe", "rather imaginable", "sure")
Would you wish for such a future?
(dropdown: bind $postDesirable, "Please select...", "no way", "rather not", "partially", "rather yes", "absolutely")
What are – very spontaneous – your thoughts about the story?
<textarea maxlenght="1000" data-varname="postThoughts"></textarea></div>
[[Submit responses and view your interaction data ->Finita la commedia]]
<div class="form">''DigiTeach is now Marvin!''
The integration of Aiuto into DigiTeach brings many great features with it, so the solution is now called (link-repeat: "Marvin")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G Marvin")]].
Have fun with the numerous possibilities!</div>
You take note of the message in a relaxed manner and close it. Next you want to check the assignment of your modules in the coming semester. You open the tab for the classes and the following message appears:
<div class="form">''Abolition of classes''
Thanks to Marvin, students can independently compile their desired training content in consultation with their apprenticeship companies and learn it autodidactically. The artificial intelligence behind this enables quasi-personal supervision and the success rate of this model has led to teachers no longer being needed in their function.
Click (link-repeat: "here")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G Keine Jobs")]] to display open positions as a content creator at teaching aid publishers.</div>
[[You can hardly believe it... ->G Ende]]
There are currently no vacancies with publishers of teaching materials.
You remember that your afternoon class in the module //Mobile Device Security// had written an unrealistically good exam last week. You look at the exam template in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]] again and start playing around with the debug mode.
After a few tries you will succeed in provoking an error in DigiTeach that forces the check module to restart. During this sequence, you enter a few commands and suddenly the collaborative mode is activated.
This mode is actually intended for real-time group work and would have no place in exams. You get an idea what the class has done to achieve its very good results and you decide to ask Arvid about it.
Just before the lesson begins, [[you make a video connection with him ->C Arvid gesteht]]
''Michaela:'' //$anrede $surname, please excuse the interruption...//
She looks a little worn.
''You:'' // No problem, I told you that you can all come to me at any time. Are you feeling well?//
''Michaela:'' // Before, when I took off my VR glasses and wanted to get up, I had a strange orientation. I lost my balance and fell with my chin on the edge of the table. This has never happened to me before, so I immediately tried to find out what could be the reason with (link-repeat: "Aiuto")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "M Aiuto")]]. Unfortunately I did not get a reasonable answer.//
''You:'' // I thought so already... Hmm, I have already read about problems with orientation after a long time in virtual simulations. Also, the more realistic they are, the more pronounced this should appear.//
''Michaela:'' //I somehow miss sitting in a real classroom and being able to talk directly to people without digital aids in between.//
You:'' // I know what you mean... I will see to it that I (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")]] if possible use more punctual, and not for half the day.//
Michaela says thank you and you wish a nice lunch break. Your stomach is growling and since you don't feel like cooking, you order a vegetable casserole at //InstaVeg//. Just ten minutes later a delivery drone appears in front of your window and you enjoy your warm meal.
[[Afterwards, you devote yourself again to your afternoon lessons ->C Securityflaw DigiTeach]]
You report the vulnerability to the consortium of universities developing DigiTeach. You hope that it will be fixed before the next week of exams.
Then Arvid will contact you with a video call.
''Arvid:'' //$anrede $surname, I have to tell you honestly, I have found more than one weakness in (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")], quite a few even. I'm very interested in security and in my spare time I like to take software apart. I usually report weak points to the manufacturers as well.//
"You mean:'' // I am impressed!//
''Arvid:'' //That has already brought me one or the other attractive remuneration. But at DigiTeach I don't hope for much, because the consortium behind it is rather sluggish and I recommend not to use this system for tests or for relevant evaluations anymore.//
''You:'' //Thank you for your information - in that case I will be careful. But where DigiTeach has great advantages is in the automatic correction of the exercises you solve. I will not gladly do without that. I can still make up the evaluation manually //
''Arvid:'' //That sounds reasonable. I suppose you will still inform the class?//
''You:'' //Yeah, sure. I wish you a nice evening.//
''Arvid:'' // Thank you, you too! //
[[You will then inform all your classes ->C Punktuelle Leistungsüberprüfungen DigiTeach]]
You welcome the students of the module //Language of Business Communication//, who have to write an intermediate exam right away. You take this exam from your pool of teaching material, without using (link-repeat: "DigiTeach")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C DigiTeach")]].
''Tamara:'' //$anrede $surname, is it true that we now have to commute to school more often?//
''You:'' //I would speak less of "must" than of "may"...//
"Tamara:'' //Yes, but I have a rather long way to go to get here.//
"You:" //My commute is not short as well, but I can use the time productively. You could work on the train, review school material or do some entertaining reading.//
''Tamara:'' //Sure - I'll probably just have to get used to it.//
''You:'' //See it as a privilege - you can also meet new people in this way.//
''Daniela:'' // How will we write the exam today?//
''You:'' //I will provide you a web address right away. Naturally you will have to write some text for this exam. Accordingly I ask you to put on your headphones so that you are not disturbed. - Where is actually Jens?//
Nobody in the class can give you an answer. After you have provided the exam and everyone, equipped with your headphones, starts writing, you make a video call with Jens.
''You:'' // Good morning Jens. You should be writing an exam now, where are you? You know that the exam dates are compulsory?//
''Jens:'' //Good morning, $anrede $surname. I know that, but I started a new apprenticeship yesterday. The offer was better than the previous one and the training schedule also suits me a bit better. I have removed the modules that are not yet completed from my (link-repeat: "CompetenceChain")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "C CompetenceChain")]] accordingly, haven't you seen that?//
''You:'' //No, I don't watch it every day, so I didn't know about it?//
''Jens:'' //I didn't know myself in which system I would have had to formally log off. //
''You:'' //We do not have a system for this yet. You could have simply sent a message to the principal Mr. Krause... In any case, I congratulate you on your new position and wish you a good time, in case you don't see each other again in another module at best!//
''Jens:'' //Best thanks, I wish you that too!//
After the interview you will inform Mr. Krause briefly about Jens' change of training and job.
[[Just in that moment, you get a message from Mr. Krause ->M SimRooms Upgrade nötig]]
Aiuto is an app provided by the Swiss Confederation and is based on virtual assistant and artificial intelligence technologies. It is based on virtual assistant and artificial intelligence technologies, and offers the following advanced functions for the education sector by means of a voice dialog or text input:
* Advice on training planning
* Administrative support in the interaction with authorities and educational partners
* Legal advice in the event of a possible change of training
Aiuto works with a personalized assistant, which can be customized accordingly, similar to an avatar. You can choose the appearance, voice and name of the assistant yourself.
At first sight the upgrade to (link-repeat: "SimRooms II")[(display: "ModalWindow")(append:?modal)[(display: "G SimRooms II")] seems to be quite successful. The test mode with countless monitoring functions looks promising and very user-friendly.
Nevertheless, you hope inwardly that you will only rarely have to teach virtually and the anticipation of the reintroduction of face-to-face classes starting the week after next makes the rather monotonous exam days pass quickly.
On Friday, however, you will receive dozens of messages from your students, all of which are similar to the following:
<div class="form">''Good day $anrede $surname ''
Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure whether I have to be in the school building next week or the week after next for classes or not? On the one hand, Mr. Krause informed me that attendance classes are now mandatory, on the other hand an upgrade for SimRooms has been installed and it sends me a message every day asking me to try out the new possibilities of virtual teaching. It also says something about health in Switzerland and that no cases are known at the moment.
What does that mean? Can you help me further?</div>
After you have notified everyone that face-to-face classes will now take place again, but not until the week after next, open SimRooms II and find a setting that automatically informs your classes with the epidemic monitoring messages. You deactivate it with a sigh.
[[Then you call Lorenzo ->M Lorenzo empfiehlt Aiuto]]
(set: $leistungsorientiert to "Nein")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'leistungsorientiert', Harlowe.State.variables.leistungsorientiert]);
You sign the online petition and when the page reloads, more than 500 signatures are added. You feel that you support an important cause and forward the petition to your closest friends from the teaching staff.
Your stomach is growling and since you do not feel like cooking, you order a vegetable casserole from //InstaVeg//. Just ten minutes later a delivery drone appears in front of your window and you enjoy your warm meal.
[[Afterwards you dedicate yourself to the preparation of your afternoon lessons ->M Entscheid Leistungsüberprüfung DigiTeach]].
(set: $leistungsorientiert to "Ja")<script>
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Decided', 'leistungsorientiert', Harlowe.State.variables.leistungsorientiert]);
After you have closed the online petition again, Michaela's words go through your mind again. But then you think to yourself that only an examination can provide a fair basis for comparison in the assessment of competencies. Nevertheless, you are curious to see whether the petition will actually make a difference.
Your stomach is growling and since you do not feel like cooking, you order a vegetable casserole from //InstaVeg//. Just ten minutes later a delivery drone appears in front of your window and you enjoy your warm meal.
[[Afterwards you dedicate yourself to the preparation of your afternoon lessons ->M Entscheid Leistungsüberprüfung DigiTeach]].
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung VR', Harlowe.State.variables.postVR]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung AI', Harlowe.State.variables.postAI]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Haltung CC', Harlowe.State.variables.postCC]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Einfluss', Harlowe.State.variables.postInfluences]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Realistisch', Harlowe.State.variables.postRealistic]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Wuenschenswert', Harlowe.State.variables.postDesirable]);
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Answered', 'Post-Gedanken', Harlowe.State.variables.postThoughts]);
Many thanks for your time and valuable inputs!
if (typeof _paq !== 'undefined') {
_paq.push([ function() { visitor_id = this.getVisitorId(); }]);
var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1;
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
dd = '0'+dd;
mm = '0'+mm;
today = yyyy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd;
var mURL1 = "https://edutech.rootsystems.ch/m/index.php?date=";
var mURL2 = "&module=Widgetize&action=iframe&visitorId=";
var mURL3 = "&idSite=1&period=day&moduleToWidgetize=Live&actionToWidgetize=getVisitorProfilePopup&token_auth=053a645bd9c6bbaba0ea422272f6c342";
var persLink = mURL1 + today + mURL2 + visitor_id + mURL3;
}, 100);
$('#persLink').on( 'click', function() {
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Opened', 'Report']);
else {
}, 100);
<span id="byemsg">
Under the following link you can transparently trace your path of interaction and the data resulting from your decisions:
<a href="#" target="_blank" id="persLink">your personal story trail</a>
This link was created for this browser session. If you want to call it up again later, you should copy and save it.